Oh, it's goat milk. The benefits and harms of goat's milk

Since ancient times, goat milk is famous for its beneficial properties. Myths of Ancient Greece say that the king of all gods - the god of heaven, lightning and thunder Zeus, was fed the milk of the divine goat Amalthea. The greatest healer of Persia Avicenna in his treatises mentioned goat milk, the usefulness of which was to prevent senility. The ancient Romans used it in the treatment of diseases of the spleen. But Hippocrates treated consumption with the help of this miraculous drink.

Doctors of antiquity treated dysentery with boiled goat milk, in which sea stones and barley groats were added. Also, boiled milk with sesame seeds was considered a good prophylactic for eye cataracts. Like many products with a pronounced therapeutic effect, this product has been denied and persecuted. It was once forbidden to eat goat's milk, its benefits and harms were not investigated, and then the milk was declared poisonous without any reason. But, fortunately, this period did not last long.

Is goat milk good for babies?

At the end of the 19th century, physicians really appreciated goat milk. The benefits of this product have been proven by scientific methods, and medicine has openly declared the benefits of goat's milk over cow's and even mother's milk. This served as the basis for the production of infant formula, where dry cow milk was previously used .

The nutritional value of goat's milk is determined by the content of high-quality proteins, protein-free nitrogen, pyacrine, thiamine (vitamin B). Modern pediatricians around the world confidently declare that goat's milk is simply necessary in the baby’s nutrition. The benefit is that this product is not able to cause allergic reactions in the body of a little man, it is easily absorbed and does not provoke manifestations of indigestion - diarrhea.

Nowadays, very often infants are artificially fed. Pediatricians strongly recommend that young mothers pay due attention to goat milk and use it instead of cow milk. Doctors consider it a unique find for babies.

Traditional medicine and goat milk

For many centuries, goat milk has been used as a remedy in traditional medicine. They were given long and seriously ill people to restore vitality and increase the body's ability to withstand chronic diseases.

Allergic diathesis, which in ancient times was called scrofula, traditional healers treat with the help of goat's milk. Century-old experience proves that it not only does not cause allergic reactions, but also helps to cure this ailment. Along with this, goat milk treats anemia, various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and loss of vision.

Swiss healers have long used goat milk. The benefits and effectiveness in the treatment of anemia, rickets and consumption (tuberculosis) were not long in coming. And it is worth noting that the famous Swiss cheeses consist of a mixture of cow and goat milk, which gives them a unique taste and brought considerable glory in the cheese making business.

Goat milk and medicine

For the first time in the manufacture of yogurt, the Bulgarians used goat milk. It is useful to know that from such yogurt a world-famous scientist Professor Mechnikov isolated the famous lactobacilli, which are used in modern medicine to treat dysbiosis.

It is scientifically proven that freshly milked goats milk has high bactericidal properties. That is why goat milk is stored at room temperature for a long time and does not sour.

Goat milk has a high content of potassium, cobalt and B vitamins, which ensure the normal functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous system, are involved in the process of hematopoiesis.

Doctors of Canada consider goat's milk the most delicious medicine. The benefits have been proven in the treatment of gallstone disease, epilepsy, fibromyoma, skin and joint diseases.

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