Diocese of Valuy: at the crossroads of opinions

In the film "Brother-2" there was a phrase that was remembered by the audience: "What is the strength?" The answer to this question became a guide for those who lost direction during times of change (1990). Years passed, the life format changed, but the topic is still relevant today. But from the material plane it passed into the realm of the spirit, although its meaning remained unchanged: people perish for metal. However, given the signs of the times, and in the context of the events that took place in the Valuy diocese, this phrase may sound different: souls perish for metal.

The southernmost city of the Belgorod region

The city of Valuyki was founded back in 1593 on the right bank of the river of the same name. Today, from this district center to the border with Ukraine - 15 km. To Belgorod, which is the regional center, from the city of Valuyki - 152 km. As it turned out during archaeological excavations, people lived in these places, from the Paleolithic era to the Bronze Age, inclusive. However, more discoveries are possible: the region is rich in surprises.

Temple of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Valuyki

The history of the spiritual life of the Valuy diocese cannot be called stable: in 1920 the Valuy Vicariate was founded, subordinate to the Voronezh diocese. The head of the department was appointed Bishop Philip Perov, who two years later left his post, dodging a split.

I must say that the fate of this clergyman was not as easy as he could, he resisted the pressure of the relevant authorities, was subjected to arrests and exile several times. In 1938, as archbishop of Stalingrad and Astrakhan, Father Philip was arrested and sentenced to 5 years of deportation, after which his traces are lost.

And the Valuy diocese remained decapitated for many decades. And only in 2012 did the situation change.

New time

The newly established Valuy and Alekseevsk diocese consists of 7 parishes of the Belgorod region: Alekseevsky, Valuysky, Veidelevsky, Volokonovsky, Krasnensky, Krasnogvardeisky, Rovensky. Each of them is a regional center. The Valuy diocese has been subordinate to the Belgorod Metropolis of the Russian Orthodox Church since June 6, 2012. Previously, it was included in the Belgorod diocese.

Bishop Savva, Divine Liturgy

Bishop Savva (Evgeny Alekseevich Nikiforov in the world) has been heading the Valuy and Alekseyev diocese since October 22, 2015 by decision of the Holy Synod. He is well versed in art, because he graduated from art school in Voronezh. The urgent service of the future bishop fell on 1993-1995, at the end of which he was accepted as a novice at the Zadonsky Christmas-Mother of God Monastery, where he performed monastic tonsure, having received a new name - Savva. So, it cannot be said that the bishop is a random person in the church.

Features of the rural service

Archpriest Igor Rybalkin, or Father Igor, leads the parish with. Samarino Krasnogvardeisky district. Those who are familiar with the peculiarities of existence in the village do not need to explain household details and the way of life of an ordinary resident of the Russian outback. Given the mass exodus of young people from the villages, it is easy to guess who the rural parish consists of and what is the spiritual life in general in Samarino.

Temple in the village Samarino

The priest's duties include a lot of things: to use modern terms, to activate the flock, to learn about everyone’s problems, if possible, to take part in solving the difficulties of the parishioners, to fulfill their immediate duties (services, funeral services, christening, prayers, etc.). In addition, to do everything possible and impossible to restore the temple and maintain it in good condition, and this, taking into account the economic potential of the rural "electorate", is difficult to do. There are still obligations to his family, which also requires funds.

In addition to everything, as it turned out, there are obligations to receive important guests who control the "cleanliness of service."

Issue price

Events unfolded in the following order: on the last day of March 2018, Bishop Savva, accompanied by assistants, among whom was his secretary Fr. Vadim (Lebedev), arrived in s. Samarino to assist about. Igor in the conduct of the service, which was done with due piety. The guests of honor departed, having received a certain "thank you" envelope handed by Father Fr. Vadim.

However, something went wrong, so the next day in the village. Samarino again granted the secretary of the bishop for a preventive conversation with Fr. Igor, who was ready for certain troubles. Further development of events recorded on the audio recording made about. Igor and made public. This, I must say, was greatly facilitated by the famous blogger Calacaso, from whose submission the details of the private conversation between the two fathers of the Russian Orthodox Church became widely known and, as they say, reached the presidential administration.

The essence of the conflict is that 6000 rubles were missing in the notorious envelope, which extremely upset Bishop Savva and his retinue, including the assistant secretary. By the way, about. Vadim, according to the dachshund, was supposed to have fucked from the divine service held in the parish with. Samarino 500 rubles.

When listening to the recording, there is a sensation of a trip by time machine to the Likhiye 90s station, at which the "brothers" take the traveler and, by switching on the "electric reminder", inspire the unfortunate person with the idea of ​​the punishability of ingratitude.

Solemn service

And yet, judging by the conversation, this practice has long been universally implemented in the diocese, so deviation from the rules was so angry, according to the same Fr. Vadim, the venerable Bishop of Savva.

The sediment remained

The scandal in the Valuy diocese was widely publicized by the aforementioned Kalakazo and priest Georgy Maximov, who not only provided a recording of the conversation on his blog, but also gave him a qualified assessment from the point of view of the clergyman’s ethics. Then the sanctions began:

  • Father Vadim was removed from the post of secretary, he was recommended to apologize about. Igor.
  • The bishop remained aloof due to the lack of evidence of his explicit participation in this incident: the official information of the diocese explained that "the request for money from the rector of the church was a personal initiative of Priest Vadim Lebedev."
  • Father Igor was charged with the obligation to conduct daily services in the temple of Valuyki, which is 75 km from the village of Samarino. He was practically deprived of the opportunity to be at home, given the need for an All-Night Vigil on Sundays. According to reports, the diocese often practiced this way of correcting the behavior of fined priests.
Valuyki, St. Nicholas Church

Regarding the last point, Bishop Savva explained that he had chosen such a schedule of service in the city parish in order to improve the difficult financial situation of Fr. Igor, and also with the aim of guiding him on the true path, because the village priest did not always conscientiously fulfill his duties: this was especially true for the All-Night Vigil. However, under pressure from above, the church hierarch canceled the punishment of the rebellious father.

Packs of the Valuy diocese

5 months have passed since the scandal, the story has abated, but here are the latest “news from the fields”. Who wished to remain anonymous, a source from the Valuy diocese announced the collection of confidential information regarding the passport data of priests and their families. All this initiative is substantiated by the need to update personal files.

There is a suspicion that it is necessary for obtaining loans for grassroots ministers of the church. The initiator of universal data collection is the same about. Vadim Lebedev. You can comment on this, of course, but is it worth the effort?

This is interesting: as if in this case Jesus Christ could act, who, as you know, expelled merchants from the temple. It seems that the "catchers of the souls of men" mixed up the direction and forgot about the purpose of their presence in the bosom of the church.

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