Leo-Dragon (female): characteristics and personality traits

A very unusual person is a person like the Leo Dragon. The woman, whose characteristics will be discussed in detail below, is of particular interest. Her personality combined a variety of qualities. Some come from the zodiac sign. Others are from the eastern patron. And some even differ in double strength, as they are inherent in one and the other sign. However, this interesting topic can be described in a little more detail.

lion dragon female characteristic

a lion

To begin with - briefly about the impact of the zodiac sign on the character of the girl. So, the Lion Dragon. A woman whose characteristic becomes clear immediately after her zodiac sign is known. Animal lions are the kings of animals. So the girl who was born under the auspices of this sign is the real queen.

These girls are exquisite, know how to dress, look after themselves, and surprise others with their impeccability. By the way, those people who are her relatives are just as good as she is. The lioness is used to surround herself with all the best, and society is no exception in this regard.

She also loves attention, because she always has a sea of ​​fans. And those who want to win her heart will have to try hard. What is needed for this? Attention. As many compliments as possible, beautiful and unusual words (it is not possible to conquer it with banalities), gifts will not be superfluous.

The Dragon

Now you can go to the eastern horoscope. What is he - Leo in the year of the Dragon? A woman, whose characterization is rather ambiguous, is distinguished by her relaxedness, inner freedom and absolute unwillingness to bind herself with obligations and contracts of any kind. Independence is everything. In general, many qualities of the Dragon are identical to those possessed by Leo.

This girl makes a very strong impression on others. She behaves like a queen, and because of this, many can attribute to her such a quality as megalomania. In principle, it is peculiar to her. After all, this is a Dragon! Its characteristic is precisely that. This creature is a symbol of power, success, energy and wisdom. So such girls not without reason consider themselves the best.

But, despite all these qualities, they are very condescending and good-natured. They forgive mistakes, insults and insults. But only if the opponent takes a step forward.

lion in the year of the dragon female characteristic

general characteristics

Lionesses born in the year of the Dragon are noble, self-sufficient persons. They are not without a sense of humor. And these women are very generous. They always help those people who need care and attention. Nevertheless, he still loves to command the Lion Dragon. A woman whose characteristic clearly makes this clear is able to control others. She does it wonderfully. Because of these, quite good leaders are often obtained.

They are also optimistic and love to dream. Many for this reason may find them frivolous. But no. Such girls are extremely smart and far-sighted. They always have goals that they achieve. Yes, they are dreamy and ambitious, but thanks to their character, strength of will and spirit, they always succeed in achieving what they want. By the way, these women solve difficult tasks easily. After all, their intelligence is superbly developed. So many situations are elementary for them.

dragon characteristic


So, what is the relationship between the girl who is the representative of such an interesting zodiac combination as Leo Dragon? A woman whose characteristic has been described in some detail above always remains true to her beloved man. Unless, of course, his feelings are mutual. Because when a man ceases to pay attention to her and please her with compliments, she herself fades away.

Such ladies approach their choice of spouse thoroughly. They will never marry the first person they meet or the one they have been dating for a couple of months. Such a girl needs a faithful and reliable partner who will understand and support her. If she finds such a man, she will even agree to soften her overly powerful character.

Negative character traits

This also cannot be ignored. Nobody is perfect. So the girl-Lioness, born in the year of the Dragon, has minuses. Pretty weighty. For example, incontinence. Often, she can say something that seems to her a completely ordinary remark, but the phrase will offend the interlocutor.

Still, such women are accustomed to defend their opinion. And in general, everything that belongs to them. Therefore, it is not necessary to argue or provoke them to conflict. Otherwise, a serious quarrel may occur.

She’s also selfish. Sometimes even too much. All the best should go to her. It’s hard for her to live without gifts or at least compliments. And without romance. Because she is looking for a passionate, generous and successful man. Sometimes such intelligibility plays against her - if she does not find such a person, then most likely she will be left alone. Unless, of course, does not sacrifice some principles.

dragon compatibility

Who will become a good partner?

Finally - a few words about such a thing as compatibility. A girl-dragon can be successfully understood by a horse-boy. They will not be bored - there will always be a topic for conversation, since both are intellectually savvy. By the way, the Horse guy can solve all kinds of problems even before they appear. And the Dragon Girl likes this quality, because she needs a strong and reliable partner.

Relations with the Rooster guy are going well. It is he who will create such comfortable conditions for her that she could not even dream of. The rooster is a rational person and is distinguished by constancy. This is what the Dragon lacks.

It is especially good if the partner is born under the auspices of Libra or Gemini. Because the guys who are representatives of these signs will be able to give the Lioness what she needs. Namely - attention with love. In addition, Libra and Gemini are extremely inventive and creative natures. So the Lioness will not be bored. The union can really turn out to be promising.

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