How to remove clove earrings, and when is the best time to do this?

In recent years, you can pierce your ears in beauty salons absolutely painlessly. In this case, all hygiene rules are observed. During the puncture, special earrings, called cloves, are inserted into the ear. They are worn until the wound is completely healed. And the question arises before many: how to remove earrings-cloves? Indeed, such an attempt often gives painful feelings, and sometimes nullifies all efforts.

how to remove clove earrings

Ear piercing techniques from the past

Fashion for earrings exists for more than one millennium. In the old days, they were mostly worn by men. By this they showed belonging to one or another social layer. But over time, the earrings became a truly feminine adornment.

In ancient times, and just a few decades ago, ears were pierced in several barbaric ways:

  1. They inflated a large gypsy needle and made a painful puncture.
  2. Or consulted dentists who previously anesthetized the lobe with professional solutions.

But the execution with such methods often ended with inflammation and suppuration of the urine, and the punctures themselves were asymmetric.

Do not pierce your ears at home

In recent years, there is a fashion for punctures in the ears not only in the region of the lobe, but over the entire surface of the auricle. Do not do this procedure at home on your own or trust a layman. Such punctures will heal much longer. And if an infection gets into the wound or, God forbid, the cartilage is punctured, then antibiotics will have to be treated. The pain in this case will be severe and throbbing. And then you will have to forget about wearing earrings.

Therefore, it is better to pierce the ears in specialized salons, trusting a professional. It is fast and safe. The puncture will be carried out in less traumatic ways.

how to remove a baby’s medical clove earrings

Modern devices and technologies for ear piercing

The procedure is done in salons adapted for these purposes. The ears are pierced with a special tool - a “gun”. The hole is punched with a clove earring, which is stored in a sterile package until use. Just before the procedure, it is inserted into the gun. 2 masters pierce the ears of children at the same time - this is less frightening and injuring the child.

Before the procedure, you can choose the offered earrings directly in the salon, while it is better to hold them in your hands, check the integrity of the package, its marking and inscriptions in Russian. You should also pay attention to the cleanliness and sterility of the office and the presence of medical gloves at the master.

After some time, these earrings are removed in order to replace them with other products. And how to remove earrings-cloves, we will talk a little later.

Does it hurt?

This question is most often asked. If we talk about the barbaric method of puncture with a needle, then, of course, this will bring painful sensations. And the use of new technologies used for puncture with a gun minimizes pain. The process itself does not take a second. It passes absolutely without any noise.

how to remove an earring of carnations pierced with a gun

Suitable age for ear piercing

There is no single answer to this, as everyone has different opinions. Many parents try to pierce the ears of their children in infancy. But, as you know, young children do not yet have immunity. An unsuccessful puncture can result in fever and sleepless nights. Therefore, it is best to carry out the procedure when the child is given the necessary vaccinations, and it is even better to consult a pediatrician.

In addition, parents should not pierce their ears when the child does not want to do this at all - the master will not do this to a crying and frightened child, who also resists. You need to wait for the moment when the baby himself wants to see himself in earrings. Only such a moment can come at 3 years old, and at 16 years old or there will never be a desire. Remember, in children who are ready for the procedure and behave calmly, the punctures are symmetrical and heal well.

But after a while, the cloves will have to be changed to other earrings. This happens in almost all cases. How to remove a child’s earring-cloves? You will find the answer to this question in our article.

Safe Medical Earrings

Earrings used for piercing the ears can be purchased either locally in the salon or in any specialized store. They are a pair of studs with different diameters. There is a latch at the end. Depending on the location of the puncture of the auricle, different pin diameters are used. They are made of a special alloy of steel that does not cause allergies and inflammation. The material may be white or yellow.

Carnations are decorated with stones of all colors, which allows them to be worn for a long time. Children’s earrings are usually produced with a cartoon design. At the end, they have a latch with a special twist: the closed tip does not prick your head during sleep or wiping.

It's time to take off your medical earrings

Now the time has passed since the puncture, all the recommendations have been implemented, the soreness has passed and I want to put on my jewelry. When and how to remove a clove earring?

They pierced the ear with a pistol, for example, 2 months ago. Fine. The time has come to change the jewelry. This period is considered sufficient for the removal of medical cloves.

how to remove a baby’s carnation earring

How to remove medical earrings?

Before proceeding to the removal procedure, you need to thoroughly wash your hands and prepare any disinfectant solution. And now let's move on to the practical part of how to remove clove earrings yourself:

  • To do this, hold the decoration in front with two fingers of one hand. Do it confidently, but carefully.
  • With two fingers of the other hand, it is necessary to pull the latch with force.
  • If it succumbed, remove the earring and wet the puncture site with a disinfectant solution.
  • We give the ears a break for about half an hour and put in other earrings.

And how to remove a child’s medical clove earrings ? If it is very small, then it is best to contact the salon, who pierced the ears. He will easily help remove them and put on other earrings. Also, it is worth contacting the salon in the case when you can’t remove the carnations yourself. Home options are traumatic, and you should not risk your health.

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