In Greece, on the world-famous Mount Athos, in a monastery called Vatopedi, there is a wonderful icon, helping people to find peace and joy of life since the 17th century. We are talking about the image of "Pantanassa", otherwise - "The Blessed Virgin Mary All-Tsaritsa".
History icons
This icon has an interesting history. Her fame went to cities and villages since when temple visitors witnessed an amazing event. As the legends say, once a certain young man approached the image. But as soon as he got closer, something threw the young man aside and literally threw him to the floor. Then a hot repentant prayer flowed from his lips. The “Tsaritsa” seemed to feel that this young man was engaged in magic and sorcery, stepped on a slippery and dark path, which means that he can destroy his soul and become a prey to evil forces. Such a wonderful manifestation of the power of God deeply shocked the beginning magician. He was frightened of the wrath of the Lord, repented, and began to lead a decent life. This is what regenerative prayer means! “The Tsaritsa” has since attracted and attracts people from all over the world. What kind of needs do not go to her! First of all,
these are victims of various negative energy influences: damage, evil eye, conspiracies. And also suffering from cancer. And there is a huge amount of evidence of cure!
Name Meaning
In fact, every image of the Mother of God can provide invaluable help to those in need. The main thing is that your prayer be sincere. “The Tsaritsa” is a special image. The fact that she has a truly wonderful, immeasurable force, says its name. It stands for "Queen of the world", "Lord of all." It is not surprising that the demons who once possessed the magician were afraid of the image. And therefore, with her help, they cast out demons, cleansed people who were captured by the unclean. And the monks, ministers of the temple, noticed another such feature. When this or that prayer sounds, the “Tsaritsa” as if begins to shine quietly, to shine. Grace emanates from the icon. It also has a beneficial effect on people. That is why such an reverence and respect for all Orthodox people evokes the image. And the lists from him are considered an honor to have Christian churches. And in private, home iconostases to see it is far from rare.
Icon Description
What does Pantanass look like? The icon depicts the Virgin, all in regal scarlet robes. She sits on the throne and holds the Savior in her arms. In the left hand of the Baby is a scroll, and with his right hand he blesses everything. The image is striking in solemnity, brightness, and colorfulness. The solemn prayer of the Most Holy Theotokos “The Tsaritsa” is also solemn. “Consonance of the words of the living” fills the soul with confidence and hope. But this is so important - to know a person that he is not alone, that there is something that protects, protects, leads through life through anxieties and trials. Especially if a man or someone from the family was struck by a terrible disease - cancer. It is known that the
akathist and prayer in front of the icon “The Tsaritsa” more than once brought not only tangible relief, but also a real improvement. Therefore, lists of "Pantanassa" try to have many cancer hospitals and monasteries or churches with them.
Be healthy and blessed by God!