Why do chin hair grow in women: reasons, treatment

Beautiful thick hair is the pride and natural adornment of every woman. They are able to attract the eye and cause delight in the opposite sex. However, often hair can grow in the wrong places, creating a bunch of problems. When excessive vegetation appears on the feet, this is somehow possible to reconcile. But facial hair can cause really serious psychological trauma, as a result of which various complexes appear, self-doubt develops. Why do chin hair grow in women? This is worth sorting out.

Why grow hair on the chin among women

Female face hair: normal or pathological?

Fluffy hair is present on the entire surface of the body, with the exception of the palms and feet. And this is considered normal. Such hair is almost invisible and does not cause anxiety. As for the hard and dark facial hair, namely, on the cheeks, the chin and the upper lip, in this case, there are clear deviations. Facial hair is not just a problem for a woman, but a real disaster, because you can’t hide them under your clothes. Pathological hair growth in undesirable areas of the body in medicine is called "hirsutism."

chin hair in women causes

When does unnecessary vegetation appear?

As a rule, coarse hair on the chin in women begins to appear with the onset of menopause. However, there are frequent cases when very young girls encounter facial hair. Women over 50 are the problem much easier, but the young people of these uninvited guests perceive not just as a cosmetic defect. It comes to depression.

According to statistics, about 20% of the fairer sex is faced with facial hair. Therefore, if hair grows on the chin in women, there must be reasons for this. What are the prerequisites for this?

Causes of Hirsutism

Excess facial hair appears due to various reasons. The main ones are:

1. Violation of hormonal levels. If hair appeared on the chin in women, the causes may be associated with changes in the endocrine system, namely, a decrease in the level of female sex hormones - estrogens. This problem is mainly faced by women of an age in whom the production of estrogen decreases sharply when menopause occurs, but there are more male hormones. Actively experiencing hormonal changes not only women over 50, but the girls during sexual maturation, when there is an imbalance in hormonal levels.

women over 50

2. The use of oral contraceptives. Why do chin hair grow in women? Many girls and women like to prescribe hormone pills for themselves, and these can be drugs that are high in hormones. After taking hormonal drugs in the wrong dosage, various problems may appear, including in the form of male-type hair growth. Therefore, the choice of contraception must be agreed with a gynecologist.

3. Heredity. Why do chin hair grow in women? Increased hairiness may be associated with a hereditary factor. If among your close relatives there are those who suffered from hirsutism, it is likely that you may encounter it. Especially excessive hair growth is characteristic of women in the Caucasus and the Mediterranean.

4. Problems in the field of gynecology. A disease such as polycystic ovary often leads to the fact that the mustache and beard begin to grow in the female. Problems with the ovaries are accompanied by a hormone disorder. As a result, the glands of the reproductive system cease to function properly, which leads to the occurrence of hirsutism.

5. Endocrine diseases. Why grow hair on the chin among women? The cause of this phenomenon may be a malfunction in the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland. In such cases, it is necessary to be examined by an endocrinologist, and only after that start the fight against excess hair.

6. Shaving cannon hair. When we shave off light blond hair, we provoke the growth of darker and coarser hair. Therefore, as a result of such manipulations with time hardly noticeable before hair can turn into stubble.

In addition to the above reasons, the hair on the chin may be due to metabolic disorders in the body. Due to regular stresses, poor ecology and a sedentary lifestyle, organs stop working properly. As a result, not only hirsutism appears, but also serious health problems.

What to do if hair grows on the chin in women?

The treatment of hirsutism should begin only if it was possible to find out its cause. And for this, you should first contact a gynecologist, who, according to the results of the tests and other examinations, in case of detected violations will prescribe adequate treatment. If deviations from the norm are not detected, most likely, the gynecologist will refer to an endocrinologist.

In the absence of hormonal problems, the only way out of the situation is to remove excess vegetation. There are several ways to deal with it.

chin hair in women treatment

Mechanical removal

The simplest and fastest method of getting rid of unwanted hair is shaving. However, this is undesirable, especially on the face. The thing is that as a result of shaving, the hair becomes thicker and darker, and they grow more intensively. As a result, stiff bristles can grow on a woman's beard.

A fairly effective, albeit slightly painful, method of removing vegetation is wax depilation, or shugaring. In this case, the hair is pulled out with the root, and grow back after 2-3 weeks.

If single hairs grow on a beard, you can remove them with tweezers.

hard hair on the chin in women

Chemical way

To eliminate this method of hair using various depilatory creams. depilation procedure is fast, convenience, and affordability is absolutely painless. After using a depilation cream, hair does not grow as fast as after shaving. Moreover, they do not get tougher.

Salon treatments

Hair removal at home usually gives a temporary effect. More radical ways to get rid of vegetation are laser, photo and electrolysis. After going through several procedures, you will forget about the extra hair for a long time.

1. Laser hair removal. The essence of the method is that the hair follicle is destroyed under the influence of a laser beam, as a result of which the hair stops growing. Since the laser recognizes only those hairs that are in the stage of active growth, about 10 procedures are necessary to completely get rid of it. It is worth noting that the course of laser hair removal is not a cheap pleasure and not everyone can afford it. Nevertheless, the effect of such hair removal fully justifies the money spent.

2. Photoepilation. This procedure involves removal of hair with the help of high-momentum of light. Photoepilation care affects the skin, therefore it is considered an ideal option for combating hair on the face. After each session, the hair begins to fall out intensively, and the newly regrown hairs become lighter and softer. To achieve the maximum result, you will have to visit the beauty salon at least 5-7 times.

3. Electrolysis. In this case, the hair bulb is destroyed due to exposure to electric current. Through a needle, which is inserted into the skin hole with the hair and the bulb, an electric charge is carried out, destructively acting on the hair root. Electrolysis is a rather lengthy and painful procedure, requiring a lot of time and patience. In addition, to avoid becoming a victim of scars, it is necessary to choose a qualified master.

after taking hormonal

Folk methods of dealing with hair

To remove excess hair using many popular recipes.

One effective way is to use a mixture of ash and laundry soap. Ashes are poured with boiling water and soap chips are added to the solution. The resulting mass is applied to the problem area, incubated for half an hour and washed off with warm water.

Tincture from walnut partitions helps to get rid of hair . For this, partitions of 50 nuts are poured with a glass of 70% alcohol, insisted in a dark place for a week, and daily hairy areas are greased with the tincture obtained.

Also use the fruits of green walnuts. To remove hair cut in half walnut fruit rubbed areas with hair. The result should be noticeable after 6-7 procedures.

Many owners of dark hair resort to lightening them with hydrogen peroxide, so that the hairs become less noticeable and do not require mandatory removal.

metabolic disorders in the body

Trying to get rid of excess vegetation, it is important to understand that often hair in unnecessary places is just the tip of the iceberg, behind which hormonal problems can actually be hidden. The appearance of hair on the chin can be an alarming signal of the body, so it is better not to postpone the visit to the endocrinologist.

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