"Softening Evil Hearts": prayer before the icon

Some researchers believe that the earliest images of the Virgin began to appear even during her lifetime. The Softener of Evil Hearts icon stands apart from everyone else for several reasons. A distinctive feature of this image of the Ever-Virgin is that next to her there is no infant Christ. And the presence of swords or daggers aimed at the heart of the Virgin makes this icon completely unique in meaning. According to the Gospel of Luke, the elder Simeon the God-Receiver had long awaited the Messiah, because he knew from the Holy Spirit that this meeting was destined for him before his death. Seeing the baby of Christ and taking him in his arms, the saint first said a prayer over him, and then he predicted to Mary her spiritual path, connected with many sufferings of her heart.

"Simeon's prophecy"

Simeon the God-Receiver recited a prayer in the Temple of Jerusalem over the infant Christ, who had been born 40 days ago, since then since the end of the evening service the priests have said:

Now let go of your servant, Lord, according to your verb, in peace ...

And then the elder turned to the Virgin with a prediction, hereinafter referred to as the "Simeon prophecy":

... behold, this lies the fall and the rebellion of many in Israel and the subject of bickering, - and to you the weapon itself will pass the soul, - may the thoughts of many hearts be revealed.

The suffering of the Mother of God

This should be understood as follows: the soul of the Blessed Virgin is suffering from unbearable pain at the sight of the torment of the Son on the Cross; and then she will begin to see all the secret thoughts of those around him about the Son of God, and the ways in which they will come to a decision: they are with Him or with His enemies. This prophecy became the basis of the plot for writing the icons of the Mother of the Savior.

Many believers who turn to Prayer for softening evil hearts to the icon of the Mother of God in moments of spiritual anguish feel how the spiritual pain subsides and fear recedes. And when a person is in a calm state of consciousness, his thoughts become peaceful, and he can more objectively assess the situation. And it often happens that previously seemingly insoluble and insulting problems actually become tasks for the soul of a person sent to him for his teaching. This is the power of the prayer of the Virgin Mary’s icon “Softening Evil Hearts”.

Icon Description

According to the canons, the heart of the Virgin on the icon “Softening Evil Hearts” is pierced by seven swords: three swords on the right, three swords on the left, and one on the bottom. In accordance with the sacred meaning of the number "seven", the number of swords symbolizes the fullness and boundlessness of suffering experienced by the Most Holy during Her life.

Icon "Softening Evil Hearts"

On some icons the Mother of God is depicted with the baby Christ sitting on Her lap, but most often she is written alone, with this:

  • Her head is slightly inclined to the right or left, however, the location may be straight;
  • hands are positioned as if closing a deep wound in the heart;
  • characteristic in-depth look;
  • in Her form there is deep pain and at the same time humility.

On the earliest icons, the Most Holy One could be depicted in full growth.

The Divine Blood and the mother’s tears flow together and mix to atone for the human race. "

There are images of the Virgin in which she is inexpressible suffering next to the crucified Son. However, such subjects were used more often among Catholics.

There is no reliable information about the origin of the icon, but there are many versions.

Protection method

When all known earthly remedies for the plunged misfortunes are exhausted, a person usually recalls the Divine protection. A prayer for the softening of evil hearts is read before the icon of the Mother of God of the same name: at the same time they mention not only themselves and close people, but also enemies. Perhaps when you turn to the Higher powers, you realize that many situations were provoked by you. Then the attitude towards enemies will change, and peace and tranquility will come in the soul. Turning to the Most Holy with the Prayer for the softening of evil hearts, you can read "Troparion, voice 5":

Soften our evil hearts, Mother of God, and quench the misfortunes of those who hate us, and allow all the crampedness of our souls, to look upon the holy image of You, by Your suffering and mercy we are touched and we kiss Your wounds, but we torment our arrows, We torment you. Do not let us, Mati the Bountiful, perish in our cruelty and cruelty of our neighbors, Thou art the truly evil hearts Softening.

In any case, it should be remembered that the reality surrounding us is a mirror of our internal state.

The seven-shooter icon

This icon is almost identical in plot to Softening Evil Hearts. Nevertheless, the Mother of God is depicted on the "Seven-shooting" Mother of God alone, without the baby of Christ, with a slight tilt of her head to the right.

Icon of the Mother of God "Seven-shot"

The same seven swords are present on the icon, but they are located unevenly on the right and left sides: three swords pierce on the right side, and four on the side of the heart.

Celebration in honor of the "Seven-shot" takes place on August 26 according to a new style. On this day, the Prayer for the softening of evil hearts is especially strong, and thanks to it, long-standing enmity subsides and mercy is born in the hearts of enemies.

Shrine History

In the Vologda region and now there is the river Toshnya. On its shore there once stood a church in honor of St. John the Evangelist, located in the Kadnikovsky district of the Vologda province. The peasant of this county suffered, as they said then, a relaxation of bones: with this disease he had to rely only on the Lord. Once he had a dream in which he was ordered to climb the bell tower of the church, find there the image of the Virgin and ask Her for health.

The peasant for a long time begged the ministers of the John the Theological Church to let him in, but they, fearing that he was "not in himself," refused. On the third attempt, he nevertheless got inside the church: scrutinizing each step, the peasant made his way to the bell tower. And only at the last step did he find what he was looking for: it was a wooden board on which the face of the Most Holy One appeared.

The prototype of the icon "Softening Evil Hearts"

The priests cleansed the shrine and served a prayer service, after which the peasant who saw a dream regained his health. This Orthodox icon began to show miracles, one of which was the deliverance in 1830 of the Vologda province of cholera. It was then that the miraculous shrine was transferred to the Vologda Church of Dmitry Prilutsky and was soon walked around the city with the "Seven-guns". The procession was miraculous: the cholera was gone. Prayer BM “Softening of evil hearts” is offered in the case of mental and physical illnesses. In this case, you can read Kondak:

We call upon the Chosen Virgin Mary, who exceeded all the daughters of the earth, the Mother of the Son of God, to give salvation to the world, with emotion: we look at our many-hurt life, remember sorrows and illnesses, but you have undergone them, like our earthly one, and have done with us according to Your mercy yes call T:

Rejoice, mournful Mother of God, who transforms our sorrow into joy.

Residents of Vologda were shocked, and merchants and influential citizens invited the rector of the Church of St. John the Theologian to deposit the shrine in a new church, which was intended to be built specifically for the miraculous icon.

However, the priest refused, so a list was made with Semistrelnaya, which remained in the Dmitrievskaya church until 1930, when, for obvious reasons, the service stopped. At present, services have resumed in this church.

Further wanderings

As for the shrine, she returned to her temple, where she was once discovered, and for a long time helped the suffering, revealing miracles. But the granule revolution of 1917, the St. John the Theological Church was closed in 1930, and then destroyed. Today in its place is a worship cross.

Believers hid the shrine, and despite repeated attempts by zealous Communists to find it, this venture failed. When the dark times passed, the "Seven-shot" was transferred to the Lazarevsky Church of Vologda, where it is now located.

Lazarevskaya church in Vologda

The rector of the church, Archpriest Alexy Sorokin, often travels with parishioners to the site of the initial acquisition of the shrine for worship. This usually happens on All Saints Week, on the first Sunday of Pentecost, and also on August 26th. It is on these days that the full prayer is read in front of the icon “Softening Evil Hearts”:

O Long-suffering Mother of God, Exceeding all the daughters of the earth, in Her purity and in many sufferings, You have transferred to the lands, receive our painful sigh and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy. Otherwise, refuge and warm intercession, do not you have any interest, but, as you have the boldness of those who are of you born, help us and save us with our prayers, let us reach the kingdom of heaven without rest, and we will chant with all the saints in the Trinity, the only God, now and ever more till the end of time. Amen.

Researchers believe that the original “Seven-shot” has more than half a century, but its list is about 250 years old. The storyline of both icons almost coincides.

How to pray

It is not easy to find peace of mind in the worldly bustle. However, when we come to the temple, many of us do not know how communication with shrines begins. Here are simple rules, applying which, you will feel confident:

  • Having crossed the threshold of the church, cross yourself;
  • women need to have a hat (shawl) with them;
  • go to the image of the Savior, put a candle and cross yourself;
  • go to the image you want, put a candle, cross yourself;
  • refer to the image of the Virgin: this can be done in your own words.

On holidays dedicated to the Most Holy One, in the temple you can hear a prayer song "Softening Evil Hearts." Her melody and lyrics are well remembered.

If you often attend services, then most likely you will soon be able to turn to the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary with the words of prayer.

Synchronous reading

A prayer is read under the agreement "Softening Evil Hearts" in those cases when the efforts of more than one person are necessary to achieve a good goal.

Statue of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows

The goals in this case can be both personal and public, for example, the earliest possible construction of a temple. In such cases, by prior agreement, the time for raising the prayer to the image of the Virgin is established, and the time for reading it is determined. For example, a priest can make such a request to the parishioners.

Look at yourself

There are times when the cause of your troubles lies not so much in the intrigues of the enemies around you, but in your internal irritation, vindictiveness and the like. How to deal with them?

Myrrh-streaming image of the Mother of God “Softening of Evil Hearts”

Just go to church and read the prayer in front of the icon "Softening Evil Hearts." Thus, you will help your own heart become more tolerant and kinder.

Seven Sorrows of Our Lady

When you peer into the face of the Mother of God on the icon "Softening Evil Hearts" - the meaning of prayer becomes extremely clear: peace in the soul can only be achieved by tireless work on one’s own soul.

There is another version of the interpretation of the plot of this icon: seven swords piercing the heart, coincide with the seven sins of man. And therefore, first of all, it is necessary to overcome sins in oneself: uncontrolled anger, black envy and greed; excessive gluttony, adultery, despondency, as well as one of the strongest enemies of man - pride.

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