Delivery after removal of the pessary: ​​use of the pessary, removal procedure, delivery time and recommendations of gynecologists

In the article, we will consider how the birth takes place after removing the pessary.

It is pleasant when the pregnancy period proceeds without any complications, and the expectant mother is immersed only in beautiful dreams about her long-awaited baby. But in life, not always, unfortunately, everything happens in the way we would like, and sometimes there is a threat of interruption along with premature birth. How can I keep my pregnancy, how are the births after removing the pessary?

childbirth after removal of the pessary through how much

What is a pessary?

This is a special device that is made in the form of several rings of different diameters combined into a single whole. The device is made of biologically safe plastic and silicone materials. The edges of this device are smoothed out, and the surface is treated in order to exclude the possibility of damage to the internal tissue.

Such a device is installed on the cervix in early pregnancy to redistribute the pressure exerted by the fetus in order to avoid the onset of labor premature activity. Additional rings make it possible to divert natural secretions, but the mucous plug is preserved.

About childbirth after removal of the pessary will be described below.

Pessary application

The main indication for the use of the uterine ring is cervical insufficiency in women (in the future we will call it ICI). In this case, the cervix can become thinner and soften, which does not allow it to hold the fetus. Sometimes it can partially open and cause the threat of premature birth.

In the event that the previous gestation ended in premature birth and miscarriage, then the doctor may also recommend the installation of such a ring. The indication for its use is the presence of ovarian dysfunctions along with infantilism of the genital organs. As part of additional insurance, a ring can be assigned for installation in women in a number of such cases:

  • Repeated pregnancy after cesarean section.
  • Exposure to severe physical exertion.
  • The presence of multiple pregnancy.
  • Complex psychoemotional state.
  • Women who become pregnant after prolonged treatment for infertility.
    after removing the pessary after how much labor begins


Unfortunately, sometimes to preserve pregnancy, doctors are forced to turn to a more complex procedure, namely, hemming the uterine neck. This can be prescribed when there are contraindications for establishing a pessary:

  • Intolerance to obstetric appliances, prolonged discomfort during its use.
  • The presence of fetal pathology, when there is a need for abortion.
  • The vaginal entrance is already fifty millimeters.
  • Colpitis causing displacement of the device.
  • The occurrence of spotting.

Many are interested, after removing the pessary, after how long does the birth begin?

Features of the device installation procedure

The use of the uterine ring reduces the risk of miscarriage and preterm birth by approximately eighty-five percent. Immediately before the installation procedure, women need to cure existing infections. Ideally, this should be done at the planning stage of the child.

The installation process of this device, it can cause slight discomfort, but they quickly pass. To reduce the intensity of unpleasant sensations, the pessary is lubricated with a special cream or gel. This device is made of various sizes, so that the doctor can pick up the pessary individually for the patient in accordance with physiology. It depends on the right size how accurately the ring is installed and how quickly the patient adapts to it.

In the future, unpleasant feelings will not occur, although during the first few days after the device is installed, it will become addictive and it can slightly exert pressure on the bladder. When, due to physiological prescriptions, the doctor is forced to set the pessary low, then during the entire time of its use (throughout the whole period of pregnancy) the lady will be able to feel urination more often than usual.

when childbirth begins after removal of the pessary


Removing the pessary, as a rule, does not cause any discomfort. It usually happens easier than installation. A doctor who monitors the course of pregnancy in a woman should remove such a device. Following the removal of the device, a debridement of the birth canal should be performed throughout the week to prepare the woman for the appearance of the baby.

Premature birth after removal of the obstetric pessary does not begin, and many ladies fear this. Only if the pessary is removed due to the appearance of symptoms of labor, does it begin immediately after its extraction.

Patient behavior during pessary administration

In most situations, for women whom the doctor has installed the uterine ring, the same rules of conduct and daily routine are relevant as for the other women in labor. However, there are some recommendations specifically for such ladies.

In the event that the patient is diagnosed with ICI, not only sexual intercourse is contraindicated, but also any overexcitation that can lead to an increase in uterine tone. In this case, it is forbidden to engage in any kind of sex, watch exciting films, read novels, and so on.

The pessary does not need hygienic care at all. The only thing is that once every few weeks the patient must take a swab to determine the purity of the vagina. Depending on its result, the doctor may prescribe candles or additional irrigation. Usually it is recommended to undergo examination at least once in three weeks, but depending on the indication, this can be prescribed more often.

after removing the pessary when to wait for childbirth

Periodically, the position of the pessary should be monitored by a doctor, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the uterus and cervix. The pessary is worn throughout the pregnancy and removed a few weeks before the start of the planned birth. Typically, the gynecologist decides to remove the device at about thirty-sixth week.

Early removal of the considered obstetric device is prescribed in case of inflammation in the vagina, or if there is a need for early permission of the woman due to medical indications.

Unfortunately, even the timely establishment of a pessary does not guarantee that it will be possible to maintain pregnancy until the required time. Childbirth can begin against the background of an established uterine ring. In any case, a woman should not be afraid of complications after removing this device. Only the exact implementation of the available recommendations from the treating doctor will simplify the course of pregnancy, and at the same time bring the baby to the required time. After how many births after removal of the pessary begin, it is better to find out in advance.

Gynecologists recommendations

The installation of such a device requires compliance with a number of rules by a pregnant woman:

childbirth after removal of the obstetric pessary
  • In the presence of a diagnosis of ischemic-cervical insufficiency, sexual intercourse is prohibited.
  • A woman needs to exclude unnecessary excitement.
  • Do not exercise.
  • Once a week, a vaginal smear test must be taken to check for infection.
  • The doctor may prescribe the use of irrigating suppositories.
  • Against the background of a gynecological examination, the doctor monitors the correct position of the pessary.
  • The device is removed at the thirty-sixth week.
  • Early removal of the device is fraught with the development of inflammatory processes and premature birth.
  • Sometimes patients need bed rest.

Dates: how soon will the birth begin after the removal of the pessary?

The obstetric pessary is removed, as a rule, at the thirty-sixth week, and at the latest at the thirty-eighth. To clarify the exact date of removal, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound scan. A future woman in labor should know that when the device is removed, the neck begins to relax. Since the fetus presses on the uterus, it softens. The organ can be shortened, beginning to open gradually, and prepare for the birth process.

when labor begins after removal of the obstetric pessary

When to wait for delivery after removal of the pessary, the doctor will tell.

Already within seven to ten days after the removal of the pessary, it is possible that the birth will begin, although some women are allowed to burden later than the expected day after the removal of the pessary. In the event that the device is removed before the due date, amniotic fluid may leak, along with the rapid birth of a child and infection of the amniotic membranes. When removing the pessary at thirty-seventh week, you should not worry at all, this means that the gynecologist believes that the patient is ready for childbirth, and she can only wait. When a woman gives birth, her birth will pass as usual.

When does the birth begin after removing the pessary according to statistics? About it further.


Childbirth after removing this device is carried out, as a rule, in a natural way, auxiliary effects from the work of medical personnel are usually not required. According to the statistics of childbirth after removal of the pessary, the use of this device does not contribute to complications.

birth after removal of the pessary statistics

Birth process

Can childbirth begin if a woman has a pessary? Due to the opening of the uterus, and, in addition, constant contractions, the ring slides on its own and does not harm the baby. During childbirth with the presence of an obstetric pessary, the gynecologist manages to remove the device, fast labor is rare. But when the uterus was sutured and the sutures were removed late, this leads to large ruptures.

Can water drain with a pessary installed? This is possible, since amniotic fluid may exit in the presence of a ring. When the water has left (and this is the signal that the resolution has begun), the device will be removed.

We examined when childbirth begins after removal of the obstetric pessary.

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