What if i am fat?

The problem of overweight today is very acute. And to be more precise, the question "what if I am fat?" Worries almost half of humanity. Many are trying to take this or that diet. Others exhaust themselves with endless training. But, sometimes it happens that all the efforts made do not bring any results. Let's try together to understand this problem and find the optimal solution for many.

First of all, you must accurately determine the cause of weight gain. As a rule, it is so banal that the majority does not attach any importance to it. Now please recall how often you tell others that you eat very little, and for some reason the weight is growing and growing. And you yourself are probably surprised at this fact! The fact is that by your standards, it is possible that the diet is poor. But in reality, everything looks different.

It is worth paying close attention to the diet, the amount of servings and, of course, the food itself, which you prefer. And immediately everything will become clear. As a rule, we like to eat tastier and bigger: fried potatoes with a cutlet and even hours of commercials at nine - ten in the evening. Many may be outraged now: and when else to have dinner, if you come from work very late? We can agree with this. But try revising your diet. Why overload your body before going to bed? You can just get along with a glass of yogurt, perhaps at first even with a small bun, or a bowl of oatmeal. Believe me, this is much more useful, and the taste of such dishes is even quite good.

Do not try to look for answers to the question "what if I am fat?" Start today and try to change your habits first. Yes, it will not be so simple. The first thing to do is to stop eating after nine hours. Over time, the bar must be lowered to eight hours and so on. And even after this step you will not have to complain "I can’t lose weight, what should I do?" You will quickly feel the changes in your body.

The next step is to buy a product scale for yourself. You ask - why? When you lay on your usual serving of food, weigh it. There will be no limit to your surprise. Here it will immediately become clear that you eat a lot, and even a lot. Every day, with the help of scales, reduce the amount of food intake. In this case, the stomach will contract and gradually return to normal. In the near future you will realize that you have become saturated with a much smaller number of products.

And finally, another little secret - replace fried foods with steam, give up fatty foods, reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed. And most importantly - stop adding salt to your food! Salt is that terrible substance that traps fat in our body. Then the question β€œwhat should I do if I'm fat?” Will completely stop bothering you.

Now you can ask how much can you lose weight? Exact dates do not exist here. A lot depends on the weight gained and on how quickly you can change your habits. Only one thing should be added to the above: normally, the body is able to get rid of four kilograms per month. All that is larger than this figure is the loss of water, so do not try to speed up the process of losing weight. It will not lead to anything good! Otherwise, the kilograms will return, and hopes will melt.

As you can see, everything is extremely simple. Of course, it will take some time to fight with yourself and with the temptations surrounding you, but you should not give up. You yourself will not have time to notice how much will change in your life: it will become easier to breathe, pain in your back will go away, and you don’t have to ask anyone to fasten your boots. And finally, the question "what if I am fat?" Will forever remain somewhere in the past.

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