26 lunar days: a characteristic of the day, what can and cannot be done

The symbols of the 26 lunar days are the toad and swamp. They are not the most positive, as they carry spiritual decay and release the dark sides of the human being. Under their influence, there is a desire to become like animal nature, aspirations also lead there.


In the 26 lunar day there is a huge over-expenditure of energy. Moreover, even those who previously very skillfully coped with its flows feel difficulties. For this reason, the best way out of the situation will be the position of a passive observer. Try to spend your day in peace and donโ€™t take the initiative. Aggression is also not welcome. Work on yourself by devoting your day to spiritual practice and meditation.

In addition to the main symbols, in the characteristic of 26 lunar days there is the constellation Capricorn, which carries a spiritual rebirth. Thanks to this sign, self-improvement takes place, a person rushes to spiritual heights in order to learn the truth. Thus, the day turns out to be very contradictory and unstable: it throws people from side to side, attracting it to the good, then to the bad. Because of this, frequent doubts arise, a revision of values โ€‹โ€‹and by the end of the day there is a feeling of great tiredness.

The emotional background suffers. People feel depressed, irritability and tension appear. Now you should try to control your own emotions, and for this it is advisable to retire. So no one can provoke you to release negative energy.

Be alone with yourself

Left alone with yourself, you gain the opportunity to think about what is happening around and inside you. Just do not resort to self-flagellation; sober self-criticism will help to see your weaknesses and gradually get rid of them. You can return to the spiritual beginning by removing the animal essence.

Being alone, one should not think badly not only about oneself, but also about others. Your judgments today will turn out to be false, because in view of the peculiarities of the day, an objective assessment will not work.

Tips for the day

What can be done on the 26 lunar day? Despite the fact that the toad is the personification of wisdom, it does not bring benefits. In addition, the second side of this symbol is self-deception and complacency. Thus, this day brings great difficulties and requires responsibility.

Be prepared for the fact that there are a lot of temptations around, from which you should try to restrain yourself. You will need extraordinary willpower and endurance. Show calm and seek help for a sense of humor - the latter will protect against external fuss and problems.

The mood will constantly change, which will be influenced by factors such as false promises, empty vows, threats and false confessions. To get out of this swamp will be a very difficult event, which will require a lot of effort.

Mood change

Today one should keep neutrality in oneโ€™s behavior: no joy, no sorrow, only restrained calmness. Otherwise, quarrels and conflict situations are possible. In addition, at 26 lunar days there is a high probability of robberies, and anyone can become a victim. Plus, you can fall under the influence of others, because of which you will agree to commit a rash act, which as a result will result in major troubles.

In general, the 26 lunar day does not carry direct threats, it only warns of possible problems. And if, when making a decision, you intuitively feel the catch, give it up. And the best solution will be unity with nature: if the weather allows, choose a secluded corner and get lost there until the evening.


What can not be done? On the 26 lunar day, self-restraint, painful doubts, complaints about one's life and exaggeration of troubles are prohibited. In addition, if all this is supplemented with envy and jealousy, the soul will completely plunge into darkness, and this stream of black thoughts will be constantly present. Get out of the negative, otherwise it will drag you to the bottom.

Special care must be taken when driving. Do not be distracted or leave your vehicle unattended. And even traveling by public transport is highly discouraged. As a result, the losses will be much larger than the sensations received, even if at the very beginning the trip is pleasant.

Do not take seriously criticism from the outside. Remember that today everyone seeks to offend the other, and the assessment is unfounded. If you take everything to heart, your perception of yourself will suffer. Today it is necessary to skip everything that was said by the ears, and trouble simply pass by.

Be calm when you hear criticism

Do not start new affairs, as all efforts will prove to be unsuccessful at best, and at worst they will bring the opposite. And do not brag about your achievements, since in the future you will have to blush for your such behavior.

Communication should be minimized and reject any dubious acquaintances. At the same time, if you notice that a person is talking fake in a conversation with you, immediately interrupt the communication, do not be afraid to seem ill-bred.


The lunar horoscope says that for love, the 26th day is also unfavorable. Moreover, this is the most dangerous period. Because of outbreaks and a desire to conflict, people waste energy, as a result, all communication is reduced to empty chatter, gossip and vanity. For this reason, couples should not be active. Devote this day to rest.

If your heart is free now, do not make new contacts and doubtful connections. Representatives of the opposite sex need to communicate selectively.

Lovers should be very careful about what is happening, remove the mask and soberly assess the situation. Otherwise, your soulmate will be rude and hypocritical towards you. And if what you saw made you feel disappointed, get distracted, do not dive into it, take a neutral observer position and let go of the situation.

Relationship disorder

Intimate sphere

At 26 lunar days, intimacy should not be abused. Ideally, today it is worth completely abandoning it, since it will not bring pleasure. On the contrary, an irresistible desire will turn into disappointment.

At the same time, representatives of the fair sex are in the main risk group. Today they are most susceptible to deception and can be used by another person only to satisfy his needs. For this reason, girls should not drink alcohol, while in public places there is a high probability of being in the arms of an unfamiliar man.


Due to the negative vibrations of 26 lunar days, getting married today is not a good idea. Family life runs the risk of being very short - the couple will constantly stagnate, which will lead to a break in relations. Moreover, the couple can neither develop together nor work.

If 26 lunar days fall on the second day of the wedding, then it is better not to spend it. So you can avoid scandals and save only pleasant memories about the holiday.


Oddly enough, but, according to the lunar horoscope, this period is quite suitable for conception of a child. Such people quickly get rich, gain fame and honor. In life, they expect major achievements and success. But at the same time, they are prone to ambition. And therefore, upbringing plays a big role here: parents must timely convey to their child a simple truth that sounds like "what you sow, you will reap." Tell him that evil always comes back as a boomerang, just like the reward for good deeds.



A difficult life awaits those born on the 26 lunar day, as they are only interested in increasing their own self-esteem at the expense of others. They are silent, and their spiritual growth is due to the fulfillment of these promises. They are not at all exposed to idle chatter, since it takes all the energy, so over time these people get the opportunity to gain more and more wisdom and experience without wasting their energy on trifles.

If a personโ€™s birthday fell on the 26 lunar day, then he becomes attached to the material world, because of which it is often impossible to achieve complete harmony with himself. These people, as a rule, often engage in self-discipline and self-digging. At the same time, they are extremely charming and can easily enter into trust, which ensures them a high position in society. Born on this day have remarkable experience, because on their way there were victories, which were achieved by deception, and their own failures. And so they know how to see a person through.

Those born on the 26 lunar day are encouraged to develop modesty and tell the truth. So they can clear karma, and their life will become easier. In the tempering of spirit, responsibility and respect are born.


Your health on the 26 lunar day should be treated with increased attention. Today, the body is very weak. To avoid injury, limit physical activity. Massage, acupuncture sessions and a relaxing bath will bring good results.


Business affairs on 26 lunar day will not bring a positive result. All new projects and arrangements are doomed to failure. And even if at first the development is very successful, in the end, one small failure will ruin everything. For this reason, contracts and other activities should be concluded on another day.

Business may be in danger of collapse

As for financial transactions, they should be moved to a much later time. In general, 26 lunar days from the beginning to the very end should be a day off, since not only the above problems are possible, but also scandals in the collective itself. And when dealing with subordinates, it is necessary to exercise restraint and not to show the slightest share of arrogance, otherwise it will subsequently turn against you with a vengeance.

The interpretation of dreams

Dreams on the 26 lunar day are cleared by the subconscious. They are transparent and do not require deep explanation. All that you saw in the night dreams is the truth. You will be able to verify this yourself by seeing in a dream a picture that fully reflects your life.

And be prepared for the fact that the subconscious mind will be ruthless. If in reality you are conceited, subject to greed and anger, then in a dream you will see yourself that way. This is unpleasant, since self-criticism is not characteristic of everyone. But if you can reason objectively and accept everything you see with dignity, you will have a unique chance to reveal your best sides.


26 lunar days are not suitable for cutting hair, since the procedure entails trouble. This can be either physical trauma or psychological trauma, which will lead to depression. After cutting this day, the hair will grow very slowly.


It is recommended to color curls using natural means - this will make your communication with others more effective. As for the hairstyle, today it is preferable to do styling with pile.

Calculation of the lunar day

If you are interested in how to calculate the lunar day of April 26, 2012 or any other lunar day, then you need to refer to a simple formula:

N = (L * 11) - 14 + D + M.

We analyze the notation:

L is the lunar number of the year. It is easy to calculate. Each year has its own lunar number, which ranges from 1 to 19. Remember that the year 2000 corresponds to 6, it is most simple to count from it. We are interested in 2012. Its number is 18.

D is the day of the month, we have 26.

M is the month ordinal, we have 4.

(18 * 11) - 14 + 26 + 4 = 214

Now it is necessary to subtract 30 from the obtained value several times so that the figure remains less than 30. In our case, we do this seven times. It turns out the number 4. Therefore, on April 26, 2012 there were 4 lunar days. And if that day one of your relatives was born, you can read its full description. They also do the work of calculating any future date in order to understand whether any important events can be planned.

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