What are the spokes for a bicycle

Spokes in a bicycle wheel are needed to connect the hub to the rim. Thus, they ensure the integrity of the structure and its strength. Among other things, knitting needles play to some extent the cushioning role. Some flexibility of this structural element provides load distribution along the wheel rim.

knitting needles for bicycles
Spokes for a bicycle consist of two parts - this is the rod itself and the nipple (mushroom nut for mounting on the rim). This design provides a completely reliable mount. One end of the shaft is bent and riveted. On the second there is a thread that can be threaded or knurled. The second option makes the spoke more robust and reliable. Threaded threads weaken this part more, which often breaks in this place. The rod is made either from high alloy steel or from ordinary (nickel-plated). The second option is less reliable. For sports models, titanium options are often used.

The nipple is made of bronze, steel or aluminum. The first option is preferable in that it practically does not stick. Replacing a spoke on a bicycle with these nuts can be easier. Steel elements are the cheapest, and experts do not recommend using them.

replacing spokes on a bicycle
The most expensive option is aluminum nuts. They make the wheel lighter.

Spokes for a bicycle of the usual urban type are used in the amount of 36 pieces. There may be fewer of them in the wheel of road models. In this way, greater bicycle maneuverability is achieved in terms of speed changes. In different designs, the number of spokes may be different. However, their number is always a multiple of four or two.

In addition, the needles for a bicycle can have different thicknesses. In the front wheel, the flanges of the hub are symmetrical and have a standard size. In the rear, the multi-speed design, on the contrary, is asymmetric. Therefore, the sizes can be absolutely any. Therefore, on models with the same types of bushings, spokes are designed for the front wheel, for the rear right and left rear. Moreover, they have different thicknesses.

bike spokes adjustment
Sometimes you need to replace or adjust the spokes of the bike. These operations are quite complicated, but if desired, can be performed independently. In order to, for example, tighten the knitting needles, you need to turn the latter upside down with wheels and shake the rods. If the amplitude exceeds 1-2 mm, it is necessary to tighten the element. It is more difficult to prevent the appearance of the "eight" when pulling up. To do this, it is necessary to determine the amplitude of horizontal and vertical runout. Eliminate these problems by pulling or loosening the spokes and shifting the rim. In the same way correct the "ellipse" of the rim.

Replacement of a spoke may be necessary as a result of breakage. Most often this happens with a strong blow, for example, about a log or the edge of a hole. This sometimes happens, and therefore it is worth having spare spokes for a bicycle. In order to get to the house, if there are no tools for removing the wheel, the broken part is bent and a wire is tied to it. Thus, it will be possible to get to the place where it is possible to replace the spoke with a new one. The latter is simply inserted into the rim and twisted with a nipple.

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