At their own wedding, the bride and groom should look elegant and beautiful. However, not all brides of today observe the tradition of putting on a wedding dress for a wedding ceremony. Following the trends of modern fashion, they prefer to appear before their future spouse in outfits that are diverse in style and color scheme.
And what are future husbands wearing today? The choice should be responsible and serious, since the suit of the groom should not only harmoniously combine with the outfit of the newlywed, but also emphasize the fact that she takes the “right step” by marrying him.
At the moment, there are a huge number of wedding dresses, their range is simply unimaginably wide. Due to this circumstance, choosing a suit of the groom is a rather difficult task.
First of all, you should decide on the style. You need to decide whether the suit of the groom will look like a tuxedo or frock coat. Perhaps the future spouse prefers tailcoat? Remember one thing: the style of the dress should match the image of the bride. When choosing a suit for the groom, take care of the right color scheme, which should also be compatible with the dress and veil of the bride and groom.
For lovers of the classic style, clothing models made in dark brown, blue, noble gray shades are ideal. By the way, all of them are represented by well-known Russian fashion designers in the collections of “Suit of the Groom 2012”.
At the same time, fashion is constantly changing, and at the moment, “colored” tailcoats of brown or light shades have gained particular popularity. The image of the groom will be remarkable if you pick up black trousers for a jacket of black and white material, complementing the wedding outfit with a white shirt and the same color with a silk tie.
The 2013 trendy groom suit includes a dark brown tuxedo in combination with an ivory shirt.
It should be remembered that when purchasing a shirt for the future head of the family, it is important to choose the right color scheme, which should be in harmony with the suit. It should not be ruled out that the “newly made” spouse can take off his jacket, so there should not be any bruises on the shirt. That is why it is better to dwell on a product made of a material that contains a small percentage of synthetics.
The style of the tie should not only be combined with the style of the costume, but also in harmony with the image of the bride. You can opt for a lace or butterfly. When buying a tie, do not forget that his color palette should be in tone with the suit.
Socks are also purchased according to several rules, the main one of which is that they do not stick out from under the trousers, especially at a time when the groom is sitting at the table.
Shoes should be elegant in style, as a rule, they are chosen in black.
The groom at the wedding is a full-fledged hero of the occasion, along with his bride, so his appearance should be impeccable, and his suit against the background of the wedding dress - chic and sophisticated.