How to behave after sex with a man: useful tips. How men behave after sex

It just so happened that sex for a man means much less than for women. They believe that since intimacy has happened, then the girl is already his. But, unfortunately, many ladies begin to behave after sex in a completely inappropriate way, because of which the man completely no longer wants to continue the relationship.

How to behave with a man after sex, so that this is not the last time? We will talk about this in the article below.

Typical behavior of women

man fell asleep after sex

After sex, a woman almost always wants to talk, often on serious topics. This is a very wrong behavior because the man is very tired. She becomes obsessive, which the representatives of the strong half of humanity really dislike.

This is due to the fact that the lady plunged into feelings with her head and lost her temper. Also, some ladies generally violate all the limits after the first sex:

  • try to control the partner everywhere and in everything;
  • violate his personal boundaries;
  • they tell the guy that he is responsible for everything that happened;
  • they expect her attention to be increased;
  • stop monitoring yourself.

Unfortunately, most women do not see anything wrong with their behavior, believing that everything should be so.

Typical Opposite Sex Behavior

How do men behave after sex? We will consider their typical behavior and explain the reasons for such actions.

what can not be said to a man
  • After sex, the guy runs to the refrigerator. Sex for a man is a very energy-intensive activity. Therefore, after intimacy, he is not averse to eating something.
  • The man wants to smoke. If he is a heavy smoker, then he just satisfies his desire. Also, this may indicate that he would not mind additional caresses.
  • He immediately runs into the shower. Most often, this is not due to excessive sweating. Just a partner wants to quickly wash off the smell of a "stranger" woman. He just does not have confidence in her. These relationships from the series "slept-fled."
  • Falls asleep immediately after sex. This in no way affects his attitude towards you. Just after an orgasm in the blood of men, the supply of glycogen, which nourishes the muscles and the person feels overwhelmed, drops sharply. Men have more muscle mass, so they tend to sleep faster.
  • Asks delicate questions. After sex, the woman is more sincere, so the man hopes for a frank answer.
  • Runs faster to do their own thing. After sex, some men need to pull themselves together sooner, while others thus demonstrate their disrespect for women.
  • She doesn’t go to bed with you under one blanket. Men admit only their beloved woman. Apparently, your relationship has not yet reached the desired level.

If after sex a man continues to caress, says beautiful words for a woman, hugs and kisses her, perhaps this is love. He is very well with her.

How to behave with a man after sex

post-sex behavior

The most important thing for a man is to know that he is the best. According to statistics, most guys have some complexes in the intimate sphere, although they hide it very well. Therefore, you must sincerely praise your partner. Praise will give your partner confidence that he is amazingly behaving in bed and will provide a good mood.

Offer to give him a massage to help him relax. The guy is always pleased when his body is touched by warm, gentle hands. According to statistics, 60% of men after sex dream about massage.

Because of the active love joys, a lot of calories are spent, therefore, most likely, your chosen one wants to eat. If he has woken up a wild hunger, feed him something delicious.

No need to chat a lot! The most commonplace questions of a girl after sex: when we see each other again, can you leave the phone, do you love me or not, and others. This is all definitely superfluous. It’s better to just lie down together, hugging and saying a couple of insignificant phrases.

Men after sex want to fall asleep faster. If he does not listen to you, do not be indignant. He just wants to sleep. This is a physiological desire that aims to restore strength. A woman after sex should not interfere with him.

No need to start a conversation about your future. This will only push your partner away.


how to behave after sex

For men, sex, especially if it is the first, does not mean anything. In most cases, after intimacy, the girls remain with the partner at night, and this is not always liked by the man.

His biggest desire is to sleep and rest. Often, representatives of the stronger sex simply do not know how to tell the girl to leave, they think that it will be very rude of them and after that you should not count on any relationship for sure.

A girl can behave completely non-standard, thereby causing the interest of a partner:

  • Get up, pack up and leave after intimacy. The man immediately raises the question of what he did wrong. He will constantly think about the girl. So interest in it will only grow.
  • Ask the guy to leave without explaining the reasons.
  • Acting as if nothing had happened between you.

You think that this is how a good half of men behave. Yes, and then the women sit and think what’s wrong, start calling and annoying. And if you start to behave yourself like that? The man will behave the same. So you can warm up interest in yourself.

How to communicate with a man after sex

woman offended

The very next day, the girls begin to call, ask about further relationships, in general, annoy the guy. So you only push him away from you. Of course, it all depends on your relationship at the moment, and how you want to develop it. Do you want the future - do not bother. It’s better to wait until he writes first or send an unobtrusive SMS.

As a rule, guys in love already on the same day (or the next) get in touch. If he makes you wait for his call, worry, then most likely he is not interested in you.

If you want to hook a man, after sex, continue to behave as usual, as if you had no intimacy. Do not demand more from the guy. Be exactly the girl he liked. Relationships rarely develop very quickly. It takes time.

Spiritual and physical intimacy usually occurs after a month or more. A guy and a girl after sex rarely immediately go to a new level of relationship. Now sex is something familiar to everyone.

If you feel that your passion has begun to move away from you, do not push him to any activity. Men need more time to think about what happened and to miss a person.

Also, do not stand alone from your partner. Give him what he gives you. No need to be arrogant and demand that he continue to run after you and achieve.

Talk heart to heart

the man is offended

What to talk with a man after sex? In fact, any dialogue after sex is individual. If your partner is a cynic, he does not need to talk about how long you have been waiting for a meeting with him and that you want to marry him faster. No need to place candles in the room, as this romanticism is not for him.

In bed, such people need to clearly say what you want. After sex, a girl is better to talk to him without emotion, only on business, avoiding unnecessary romanticism.

If the man is a romantic, he will be glad to hear how sensual, caring and attentive he is. You can put your head on his shoulder and say that you are destined for him by fate.

For romantic men there will be no problems with conversations. They usually throw up topics themselves. Just never talk about your past partners (their quantity, quality), as well as about everyday problems (there is no money, prices are rising, and so on).

If your partner is an avid bachelor, avoid such words and phrases as “baby”, “pregnancy”, “family”, “love to the grave”, “my man”. All this will be a clear encroachment on his freedom.

Proper woman behavior

How to behave with a man after sex, if you are still a little familiar:

  • You should not say anything about your past partners and relationships. Men themselves like to start talking on a similar topic precisely after sex. Do not sincerely answer such questions. It is best to evasively evade the answer.
  • No need to arrange an interrogation. If you yourself are not talking about your previous relationships, it is foolish to ask your partner about them. It will look ugly and the man will think about what will happen next if the woman is already trying so hard on him.
  • You can’t ask for anything right after sex: neither a fur coat, nor a phone - nothing. The man will understand that you just use it.
  • If after sex he starts to get home, you don’t have to shed tears and arrange tantrums. Gently express the hope that you will see each other again soon. So the man will have a joyful mood.

Undesired conversation topics

woman after sex
  • In no case do not speak badly about acquaintances and friends of your partner.
  • Do not remind the man of past mistakes and situations for which one of the partners has already apologized and was forgiven.
  • Do not mention children from a past relationship.
  • Do not say that you do not like his work, hobbies, classes, etc.
  • If you are angry with a guy, you should never say that he can not do anything in bed.
  • Do not remind your partner of problems at work. It is especially important to exclude the phrase “They sat down on you and went.”

Do not immediately after sex to discuss serious problems and complain about life. So you quickly destroy the feeling of euphoria that usually occurs immediately after intimacy.


In general, now you know how to behave with a man after sex. One must always remain oneself and think sensibly. Note that it is impossible for another person to instill passion and a sense of love. If a spark broke out between two people, then after sex it will only flare up. If it was not there initially, then there will most likely be no further relations.

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