Hypoallergenic Diet For Kids

Recently, in children, such a skin disease as atopic dermatitis is increasingly recorded. This is due to many factors - this is a hereditary predisposition, and improper formation of the immune system, etc. And therefore, a hypoallergenic diet for children should be the golden rule in a family with an allergic child. What is it and how to observe it, we will talk further.

For the correct development of a small body without harm to the baby’s health, it is necessary to provide all the necessary vitamins, excluding from his diet foods that are in the reaction in the form of a rash, the appearance of red, itchy spots and other skin troubles. Children under three years of age are strictly prohibited from chocolate, honey, any canned food, sausages, seafood, strawberries and citrus fruits.

So what can you eat the smallest member of the family who is not even a year old? Conventional adapted mixtures contain cow-based protein, and therefore, children who are sensitive to milk may experience allergies to their cheeks and body. Hypoallergenic infant formulas will save the situation. They include soy, and they are most suitable for baby food of an early age. By receiving such a mixture, the child will receive all the vitamins he needs without consequences on the skin and for digestion. Feeding should be postponed to a later date and begin after agreement with the pediatrician.

A hypoallergenic diet for children of later age should limit the intake of eggs, salt and sugar, this must be agreed with the attending physician. From meat boiled, low-fat beef is allowed. Buckwheat porridge, dairy products and oatmeal should be part of the children's diet. Oatmeal should be boiled in milk, diluting it half with water, because whole milk often provokes an exacerbation of allergies. Vegetables and fruits are also selected individually, because all children tolerate their use in different ways. A hypoallergenic diet for children prescribes to refrain from feeding the child vegetables and fruits that do not grow in your permanent place of residence. Kiwi, bananas, avocados, pineapples - all this should be kept away from the child. Raw vegetables and fruits in orange and red are also not recommended. Carrots, red peppers, melon, pumpkin, beets - all this is prohibited. But stewed or boiled, such products are well tolerated.

It also happens that even with the toughest diet, atopic dermatitis and other allergic manifestations do not go away, further overshadowing the life of the child and his mother. At the same time, the baby’s stomach can often hurt and there is a predisposition to constipation. Such things are associated with intestinal dysbiosis, diseases of the biliary tract, liver, colitis, gastritis, etc. If you suspect your baby has signs of dysbiosis, immediately contact a pediatrician who will appoint you to pass all the necessary tests and undergo an examination. He may also refer you to a specialist such as a gastroenterologist for further advice.

Hypoallergenic baby food includes the predominance of cooked, stewed and steamed dishes, replacing meat broth with vegetable, and the exclusion of too salty and spicy foods.

Dermatitis is a very unpleasant disease, but it can be avoided if a hypoallergenic diet for children becomes an axiom in the life of your family. Red spots on the body, itching, pain and irritation will gradually pass without a trace, and your attention will go not to the choice of the “right” powders, clothes, etc., but to fun games with the baby and visiting all sorts of interesting places. Love and patience will help you defeat your baby's allergies!

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