What pains during contractions before childbirth: what can be compared, how to relieve?

Many women for whom pregnancy is their first experience are worried that they will not be able to determine in due time exactly when the birth begins. Therefore, some sensations in the last days of the term can scare them. What pains during contractions before childbirth? How to distinguish false contractions from those that just precede the appearance of the baby? What are these feelings like?

What hurts during contractions before childbirth?

It is advisable for any expectant mother to have an idea about all this, and in advance to avoid stress. And as you know, nothing good can be expected from the latter. One thing is certain with certainty - everything is purely individual: someone experiences severe pain, while others can endure.

What are contractions?

To begin with, let's delve a little into the essence of this phenomenon in order to understand what fights are in general. And let's start, perhaps, with a small anatomical introduction, namely from the cervix. In fact, it is a muscle ring and in its usual state it is closed around the pharynx of the genital organ. From it comes a smooth muscle structure that forms the walls of the uterus.

With the approach of the birth term, the pituitary gland of the fetus, together with the placenta, begins the production of special substances that provoke the onset of labor (for example, the hormone oxytocin). Under their influence, the uterine pharynx begins to open up to 10-12 cm.

The reproductive organ contracts in volume, which leads to an increase in intrauterine pressure. In this case, under the influence of hormones, the cervix then relaxes, then opens due to weak and strong contractions. So the body is preparing for the birth of a child. This explains why pain during contractions is felt to varying degrees. In other words, a scrum is a wave-like contraction of the muscular structure of the genital organ.

Visualization "snail"

For a more accurate representation of muscle movements, you can use the visualization of a crawling snail. Everyone certainly saw such a picture, at least on TV. On its sole, starting from the tail and in the direction of the head, a wave passes, which occurs due to the tensing muscles. This pushes the snail forward.

Almost the same thing happens with the uterus: not all of it is tensed at the same time. The upper part of the organ is more “muscular," and it is it that squeezes the fetal bladder. The latter puts pressure on the lower part of the uterus, where the muscles are smaller, and it does not shrink, but stretches. At the same time, the cervix is ​​a weak link in this entire “system”, therefore it experiences the greatest pressure from the fetal bladder, which leads to its opening.

What are the sensations of labor in pregnant women?

It should be borne in mind that not a single woman can control the contractions, but she can manage the attempts, where the muscles of the perineum, abdominal wall, including the diaphragm, take part. It is for this reason that the midwives are asking the expectant mother to push or restrain herself for several seconds.

How to compare pain during contractions?

During the period when the genital organ tenses or stretches, the blood flow to its muscular structures is blocked.

In addition, there is pressure on the nerve endings that go to the uterus. Actually, this determines the nature of the sensations that a pregnant woman experiences. The pain may be dull or irregular (that is, occur periodically). But which is characteristic, each expectant mother perceives these sensations in her own way. It all depends on the location of the child, the uterus, and also on how much the nerve endings are compressed.

And how does the stomach hurt during contractions during the attempts? The process of promoting a child through the birth canal is perceived equally by all women. Discomfort is felt in the vagina, rectum, perineum, and the nature of the pain itself is quite acute.

That is why in many women these reactions of the body cause concern. Did the contractions really start, or is it a sign of some kind of disease? There will be no reason to panic if you have at least some idea of ​​the process.


The beginning of the first fight falls on the upper point of the genital organ, gradually, slowly, it spreads over all its muscular structures. It feels like the fibers are pulled, but then everything weakens. Moreover, the first appearance of such "symptoms" is usually not accompanied by pain, rather it is a manifestation of discomfort.

Some women still experience pain in the lower back at the time of the onset of labor. This is mainly due to the location of the child: his face is facing the spine, and he moves the occipital part of the head. Those girls who are pregnant for the first time can be a little scary, but experienced women will not confuse this condition with anything else.

Why pain during contractions?

As a rule, during this period, pregnancy permissions during contractions of abdominal pain are not strong and do not cause women much concern. Therefore, it is better to just relax and rest before the upcoming process. But the birth of a child requires the application of force from the mother, and sometimes considerable. And how quickly the birth will proceed, in many respects depends on the woman herself.

Those representatives of the beautiful half of humanity who are experiencing difficulties regarding fights should take on their character:

  • Having first appeared, subsequently they pass with a certain regularity.
  • Over time, the interval between contractions decreases.
  • Pain sensations begin to gradually increase.

These signs indicate that labor pains began, this is not a symptom of any disease. In this case, the main symptom is the regularity of sensations. The first contractions can take place with an interval of 30 minutes, subsequently it is reduced.

What hurts during contractions before childbirth?

The sensations experienced by a pregnant woman in the very last hours before delivery are more intense and lasting. At first they are light and short, but then they grow, become more intense, longer, and for some women they even turn out to be painful.

Just before the birth itself, the duration of labor is about 60 seconds at short intervals. Many mothers feel the attempts, and they have a desire to visit the toilet as soon as possible. According to the testimonies of many women, these feelings cannot be confused with anything: there is a feeling that in the end a watermelon will be born.

Other women who are interested in what hurts during contractions before childbirth noticed uterine “stony” during contractions. This condition is easily felt, it is enough to put a hand to the stomach. But in addition to this, just before the birth process begins, women can experience pain in the lower back and lower abdomen.

Delivery process

What does a woman experience during childbirth? During this period, fights become more rapid and intense. These feelings are the most painful, although some women claim that they experienced only discomfort, and there was no severe pain. Something like pain during menstruation.

What hurts during contractions before childbirth?

In the process of resolving from pregnancy, pain during contractions will in any case be present in all women, since this is inevitable due to the physiological characteristics of the birth process. This should not be regarded as a pathology, it is a normal reaction.

In the process of giving birth, the contractions gain "maximum speed", and when the cervix is ​​fully open, one scrum quickly changes to another. Periods of relaxation become almost invisible. Often, under the influence of emotions, a woman does not notice them at all: it seems to her that each subsequent fight begins immediately after the previous one. In fact, there are gaps, but they are fleeting.

With strong contractions, a woman begins to feel attempts. This indicates the final stage of childbirth (exile). Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back is weakened, and all the pain is now transferred to the perineum.

Chest pain

This is another answer that hurts during labor during labor. Many expectant mothers begin to experience discomfort in the chest, being in a position or in front of the birth itself. There is no need to worry about this, as this is normal. It is worth worrying when there is no chest pain at all. This may indicate the development of a hidden pathology or indicate a different health problem.

By the end of pregnancy, the breast is enlarged, and it is noticeable, which is due to the proliferation of glandular tissue. The pain itself is caused by stretching of the skin and capsules inside the chest. In addition, pain can be caused by the formation of the milk ducts and a slight increase in the nipples. Typically, in some women, soreness occurs already at the beginning of pregnancy, while others begin to experience these sensations only before childbirth.

Chest pain during pregnancy

As for the intensity of chest pain, it is usually tolerant and does not cause much concern. Also, these sensations are due to the formation of colostrum, and the body itself is preparing for the birth of the baby. In the absence of chest pain, it is likely that colostrum will not form and subsequently the baby will not receive full breastfeeding.

False contractions

Thinking about what pains during contractions before childbirth, it is worth considering the presence of this type of contractions. At the same time, they may appear during physical activity or with a sharp movement. Closer to the end of pregnancy, they increase.

It should be borne in mind that changes in the hormonal background begin immediately after fertilization of the egg and continue throughout the entire period of gestation. In this regard, uterine contractions can begin long before childbirth. Thus, the genital organ and cervix are preparing for the upcoming birth of the baby. But this is still not the contractions that precede childbirth, it is rather a preparatory stage. Such contractions are called Braxton-Hicks contractions, false or training.


Those women who have already passed the path of pregnancy and are now expecting the birth of a new baby already know what is at stake, and can easily distinguish false contractions from real fights. These feelings cannot be confused with anything else. But what to do for those for whom pregnancy is the first experience, because they do not have the slightest idea about what pains during contractions before childbirth? You can’t run headlong into the clinic every time with any unpleasant symptom.

First you need to rely on your own feelings:

  • Training fights always take place painlessly, in extreme cases, a woman may experience discomfort in the form of feelings of a pulling or aching character. You can feel the uterus contracting, and the contractions are localized in the upper or lower abdomen with a return to the inguinal region.
  • Pain sensations are localized in only one zone and do not affect the lower back and other parts of the body.
  • They arise, as a rule, unexpectedly, after which they gradually subside. Often this happens in the evenings or at night, when a woman is in a relaxed state. But sometimes discomfort can be felt after physical exertion or stressful situations.
  • Training fights last no more than a minute and, moreover, the interval of their appearance is heterogeneous. The amount of their appearance is also different: you can observe up to 6 times, both during one hour, and throughout the day.

In this regard, the surest way to distinguish real fights from false ones is to fix their duration and frequency.

Braxton hicks contractions

In addition to the absence of an increase in intensity, they are repeated in a chaotic order, that is, a clear sequence is completely eliminated.

What can be done?

We have already figured out what pains during labor before labor, now is the time to find out how women can ease their condition. With the appearance of real contractions, it is worth preparing for the birth of a child, and until they become regular, it's time to do personal hygiene, notify relatives about the next event, and get ready to go to the maternity hospital.

When the contractions have already acquired a permanent character, in the break between them it is better to walk or lie on your side (just not on your back) or take a sitting position, periodically changing your pose.

Actions to be avoided during contractions:

  • take a horizontal position;
  • eat;
  • lure medicine;
  • put pressure on the hip joint.

In case of worsening, with the appearance of bloody discharge, dizziness should immediately go to the maternity ward. It is best to call an ambulance. The main thing at this time is to avoid unrest, make informed decisions, monitoring your own condition and your child.

There is no way to determine exactly when to go to the hospital. Nevertheless, if the interval between contractions was reduced to 7-10 minutes, you should not hesitate anymore - the time for delivery has come, and you need to get to the maternity ward as soon as possible.

Breathing technique

How to relieve pain during labor contractions? To do this, it is worth mastering a simple breathing technique. At the same time, a woman can not only relax, but also provide her body and child with enough oxygen. In addition, this has a beneficial effect on the opening of the uterus.

Technique of breathing during contractions and childbirth

Unfortunately, many expectant mothers are skeptical of this really useful technique. In the lessons of the school for the preparation of expectant mothers for childbirth for a period of 30 to 32 weeks, women are taught the breathing technique, which will make it easier for them to endure the process of the baby's appearance. At the same time, it is necessary to master it so that subsequently everything is carried out automatically.

Proper breathing depends on the intensity of contractions and their phase. The main thing is to observe one important rule - the stronger and longer the contraction, the more often the breath. How to relieve pain during contractions:

  • Breathe deeply and slowly. This technique is relevant during the latent phase of contractions, when contractions cause only discomfort and are not accompanied by pain. Inhalation takes place briefly and quickly, followed by a slow and long exhale. In this case, inhalations are made through the nose, and exhalations through the mouth (lips should be pulled into a tube). It is better to keep a score - by inspiration up to 3, and on exhalation up to 5.
  • "Candle". The technique is suitable when the contractions gained their intensity and became long. In this case, you should breathe often and superficially. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth (lips extended). That is, breathing should be performed as if necessary to blow out a candle. To complete the contractions, you can apply the method above (deep and slow breathing). The appearance of mild dizziness is associated with hyperventilation of the lungs. In addition, as this technique is completed, endorphins are produced in the body, which helps reduce pain.
  • "The big candle." The technique is as follows: inhale through a stuffy nose, and exhale through almost closed lips. This is recommended to be done by the end of the first stage of labor.
  • Early attempts. At this time, the head is already starting to sink, but the cervix is ​​not yet fully open. How to reduce pain during contractions in this case? You should change position - stand up or squat. At the beginning of contraction, breathe a "candle." Apply the technique until the end of contractions. Between contractions, breathe freely.
  • “Dog” - also breathe often and superficially (as in the “candle” method), but already through the mouth, as dogs usually do.
  • Technique in attempts. At the very beginning, try to take a maximum breath and push "into the crotch", making efforts to advance the child. Just don’t need to push “in the face”, otherwise you can’t avoid rupture of the vessels of the retina and headache. At the same time during one fight push three times. With the advent of the head, attempts should be stopped, breathing in the style of "doggy". Next, the midwife will say when again you need to start pushing. As a result, the child appears completely.

After the appearance of the baby, a placenta (placenta with umbilical cord) should come out.

How to reduce pain during contractions?

When it is separated from the walls of the genital organ, the pain may resume, but its intensity is not as strong as at the beginning of childbirth. In this case, you don’t need to make special efforts, just push a little, and the last will leave the uterus.

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