How to keep your teeth? This question excites many. After all, there are a huge number of factors that can negatively affect not only tooth enamel, but also on the soft tissues of the oral cavity. Everyone knows that visiting a dentist avoids a lot of problems. However, in addition to traditional methods, there are also folk remedies. So, how to keep your teeth up to old age?
Basic Rules
Since not everyone can keep their teeth healthy until they are old, you must remember the golden rule: you need to brush your teeth constantly. In violation of oral hygiene, inflammation of the soft tissues begins. In this case, the gums begin to bleed. With irregular and improper brushing, harmful microorganisms multiply much faster. At the same time, the active activity of bacteria adversely affects the condition of enamel and soft tissues.
For this reason, you should brush your teeth regularly. In this case, the procedure should take at least 2-3 minutes. Also, experts recommend taking decoctions of medicinal herbs for rinsing. In addition, you need to monitor your diet. To strengthen the gums and teeth, you should use foods that contain a large number of vitamins and minerals.
You can avoid the development of unwanted diseases using folk methods. Some alternative medicine products are ideal for the prevention of oral ailments. So, how to keep your teeth during pregnancy, lactation and so on?
Tea tree
To strengthen the gums, you can use tea tree oil. From this component it is worth preparing a solution. How to do it? The method of preparation of the drug is quite simple. To do this, dissolve three drops of tea tree oil in a glass of clean boiled but chilled water.
It is worth noting that such a folk remedy allows you to strengthen not only the soft tissues of the oral cavity, but also the teeth. Tea tree oil removes unpleasant odors, fights against tooth decay and periodontal disease.
Use eggplant
This vegetable is also able to improve the condition of the tissues of the oral cavity. How to keep your teeth healthy and strong? You can use eggplant for this. For starters, vegetables should be peeled. It is she who is needed for the preparation of alternative medicine. It is recommended to dry the eggplant peel in the oven, and then grind it into powder. A tablespoon of the resulting mass must be poured into a glass and pour water. Infuse the drug for 10 minutes. In the finished product, add a small spoonful of salt. An infusion is used to rinse the oral cavity.
How to remove bleeding
Are your teeth loose? How to save? You can use strengthening herbs for this. Oak bark is an effective remedy to eliminate bleeding gums. To combat the unpleasant phenomenon, you can prepare an infusion. To do this, grind the oak bark and lime color. The components should be mixed in equal proportions. Brew a teaspoon of the resulting mixture with a glass of boiling water. After this, the product should stand until completely cooled. Ready infusion is worth a strain. To prevent the inflammatory process, you need to rinse your mouth with a ready-made product three times a day.
Wine and Horseradish
This is another tool used to prevent many diseases. For cooking, grate horseradish on a fine grater and squeeze. In a glass of red wine, it is worth diluting two teaspoons of the resulting juice. After each meal, experts recommend rinsing your mouth with this tool.
Thistle Broth
Can a tooth be saved if it staggers? To do this, strengthen the gums. An ideal preparation is considered to be a decoction of burdock. This tool helps not only to freshen the breath, but also to strengthen the gums. Preparing a decoction is very simple.
The burdock should be chopped. A teaspoon of raw materials should be poured with a glass of boiling water and placed on a stove. Cook means should be within a few minutes after boiling over low heat. At the end, leave the product for an hour. The broth should be well infused. After the specified time, the drug should be filtered and can be used to rinse the oral cavity.
Herbal harvest
The healing properties of many herbs. Since it is not always possible to preserve teeth using traditional methods, it is worth considering the use of various fees. You can improve the condition of the tissues of the oral cavity by preparing a rinse based on herbs. For this, it is necessary to take in equal parts rosehip petals, Ivan-tea flowers and mint leaves.
Grind the components and then mix. A tablespoon of the resulting mixture should be poured with cold water. One glass is enough. Then the container with the mixture should be placed on the stove and bring to a boil. Ready broth should be infused. This takes two hours. After the specified time, the tool must be traced. It is recommended to add 5 grams of mummy to the infusion. To rinse the oral cavity with such a decoction should be at least two times a day.
One of the most effective folk remedies is wormwood. This plant is used to treat many diseases, including the oral cavity. Using the infusion prepared from this plant, you can eliminate bad breath.
To prepare the drug, it is necessary to chop the bitter wormwood. A tablespoon of the resulting raw materials should be brewed with two glasses of boiling water. The drug should be infused for 20 minutes. After the specified time, it is worth it to strain. The infusion is recommended to be used to rinse the oral cavity up to 4 times during the day.
Remedy for many ailments
How to keep your teeth beautiful? For this, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures. An effective remedy that can protect against caries is considered to be an infusion from the aerial parts of ordinary turnips. To prepare it, you need to grind the leaves of the plant and brew them with a glass of boiling water. Insist on the drug is recommended for half an hour. An oral rinse is used.
It is worth noting that the infusion of turnip leaves is considered a good tool for the prevention of not only caries, but also bleeding gums, and periodontal disease, and inflammatory processes.
Other funds
How to keep your teeth healthy? Biology shows that these tissues can serve a person no more than 30 years. However, it is not. Scientists have proven that teeth can be preserved until old age. To strengthen the tissues, you can use the following tools:
- Cognac. This alcoholic drink is an effective firming agent. It can be used to rinse your mouth. It should be noted that cognac has a disinfecting effect, thanks to alcohol.
- Common edible salt. This substance can eliminate bad breath. A dessert spoon of salt should be dissolved in a glass of water. The resulting solution should be used to rinse the oral cavity.
Hypericum tincture on alcohol
Is it possible to save the root of the tooth? This is only possible in cases where the tooth tissue is not severely damaged. To prevent this, you can use tincture of St. John's wort. This drug copes with gum inflammation, and also eliminates bad breath. For cooking, you need to pour a tablespoon of pre-ground St. John's wort with alcohol. 1/2 liter will be enough. The container should be tightly closed and placed in a dark place for 7 days. After the specified time, the tool can be used for oral administration in diluted form. To do this, it is recommended to dissolve 40 drops of the drug in Β½ cup of water. Take the drug twice a day for 7 days.
Plantain and Lemon Juice
Since it is much more difficult for a child to save teeth than an adult, before using any folk remedy, you should consult a pediatric dentist. After all, some drugs of alternative medicine have contraindications.
As for adults, to strengthen the gums, as well as the healing of small sores, you can use lemon juice. It is recommended to apply the mixture with a soft brush. At the same time, it is worthwhile to ensure that the product does not fall onto the tooth enamel, since it negatively affects its condition.
For the same purpose, plantain juice can be applied to the gums. It is much safer. Such a tool does not adversely affect tooth enamel.
Special massage
How to save baby teeth? Sometimes elementary adherence to oral hygiene is not enough. Therefore, many experts recommend performing a simple gum massage. It is performed as follows:
- The gums should be wrapped around the index and thumb on both sides. Massage it is vertical movements in each place at least 10 times. When performing the massage, you can use vegetable oils mixed with fine salt.
- Each time you brush your teeth, massage your gums in a circular motion for several minutes.
- Lips should be closed, and with your tongue - touch the sky. Teeth need to be tapped 20-30 times. This will strengthen the muscles of the mouth and gums. It is recommended to perform the exercise up to three times during the day.
Recommendations of specialists
If the teeth are loose, then daily you need to eat, chewing thoroughly, fresh garlic. This will strengthen the weak gums. Also, fresh leaves of primroses or calamus root will help get rid of the inflammatory process and bad breath from the oral cavity. These foods are recommended to be chewed daily.
In addition to the above, it is worth enriching your diet with a variety of products containing many useful substances. Also, experts advise taking complexes of vitamins and minerals, which include elements such as calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, C, B 6 and D 3 . In addition, do not forget that some substances can harm the tissues of the oral cavity. Therefore, it is not recommended to abuse products that contain acids. These components can destroy enamel. However, the most dangerous for teeth is a lack of calcium. Not always the right amount of this element with food enters the human body. Therefore, experts recommend the use of special dietary supplements with calcium.
As for phosphorus, this component is necessary to strengthen the teeth. The substance forms salts together with calcium, the effect of which improves the condition of the tissues of the oral cavity.