When to apply to the registry office for marriage registration?

Sooner or later, almost every couple thinks about a wedding. In Russia, marriage has to be registered with a special authority. To translate ideas into reality, citizens have to submit requests of a standard form. But how to do that? And when to apply to the registry office? To understand all this and not only succeed further. In reality, everything is much simpler than it seems.

When to contact the registry office

About marriage

The question of when to apply to the registry office in order to get married arises for many couples. It is important to understand the circumstances under which the application may not be accepted.

Fortunately, this situation is not so common. Therefore, for starters, we will study the rules for applying for a marriage.

After painting in the registry office, citizens become husband and wife. One of the spouses can take the surname of the second half or combine it. After the marriage between a man and a woman, family relationships arise. They are regulated by the relevant code.

Conclusion conditions

How much can I apply to the registry office? We will deal with this issue a bit later. The first step is to understand how to file a petition, as well as when the population has a corresponding right.

When to go to a registry office for a wedding

At the moment, the wedding requires:

  • the marriage of the children of their majority (in some cases, 16 years);
  • make decisions mutually and of good will;
  • so that the spouses are heterosexual;
  • the presence of full legal capacity;
  • the absence of blood relationship between the bride and groom.

If the above conditions are met, you can go to the registration authorities to implement the task.

About the registration authorities

How much do they submit an application to the registry office? It is difficult to find a definite answer. Indeed, in real life, couples often apply in advance. Especially if they want to play a wedding on a specific "beautiful" date.

Where exactly do marriage requests go? In 2018, the following documents work with similar documentation:

  • Registry offices;
  • multifunctional centers;
  • wedding palaces;
  • portal "Public services".

An application with documents prepared in advance is given to the registration authority in advance. Where exactly to apply? Everyone decides independently. Ideally, couples have to go to the registry office at the registration of one of the spouses. But any other registration authority is also allowed to apply.


How to apply for marriage registration in the registry office? This is not so difficult to do. Especially if you prepare for the operation in advance.

How much is a wedding

Instructions for translating ideas into reality will have the following form:

  1. Prepare a specific set of documents. We will review the list of relevant securities later.
  2. Fill out a family registration application.
  3. Make a fee for the service.
  4. Submit documentation to the registration authority.
  5. Appear on the appointed day at the registry office for painting.

That's all. There are no problems with this operation. In particular, if the future spouses first contact the registration authority for the wedding.

Documents for the task

To submit an application to the registry office for marriage registration will succeed only with timely preparation. The specified operation requires a certain package of papers from applicants.

Citizens of the Russian Federation must bring:

  • passports
  • statement;
  • fee receipt.

This will be enough. If one of the spouses has already divorced, you will additionally have to present the original certificate of divorce.

In Russia, you can marry foreigners. Under such circumstances, the bride and groom are additionally required:

  • a certificate of absence of marriage from a foreigner;
  • translation of a civil passport into Russian.

Nothing more is required. Paperwork during the wedding is minimal. The main thing is to know how to behave in a particular case.

Internet feed

"State services" to apply to the registry office allows, without forcing citizens to leave the house. But this scenario is not in great demand at the moment. For example, because you have to register in advance on the service and confirm the profile.

In order to submit applications to the registry office, "State services" offer the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Log in to your profile on Gosuslugi.
  2. Go to the "Service Catalog".
  3. In the search bar, type "Registration of marriage."
  4. Select the appropriate item.
  5. Click on the "Get ..." button.
  6. Fill out the request form. It is enough to pay attention to the tips near the empty fields.
  7. Choose the registration authority in which you want to play a wedding. At this point, it is proposed to decide whether the painting will be solemn or ordinary.
  8. Indicate the date of registration. It can be selected using a special calendar. It also offers to determine the time of the celebration.
  9. Click on the "Submit ..." button.
  10. Wait for approval of the application.
  11. Pay state duty.

Only after that it is possible to confirm the celebration in the chosen registry office. Citizens must have the previously listed papers with them.

How to apply to the registry office

Law and restrictions

When to apply to the registry office in order to sign? There are different scenarios.

According to the law, painting is carried out only after a certain period of time after the filing of the application. The bride and groom are given time to think about their decision.

That is why it is necessary to submit an application to the registry office for family registration no later than a month before the expected date of the wedding. Faster than in 30 days citizens will not be signed.

Accelerated mode

But there are exceptions. How much can I apply to the registry office? In certain circumstances, the bride and groom receive the right to expedited painting.

This is possible if:

  • danger to life and health;
  • the bride is pregnant;
  • the couple had a common child;
  • there are prolonged illnesses;
  • one of the parties is sent for a long period on a service trip.

In these cases, an accelerated painting mode is allowed. For example, the bride and groom after submitting the application in the established form can be registered as a new unit of society in 1-2 weeks.

Important: the grounds for accelerated marriage registration will have to be documented.

Time to think

How much do they submit an application to the registry office? As we have said, no less than a month before registration. It doesnโ€™t matter which one - ordinary or solemn.

Choosing a Wedding Date

However, legislation allows you to extend the time allotted to think about creating a family. Separate registry offices accept applications no earlier than 2 months before the marriage. This is a rare exception and you do not need to focus on it.

In advance

But what if you want to plan your wedding in advance? For example, on a specific date and time?

How much do they submit an application to the registry office? To date, registration authorities accept applications in advance. You can sign up to submit a request for a wedding on a specific date for 6 months. In some cases, couples turn to the registration authorities 7-8-9 months before the celebration. Especially if solemn painting is planned.

Despite this, a month and a half before the marriage, the couple will still have to come back to the registry office and confirm their intentions. This is a fairly common occurrence.

Live Queue

What else do you need to know the bride and groom?

Unfortunately, you canโ€™t say exactly how much you can file an application with the registry office. This is done in advance, depending on the date of painting and the time of year. The rules in force at the registration authority will also have to be studied.

MFC and registry office services

The thing is that the most "wedding period" falls on the end of spring - the beginning of autumn. And to play a wedding at this time is problematic. Therefore, behind the scenes in the registry offices, couples compile application filing schedules. This is how the "live queue" is formed. When it is the turn of a particular couple, the future husband and wife turn to the registry office and submit documentation for painting.

Similarly, behind the scenes, you can sign up for a wedding for a year or more. The sooner the couple turns to the registration authority, the faster they will eventually be signed. And the higher will be the chances of holding a celebration in the "wedding season" on a specific date and time.

Days and time of admission

We found out how much you can apply to the registry office. And when exactly should the couple come to the registration authority?

The answer to a similar question depends on the specific registry office. Usually, you can apply with documents and documents on any day except Monday and Sunday. Time is limited only by the period of work of the registering authority. There is nothing difficult about this.

The time and days of receiving requests are best specified in a specific wedding palace. And, the sooner the couple takes the turn, the more chances she has to get married at a convenient time and date.


And how much is the implementation of the task? We found out when it is allowed to file an application with the registry office. "State services" or a personal appeal to the registration authority will take place - this is not so important. Until the couple pays the list, they will not consider the request.

In 2018, only 350 rubles will have to be paid for the registration of a new family. Payment is made by one of the parties - the bride or groom. It is recommended to deposit funds immediately before contacting the marriage registration department in the registry office.

But that's not all. If you use "State services", you will be able to submit an application to the registry office for a lower price. Until 01.01.2019, Russia has a system of discounts on state duties. If you pay for public services through the previously mentioned portal, you will have to give 30% less. So, the painting will cost 245 rubles.

This information is relevant for ordinary painting. Solemn registration of marriage involves additional costs. Their size depends on the prices of a particular registry office. In the regions, about 5,000 rubles can be paid for a wedding, and in large cities, the payment amount exceeds 10,000 rubles. This information is specified in advance.

How to sign in Russia


How much can I apply to the registry office? The answer to this question will no longer make you think. The average time for submitting applications is 1-6 months.

The earlier the couple apply with the request and documents, the higher the chances of holding a wedding on a particular day. This will have to be remembered. And therefore, it is better to prepare for the celebration in advance.

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