Very dry skin of the feet is a problem for many girls. Over time, it cracks and flakes. I want to be perfect in everything, but here everyone ruins the rough heels. What to do in such cases? I would like to eliminate this drawback once and for all and preferably in the shortest possible time.
In order for this problem not to bother, you need to regularly perform various procedures for the care of the heels.
Reasons for the appearance
Are you worried about the appearance of unpleasant sensations, dryness, loss of moisture and elasticity of the skin on the feet , as well as rough heels? What to do and how to fix this problem? Before starting therapy, you need to understand what factors provoked roughness.
In order for the skin of the legs to be well-groomed, it is necessary that the blood circulates normally in the legs and does not experience a lack of oxygen and moisture. If you wear tight and uncomfortable shoes, as well as constantly high-heeled shoes, then you canβt get rid of dry skin.
A lack of vitamins A and E will provoke a worsening of the condition. The skin will become dry, coarsen, and in the end will be rough and ugly.
If it is noticed that the heels have become dry, the surface of the skin has become cracked, and the color of the nail plate has changed and turned yellowish (or even yellow), then you need to contact a dermatologist. Because there is a possibility that the skin of the legs was hit by a fungus. Another cause of dryness and roughness of the heels is fungal diseases and infections.
Cracked skin on the legs can be the result of improper care and non-compliance with hygiene standards.
Dryness and roughness of the skin can be associated with various diseases that provoke violations of the endocrine system.
The problem can be corrected if you understand the cause of the occurrence and find the appropriate treatment. The aesthetic side of the problem is not the only reason to begin to properly care for the skin of the heels. Cracks can cause inflammation, itching, and peeling of skin tissue. Consultation and prescribed treatment with a competent dermatologist will help to understand and eliminate the problem. If you follow all points of therapy, the result will be visible after a short period of time.
Proper care
What to do with dry rough heels and how to prevent dry feet? This can be achieved with regular quality foot care. Intensive moisturizing with cream and other cosmetics that can always be found in a pharmacy will help. But there are other ways for the beauty and health of female legs to return.
The adoption of various baths to effectively soften the skin has a good effect on the condition of the nails. Pumice treatment of very dry areas of the skin is possible after it is carefully steamed to remove the stratum corneum. At the end of the procedure, apply the cream. It is important to choose one that will not only moisturize the skin, but also nourish it. It is important to apply a cream, not a lotion.
What should a girl do if she has rough heels? How to get rid of a similar problem? We will talk further. And herbal decoctions that can be added to the baths very well affect the skin of the legs. The decoction can be selected depending on the condition of the skin of the legs and the desired result at the end.
Bath with broths
Dryness and peeling will quickly go away if you add a decoction to the bath, which can be made from chamomile, sage, calendula or a string. Ten minutes of such a procedure - and the heels will become very soft.
In addition, this decoction has antibacterial, antiseptic and relaxing effects. Such procedures must be done continuously for several weeks.
Sea salt bath
You can protect and get rid of excessive dryness and peeling of the skin of the heels and toes with the help of ordinary sea or food salt. In warm water you need to add a few tablespoons of sea salt. Keep your feet in such water for about fifteen minutes. If dryness and roughness of the skin are excessive, then milk will need to be poured instead of water.
The whole procedure takes about half an hour. After the skin is steamed, it is necessary to treat with a washcloth with a rough pile of the foot and heel. Then clean and steamed feet need hydration. Therefore, a moisturizer should be applied to the treated skin or use nutritious oils.
Wine tray
How to soften the heels are very rough, rough? Intensive hydration and nutrition of the epidermis should be carried out once a week. This will require half a liter of red wine or natural freshly squeezed grape juice, which must be diluted with two liters of warm water. You need to take such a bath for twenty minutes. A few weeks after the regular taking of such a bath, the dryness of the heels will disappear and will remain in the past.
Folk remedies are very effective in solving this problem. But only if the reasons are clear why the skin of the feet is dry and very rough heels. What to do to restore the natural beauty of the feet? You can use different masks and compresses. Additional nutrition and hydration of dry areas on a daily basis will help in the fight for the beauty of the legs.
Rough heels: what to do at home to return softness?
There are several fairly effective methods. We will consider them now. You can make the heels soft using the following tools:
- A medium-sized onion is ground on a grater, you need to add a spoonful of honey or a little milk to it. With this mixture, you need to process the problem areas on the heels and wrap everything with gauze and film, and then insulate. It is advisable to carry out such events before bedtime and leave the compress overnight, and in the morning wash off the remaining mixture with warm water and soap. After you need to apply cream on your feet.
- Honey is melted, and clean and dry feet are smeared with it. Wrap the legs with foil and put on socks. Leave the compress overnight. After the honey is washed off with water, a moisturizer should be applied.
- Strong peeling will disappear if you apply a mask of celandine on the heels. The main medicinal properties of the plant include an antiseptic effect, nutrition and hydration. Fresh leaves are crushed or ground in a mortar. Heels need to be processed with the mass that turned out, and then the legs are wrapped with cling film and wrapped. It is advisable to leave the mask overnight. Wash off and apply a special cream in the morning.
All procedures that involve softening the outer skin of the skin of the legs and then removing the stratum corneum mechanically, that is, using a file or pumice, are called physical peeling.
Chemical option
If physical peeling does not help and rough heels remain, what should I do in such cases? A chemical peeling procedure can have a greater effect. It is carried out using creams, ointments and plasters, which dissolve the dry keratinous layer of the skin. Such drugs are good at preventing crack formation.
What to do if heels become rough? What to do if cracks form? They are very dangerous. Such cracks can cause discomfort when moving, as well as pain. They can also provoke the development of pathologies such as dermatitis. And if deep cracks appeared due to dryness, then inflammation can occur due to the infection introduced through open wounds.
Particularly attentive to such injuries should include people who suffer from diabetes, because when an infection is introduced they can lose their limbs.
Specialist help
Treatment of any, even the most insignificant disease that arose as a result of a malfunction in the normal functioning of the body, should be serious. Dryness can occur not only due to the influence of environmental factors, but also because of a violation of some internal functions. Therefore, it is very important to determine the reason why the heels are dry and rough. What to do? It is best to contact a specialist (e.g. a dermatologist) to fix a more serious problem.
Prevention of the appearance of roughness on the feet
Often, the problem of excessive dryness of the legs can be observed due to the fact that heel care rules are not followed. Despite the fact that the skin on the legs is rougher and harder to damage than on the face and body, it needs care. When carrying out preventive measures, you can avoid such a problem as rough heels. What do you need to do this?
- The occurrence of itching in problem areas is not a reason to comb them. It is better to apply a cold compress so as not to injure the skin.
- If the skin of the legs is dry, then you need to take water procedures. But do not use bath foam, aromatic soap, so as not to dry the skin further.
- You need to wipe the skin after water procedures gently, with a soft towel and do not use hard washcloths.
- Moisturize and nourish the skin of the feet on a daily basis.
- Care must be taken when choosing an allergy to components in cosmetics.
- Shoes should be comfortable and of high quality. Feet should not feel any discomfort.
Also, pools and saunas will negatively affect the condition of the skin of the legs, and when visiting these places you need personal replaceable shoes.
Little conclusion
We hope that the tips above will help you solve the problem. If you follow the simple rules for the care of the skin of the legs, you can not only get rid of the roughness of the heels, but also prevent such a condition so that there are no serious consequences that can affect not only the appearance, but also the health of the person as a whole. If there are no contraindications, then both folk remedies and cosmetic ones that are bought in the store are good.