The fruitful work of any organization directly depends on the activities of the leadership, on the relationships and atmosphere that prevails not only in the team, but also understanding between the leader and subordinates. American top managers are firmly convinced that as it is impossible to competently manage production without knowledge of economic theory and law, it does not seem possible to lead people without certain knowledge in the field of psychology, not only social but also managerial. Consider leadership and leadership in small groups briefly.
What is a small group?
To understand the issues of leadership and leadership in a small group, you need to define the latter. So, a small group is a collection of people who build interpersonal relationships, communicate with each other, have a certain influence on each other. A basic example of a small group can be called primary production teams, management teams, and so on.
Currently, about fifty different classifications of small groups are known . They differ in the time of their existence (long-term and short-term), in the degree of tightness of contact between members, in the way a person enters them, etc.
The most common three classifications:
- the division of small groups into “primary” (the main sign is direct contacts) and “secondary” (there are no such contacts);
- division into “formal” (all positions are clearly defined) and “informal” (created within formal groups);
- division into "membership groups" and "reference groups".
Main problem
In the issue of management, the main one is the problem of leadership and leadership. Many identify these concepts, but this position is not entirely true. Both concepts, both “leader” and “leader”, have quite a lot of similar factors. The leader and leader organize, encourage a group of people to solve the tasks that they set for them, and also determine the choice of ways to solve these problems. But, at the same time, both concepts have significant differences. And first of all, this is knowledge, their absence prevents in practice from building competent tactics of their managerial behavior. Simply put, leadership is a relationship of domination and submission that develops in a group of people in the process of interpersonal contacts, while leadership organizes the activities of the whole group.
Leadership Differences
A detailed analysis of the leader and leader showed the following differences:
- The leader’s task is to regulate interpersonal contacts in a group of people, while on the shoulders of the leader it is the official relations of the group and organization.
- Leadership is a spontaneous concept, and leadership is always appointed, elected, and so on. In any case, if a leader is identified, then the leader is under the control of the organization as a social structure.
- Leadership, unlike leadership, is not stable. It depends on the opinion of a group of people, on a specific situation and is not supported by any legal sanctions, while this is all inherent in the leadership.
- The leader is able to solve only those issues that arise in the group. The leader makes decisions not only on the basis of relations arising within the group, but also focusing on external circumstances. It can be connections with other organizations and much more.
- The leader can carry out his activities only within a specific group, while the leader is able to focus on other social systems.
According to scientists, the ideal situation is when an officially appointed leader is recognized as a leader within the group, performing the functions of both. It turns out that in this case, his official rights and obligations are supplemented by the fact that he has the opportunity to also informally influence the group. Therefore, the phenomenon of leadership and leadership in a small group is quite important. When different people take on the role of leader and leader, problems arise in working with the whole group, conflict increases, and so on. It turns out that the ideal option is a competent combination of leadership and leadership in a small group. This greatly facilitates the management task. Knowing the basic functions of leadership and leadership in a small group is a cheat sheet that will enable you to research this issue endlessly.
Talk about leadership
Leadership can be defined as an activity that not only identifies the main goals and objectives of social systems, but also offers, establishes ways to achieve them, a development strategy, and coordinates actions. The leadership process is based on the interaction of the leader and his subordinates. The task of the leader is to create such relationships in the group in order to maintain a fruitful atmosphere, increase the working capacity, productivity of employees. The psychology of leadership and leadership in a group is directly dependent on functions.
Leadership Functions
The content of the concept of leader is determined by the totality of its functions. The phenomena of leadership and leadership in a small group have not been studied for the first hundred years, so during this time many different classifications of these functions have been proposed, proved and refuted. It is rather difficult to adhere to a single opinion on this issue, since in practice all functions are somehow intertwined with each other. The following list of the main functions of the guide can be given:
- Organization of management activities.
- Setting goals for a small group, as well as forecasting, planning results, information, decisions, organizing mass activities.
- Work control and management performance evaluation.
- Disciplinary and educational function.
- Communicative and regulatory.
- One of the most significant functions is the integration of small group members.
As for the leaders themselves, they usually divide their own functions into two categories - production and socio-psychological. There are a great many classifications of manager functions, some of them are similar, some are different from each other. As for approaches to leadership and leadership, among them the most interesting is the approach to managing people through organizational activities.
Leadership process
It will not be superfluous to identify the tools by which the leadership process is carried out. First of all, it is power (formal and informal). The first option involves the power that a leader is vested with in a standard way, at a formal level. As for the second type, the leader has to conquer informal power independently. This achievement is achieved through personal qualities, knowledge, skills, and so on. Let us also turn to how power is expressed. First of all, it is the ability of one (or several) individuals to influence the behavior and activities of others. Management methods are usually distinguished as follows:
- Administrative - this implies the use by the leader of his legal capabilities in order to influence a small group. There is only one way of interaction - this is legal sanctions.
- Economic - everything is simple here, it is the material motivation of subordinates to work. Here the way of influence is obvious - financial or similar remuneration.
- Socio-psychological - this is the impact of the leader on the person through values, personal authority and so on. The mode of influence is the belief of a particular individual in something.
The latter method can only be used if the leader is simultaneously recognized as a small group leader.
Organization leadership
Management, leadership and leadership are inextricably linked concepts. And if the situation has more or less clarified with the leader, then the leader is a person who directs the activities of the group based only on his personal influence. There will be no discussion of legal sanctions, only personal possibilities of suggestion and persuasion. What is leadership in an organization? This is the ability to effectively influence the group, without the use of administrative power. In other words, this is an informal guide. Since leadership is an additional opportunity that can significantly increase the effectiveness of managing a group of people, therefore, the primary task for selecting people who can hold leadership positions is to find those who have the qualities of a leader and are ready to learn such behavior.
Leadership theory research
For many years, scientists have studied personality traits that are unique to the leader, those teachings are called "trait theories." It was assumed that some people are simply born with a set of leadership qualities and learning this is not possible. Here, endless research and experiments began, which concerned the identification of the universal traits of a leader. Everything was subject to analysis: intelligence, willpower, confidence in oneself and one’s actions, sociability, ability to adapt to changing conditions, quick reaction and so on. As a result, it turned out that the leader has a wide variety of features, and often, even inconsistencies occurred. However, scientists came to the conclusion that the dominant qualities of all potential leaders were intelligence, initiative, self-confidence. It all ended with the fact that the study simply reached an impasse, as it turned out in practice that some leaders did not reveal the qualities that essentially should be inherent in him and vice versa. Those who possessed them did not always cope with the functions inherent in the leader.
Situational Theory of Leadership
Proponents of this theory believed that in various situations, the leader of the group may be that member, whose behavior and personality traits more than others correspond to a specific situation. This is because effective leadership implies that in some conditions a leader should have one set of qualities, and in others - the opposite. It turns out that the concept of leadership is situational in nature.
Synthetic theory
This is a kind of compromise that scientists have come to. Here, not character traits were already taken into account, but three indicators - a leader, a situation, a group. Management, leadership, leadership - this is when a leader acts on a small group and she, in turn, acts on him. Further, it affects the situation, and the situation, respectively, on him. Then the group acts on the situation and vice versa. Here the concept of leadership and leadership in small is defined as the result of the interaction of all three variables. But these variables are still not precisely defined, since other factors can be added to them. An example is such a factor as the duration of the group. The synthetic theory of leadership is a systems approach, and it has proven to be the most recognized of all. Further studies of the issue to one degree or another were based on this theory.
Forms of Leader Influence
Due to the fact that the concepts of leadership and leadership are similar, the leader “for gaining power” in a small group uses exactly the same forms of influence as the leader. An exception is only legal authority. Power can be based on:
- Coercion is a fear of consequences and troubles.
- Rewards are positive reinforcement. This includes even the most common praise.
The traditional power is the habit of people to obey, as this gives an illusory sense of security.
The power of an example is the ability of a leader’s personal qualities to influence people, creating the need to be like him.
Expert power consists in belief in knowledge, skills, and leadership skills.
Power through participation is an opportunity for a group to formulate the goals and objectives of its activities.
Each form of power and influence corresponds to a specific situation, a specific small group, and even the social parameters of a leader.
Informal leaders
The difference between leadership and leadership is a formality that is not inherent in the former, but the latter cannot do without it. Informal leaders tend to:
- They quickly respond to intragroup norms of behavior and can significantly affect their life activity in the group.
- They enter into dialogue with others without problems and know how to use the necessary communication techniques, thereby influencing the behavior of other members of the organization.
- Informal leaders have a desire for leadership, which sometimes formal leaders cannot boast of.
- If the role of a leader and leader is performed successfully, a feeling of self-satisfaction arises.
Usually, informal leadership arises as a derivative of the informal life of a group within an organization. The participant in the small group who has the greatest influence, which is respected, receives from colleagues the right to approve, criticize, influence the opinions of other people. Such people can be either co-managers or direct competitors to the formal leader, and even replace him in the future.
Emotional leader
This is one who can find an approach not only to leadership, but also to any member of the group. Often a trusting relationship develops with him, and he gains the right to maintain justice, performs the role of a peacemaker and regulates interpersonal conflicts. What distinguishes an emotional leader from an informal leader is that he rarely claims to be a leader. But, he also should not be underestimated, because he is a real force for the removal of leadership in the event of a conflict with his superiors. In fact, the same person can be both an emotional and a functional leader.
Leadership style
Leadership and group leadership styles are determined by analyzing a specific, prevailing situation. The sphere of influence and psychological characteristics of the leader are of great importance here. On these indicators are based those methods of decision-making and impact on a small group that are used regularly, systematically. This is the leadership style. Leadership and leadership in psychology, including behavioral styles, studied by Mac Gregor. He emphasized an authoritarian, democratic and liberal style of leadership and leadership. We will analyze each of them in more detail.
Authoritarian or autocratic style
A leader who adheres to this style of behavior can be described as a strong, strong-willed person. In most cases, they are professionals in their field, therefore, they require the corresponding from subordinates. Orders are usually given confidently and are not negotiable. Sometimes it can be noted even excessive harshness or rudeness on the part of the authoritarian leader. He does not tolerate objections, does not accept someone else's point of view, does not exchange for sentiment, and does not like entertainment. Especially vehemently such a leader performs the monitoring function, and does it on his own, as he does not trust his assistants and checks their work several times. The ideal small group for such a leader is people who are well aware of their work and can do it clearly, without question.
This style also has undeniable advantages. First of all, you can be sure that the team is protected, since such a leader always assumes responsibility for the work of the group. When it comes to checks, the authoritarian leader, despite the fact that he can be rude, will always protect his subordinates in front of superior people. Another significant advantage is that with such a leader the team works like a clock, making the most of its potential. Such leaders and their team in most cases achieve all goals. But, there are also a lot of minuses. This includes ignoring the initiative, the passivity of the group, the loss of efficiency in the absence of the leader, since everything rests on him. , , .
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The rational use of time, resources, the desire to act on the most optimal methods of achieving the goal is the basis of competent leadership. Some managers take risks, make inconsistent decisions that employees are not warned about - interpersonal conflicts grow here. Competent leadership is a skillful combination of leadership and leadership qualities, rationalism and building positive and productive interpersonal relationships in a group.