Estimates for electrical work. Examples of costing for electrical work

When creating any project, the estimate is an important document, the purpose of which is to determine all the required costs, taking into account the expended labor resources and materials. Electrical work plays a very important role in construction, so in this case, saving money at the expense of quality is unacceptable. In this regard, a serious approach to the preparation of estimates for electrical work is required.

Required Documentation

estimates for electrical work

To draw up estimated costs, you need a BTI room plan, tied to electrical equipment, and a design project for the electrical section. The following documents will also be required:

  • permit for power connection;
  • TU for electrical work;
  • limited liability document;
  • balance sheet act;
  • electrical equipment project.

An explanatory note, a single-line power supply scheme (calculated), a plan for group networks (lighting and electrical equipment), a scheme for additional equalization of potentials and approval of the plan in Rostekhnadzor should also be included.

Among other things, an order is drawn up for equipment for electrical installation, which includes information on the length of all wires, their manufacturing company and auxiliary materials. The order is drawn up with the same accuracy as the estimate.

Variety of estimates

make an estimate for electrical work

Estimates for electrical work are divided into two categories: consolidated (integrated), compiled for the entire building, and local (object), performed separately for the room. Before you start writing them, you must complete the rationale for the investment. In this case, the estimated cost of all work is determined. Documents can be presented in two forms:

  • estimated calculation (contains a detailed cost price with an overestimation of the level of costs);
  • estimate (calculation is carried out according to design drawings).

The second type allows you to make an estimate for electrical work more efficiently.

List of works

First of all, labor costs should be described. This will allow in the future to avoid a price increase. The list of works is presented below.

drawing up estimates for electrical work

  1. Installation of wiring (open) on brackets on a concrete surface and on plaster walls.
  2. Laying wiring corrugation (open).
  3. Placement of an electric box on concrete, a brick platform and plaster.
  4. Mounting the patch box.
  5. Installation of the switch, socket and decorative insert.
  6. Mounting the soldering box in plaster, brick wall and concrete.
  7. Change the triple electrical unit.
  8. Installation of a socket.
  9. Setting a button for an electric bell.
  10. Build an electric bell.
  11. Creation of a hole in a plaster (brick, concrete wall) for a sock.

Writing Algorithm: Stage 1

example of estimates for electrical work

When drawing up an estimate for electrical work, it is necessary to determine the exact amount that is intended for the event in question. Further, the principle of operation is described below.

  1. Get a floor plan with reference to electrical appliances. The BTI or the studio making up the electrical projects can help with this.
  2. Get permission to connect capacities. This should be done in the DEZ or HOA. The same organizations should take a document on the delineation of operational responsibility between the balance holder and the owner.
  3. Bring all the technical conditions to the standards, as they are strictly checked, and any deviation entails a refusal.

Writing Algorithm: Stage 2

sample estimates for electrical work

After performing the previous operations, a number of important actions need to be performed.

  1. Turn to the good specialists who make up the design of electrical appliances. At this stage, it is important to turn to experts, because only professionally performed work can guarantee safe and constant operation for a long time.
  2. Choose the best company that provides installation services. To do this, you should take an interest in information about it, find out customer reviews about quality. In the estimates for electrical work, these costs are necessarily included.
  3. Find the right electrical appliances and include their cost in the estimate.
  4. Calculate the ratio of costs and balances. If funds are not enough, you should make the project easier by choosing less expensive equipment.

Example of estimates for electrical work

The name of the document in question is written as an estimate, an object. The front page indicates the total cost, installation costs, the calculated labor intensity and estimated salary are noted. More detailed information is presented in the form of a table divided into several columns. A sample estimate for electrical work is presented below.

An object:



(type of estimate)

Name of works

Estimated cost:


thousand roubles.

Installation cost:


thousand roubles.

The complexity of the standards:


thousand people \ h

Estimated Salary:


thousand roubles.

No pp

Item No.

Code and position number of the standard,

name of work and expenses



Cost (per unit, rub.)

All cost (rub.)

Labor costs, not occupied. obsl. cars (person-h)


the ex. cars


salary for the main workers

the ex. cars

service cars

salary for the main workers

including salary fur.

salary fur.

per unit


The first column is the serial number, the second is the position. The third indicates the code and the work itself. The fourth column should indicate the quantity. The following are the columns with the cost of work and labor costs. At the end of the table, the results are summarized, as well as the person who made the estimate, and the one who checked (position, signature, full name).

Drawing up estimates for electrical work is a rather troublesome and time-consuming process. To calculate its value currently allow different calculation methods: mixed, index, compensation, resource. The use of specialized software will greatly simplify the task and avoid errors, because the cost of electrical work depends on the estimate, and this affects the quality and durability of the equipment. To do everything at a high level, you can contact the estimated department of the company for the design of electricity. Specialists will do all the work efficiently in the shortest possible time.

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