Monthly after IVF: reasons. Unsuccessful in vitro fertilization procedure

Menstruation after IVF can be a predictable norm or a pathological abnormality. The excitement of a woman is understandable, because usually in childless IVF couples the only hope is to create a full-fledged family with children. In addition, we must not forget that the price of IVF is far from symbolic and any deviation after the procedure, of course, is alarming.

The essence of the in vitro fertilization procedure

Monthly after IVF

The essence of IVF is the implantation of a fertilized egg into the woman’s uterus. At first glance, there is nothing complicated about this. But in fact, the ovum engraftment occurs the first time in one out of three cases. After all, all the processes in the woman’s body are controlled by hormones, and any deviation from the norm will prevent her from becoming pregnant even with the help of IVF.

That is why, before the procedure, a woman undergoes a long and complex course of hormone therapy. The periods after IVF should disappear, just as in the case of pregnancy naturally. However, this is not an indication of the occurrence of conception. It can be determined by analysis for the hCG hormone.

Bleeding after IVF

After IVF, menstruation went

Menstruation after IVF is excluded, but slight bleeding is possible. In the first days after the procedure, the woman is annoyed, confused, experiencing severe stress. All this is due to the hormonal background of the body, preparing for conception. It does not happen right away. The egg does not fit directly into the uterus, it gets to it on its own, as with natural ovulation. And only on the 3rd or even 5th day it is fixed on the wall of the organ. In this short period of time, bleeding may occur. However, they are in no way associated with menstruation.

If the bleeding becomes profuse, then the woman is placed in a hospital for a full examination and preservation of pregnancy.

The reasons for this condition are as follows:

  1. Strong mental agitation. Usually, the IVF procedure itself contributes to this.
  2. Violation of the bed rest prescribed by the doctor after the procedure.
  3. Ectopic pregnancy.
  4. The development of erosion on the cervix.
  5. Aborted pregnancy.
  6. An increase in the thickness of the layer of the mucous membrane on the inner walls of the uterus.
  7. Hormonal imbalance that occurs as a reaction of the ovaries to therapy.
  8. Inflammation of the pelvic organs.


Successful IVF protocols

Monthly periods after IVF occur in case of unsuccessful fertilization. This confirms the analysis for hCG. But do not be upset, rarely when the first IVF ends in pregnancy.

Menstruation occurs on the 3rd-10th day after the confirmation of the unsuccessful conception.

Pretty quickly the woman’s body normalizes the natural work of the monthly cycle. There are known cases of disappearance of menstruation after an unsuccessful procedure. This is due to a strong hormonal failure in the body of a woman. Often it becomes a consequence of a depressed state after failure. And we must not forget that the price of IVF is quite high and not everyone can afford 2, or even 3 procedures. The cost of the procedure starts from 90,000 rubles and can reach up to 300,000 rubles, depending on the region. Of course, an unsuccessful attempt causes a woman to be depressed.

Menstruation after IVF

What are the periods after a failed IVF?

Often women notice that menstruation changes after in vitro fertilization. Moreover, the nature of the discharge can be represented by several types:

  1. The blood is bright and quite liquid. No clots are observed. This is due to the large number of drugs taken by a woman over the past few months in preparation for the procedure.
  2. Menstruation after IVF is accompanied by general malaise, pain in the lower back and abdomen. In this case, the condition normalizes after 2-3 months.
  3. If, after IVF, periods with a large amount of blood and clots have gone, this is also normal, since in some cases the uterine endometrium is significantly increased. That is, the uterus was ready to take the egg, but this time it did not work.
  4. A delay in the first menstrual cycle after an unsuccessful procedure for 1 month or more indicates the appearance of cysts or polyps in the female reproductive system. This can confirm the study of the fallopian tubes and uterus using ultrasound.
  5. The causes of menstruation after IVF are hormonal failure. If they cannot normalize within 2-3 months, it is necessary to begin therapeutic therapy. All the necessary drugs in this case are prescribed by the doctor.

In what cases may IVF fail?

IVF price

Successful IVF protocols are carefully studied in order to increase the percentage of conception using this procedure. Also, doctors carefully examine all unsuccessful attempts to plant a fertilized cell in a woman. As scientists say: a negative result is also a result. That is, knowledge of the causes of failure will reduce the percentage of the latter.

The following causes of failure have been identified today:

  1. Inflammatory processes in the female genital organs and urinary system.
  2. Age over 40.
  3. Unprofessional medical staff conducting the procedure.
  4. Too thick layer of the endometrium on the walls of the uterus.
  5. Defective blastocysts.
  6. Inability to fertilize an egg because of genetic incompatibility between a man and a woman.
  7. The presence in the woman’s blood of traces of nicotine, alcohol, drugs.
  8. Diseases of the endocrine system.
  9. Overweight.

What are the complications of the procedure?

Fertilized egg implantation

IVF, in principle, is successfully implemented only in 35-40% of all cases. But there are also a number of complications that arise during or after the procedure.

  1. With an ectopic pregnancy, the risk of rupture of the fallopian tube is so high that it is removed surgically with a fertilized egg.
  2. Frozen Pregnancy Syndrome. This phenomenon occurs both in natural fertilization and in IVF. True, with artificial insemination is still more common.
  3. With pregnancy hyperstimulation syndrome, the monthly cycle is disrupted. For subsequent recovery, a woman has to undergo hormonal treatment.

What menstruation after an unsuccessful IVF occurs, the doctor will tell you after a full examination of the woman.

How to increase the chance of successful conception using IVF?

No doctor, even if the woman is absolutely healthy, is taken to guarantee a 100% chance of conception and pregnancy. This is due to the huge number of different aspects.

What can be done to increase the chance of a favorable outcome of the procedure?

First of all, a woman needs to find the strength in herself to calm down. Bring your psyche to a normal state, since stress and nervous tension are one of the causes of failures in IVF. To calm down, you can take a mild antidepressant, but only the one prescribed by your doctor. Self-administration of such drugs can worsen the situation.

Secondly, you need to normalize your sleep pattern. After all, there are hormones in the body that are produced in a dream and only in the dark. That is, daytime sleep does not compensate for a good rest.

Thirdly, we must not forget about healthy eating. No fancy diets and vegetarianism. A woman should eat varied and wholesome. The body needs proteins of both animal and plant origin. Be sure to include cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of sweet, rich pastries, this can increase the layer of subcutaneous fat. You can not drink sweet, carbonated drinks, for the same reason. It is necessary to completely exclude fast food from your diet: fried potatoes, meat of dubious quality with preservatives and dyes. And most importantly - it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes.

Fourth, you need to strengthen the body with regular sports or at least daily walks.

In what cases should I see a doctor?

Monthly after IVF causes

Violation of the regularity of the monthly cycle in most cases is not a problem, since it is caused by a small malfunction in the endocrine system. Usually, the cyclicality is restored on its own with little effort on the part of the woman herself - adjusting sleep and diet, taking sedatives, and so on.

But there is a risk of developing dangerous pathologies, one of the manifestations of which is a malfunction in the cycle of menstruation.

In this case, a number of other symptoms appear, which cannot be overlooked:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen. Aching pain that occurs during exertion.
  2. Nausea sometimes with vomiting.
  3. A sharp, unjustified increase in body weight.
  4. The skin of the face, arms and legs swells, especially severely in the morning.

You can not be frivolous that menstruation is complicated by such symptoms. This is fraught with the development of dangerous tumors in the female reproductive system.

Drug treatment

Naturally, medication is used to normalize the work of the entire female body, prepare it for the IVF procedure and restore it after an unsuccessful attempt to become pregnant. It is carried out only as prescribed by the doctor and exclusively under his supervision. Any attempt to self-medication necessarily leads to a worsening of the situation.

Ovulation stimulation is carried out by the following drugs: "Gonal", "Klostilbegit", "Menopur", "Puregon", "Rotted" and others. Some of them are made in the form of capsules, others must be taken as injections.

Psychological help

Most women after an unsuccessful IVF procedure need psychological help. The importance of such treatment should be understood. After all, with a second attempt, which could well prove to be successful, it is precisely the depressed, depressed state of a woman that can prevent conception.

Only the help of a professional psychologist will help a woman relieve feelings of guilt and self-doubt. The importance of this method of therapy cannot be underestimated. Sometimes a few sessions with a psychotherapist are enough to improve a woman's condition so much that she becomes pregnant naturally.

In this situation, the support of the spouse is very important. He must convince his woman that she is not guilty of failure. You must never give up.


Discharges after IVF can be a natural phenomenon, so before you panic, you should visit a doctor and find out the causes of this phenomenon. Anything can do. If it did not work out on the first try, then you need to do one more, and yet - as much as necessary to succeed. The procedure ceases to be unique, it is used in all developed countries of the world, more and more clinics offer their services for artificial conception. All this affects the price for the procedure - it is regularly reduced. Only a passionate desire to achieve a goal brings a positive result.

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