Libra girl and Taurus guy: compatibility in love relationships, at work, in marriage. Compatibility horoscope

What zodiac sign suits Taurus or Cancer? The relationship of two people is largely influenced by the zodiac sign of each of the partners. Knowing the pros and cons in the horoscope of the second half, you can skillfully build relationships, while avoiding sharp corners. Consider the compatibility of the Libra girl and the Taurus guy in different areas of life.

Libra girl Taurus guy compatibility

Taurus man: general horoscope

Taurus man is strong, reliable and noble. But he uses force very rarely, preferring to move to everything calmly and deliberately. Before making a decision, he prefers to remain alone and calmly weigh the pros and cons. He is kind, he cannot bear lies, but he can lie himself if the situation requires it. The man of this sign is demanding on his appearance, likes to dress beautifully and emphasize the image with an expensive watch or chain, even if he is not actually rich.

Another feature of the star Bull is constancy in goals, even if the implementation of any plans has to be postponed, he still keeps them in sight. The same goes for communication: most friends appear in his youth, and friendship lasts for life.

Horoscope of a woman born under the sign of Libra

The compatibility of the Libra girl and the Taurus guy in many ways has a positive effect on the harmony of her companion. She is smart, sociable, with good taste and a sense of tact. A creative person, knows how to understand the beautiful and is drawn to art. Girl Libra knows how to find beauty in ordinary things and create an atmosphere of warmth and coziness.

In relationships with people, he avoids extremes, prefers to solve problems not by argument, but by constructive dialogue. Able to assess the situation from different angles and listen. The main problem of the sign is a changeable mood.

Taurus and Libra compatibility in love

What does Taurus expect in a love relationship?

Speaking about which zodiac sign suits Taurus, we note that it is in the elements of the Earth. Astrology looks at nature: the earth sign goes well with the native element, which also includes Virgo and Capricorn or Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). The sign of Air (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) is good with Fire (Aries, Lions and Sagittarius).

Many women find the Taurus man mundane and boring. In fact, this is one of the most faithful partners in the zodiac sign. If Taurus said “I love”, then at least for a very long time, it is not suitable for momentary affairs. This man loves deeply, and over time, feelings become only stronger.

Stability is the main thing in his life, he will never leave his family and will not abandon his children. Reliable as a rock, the zodiac Bull will do everything to ensure that his loved ones do not need anything, since his youth he has been focused on work, because he believes that money can solve almost all the problems that arise in life. He is really strong when he knows that he is sincerely loved.

For a Taurus man, family is the main value. You really should not expect romance from him, but he calmly endures the emotionality of his woman. But too hysterical and jealous persons do not suit him: the zodiac Bull does not like to scandal and will choose a calm girl who knows how to prepare to lead a house, treats him with respect. He does not require more, the only thing he can not stand is pressure on himself and betrayal. He will never forgive treason and cross out a traitor from life without regrets and a second chance

what zodiac sign suits Taurus

Libra woman in love

Girl Libra does not like empty talk about the heroic exploits of a man. She chooses a companion for a long time, carefully weighing all the pros and cons with the future chosen one. Having married, she is prone to idealize her husband, erects a man-made pedestal for him. She lacks rationalism and independence to really assess the situation in marriage. At the same time, her husband will not endure disrespect and constant nit-picking for a long time. If a Libra woman suddenly feels that she is under too much pressure and no feelings, she will leave without regret.

In the family, she shows herself as an exemplary mistress, who knows how to create an atmosphere at home, even in a bachelor den. Libra woman is focused on her husband and children, they are the main thing in her life, but housewives in the traditional sense of the word will not come out of her. Scales are able to combine working and business life without harming each other. And she can easily find time for foreign language courses and yoga. For her spouse, she becomes a shoulder capable of supporting in case of financial problems, both morally and financially. Despite the fact that the Libra woman loves her children, they will always be slightly lower in status than the spouse.

Taurus and Libra compatibility in a love relationship

Friendly compatibility of male Taurus with Libra

Compatibility in the friendship of the girl of Libra and the Taurus guy at a very low level. Firstly, a strong attraction arises between them, and sooner or later they cannot be just friends without intimate relationships. Secondly, they have little in common in the cultural and social environment: Taurus likes to spend time at home or in the circle of close friends, and Libra likes parties and social events.

Frank conversations will lead to rapprochement. Taurus lacks support, and he is never against listening to the opinions of others; he seeks advice on how to deal with a difficult situation. In return, he can become the very “vest” that many women seek, and provide emotional support.

Business Compatibility Taurus and Libra

Consider the compatibility in the work of the Libra girl and the Taurus guy. These signs perfectly complement each other in the business sphere. Taurus is not too attentive in matters related to documents, a sober assessment of the situation prevents him from a strong desire to achieve his goal. But a woman born under the sign of Libra, on the contrary, is very pedantic and thoroughly examines every item prescribed in the document. A creative approach to work allows her to easily find new customers, the ability to conduct dialogue and tact strengthens business alliances. Taurus is very hardworking, he is literally ready to live at work. Such a tandem is very successful and can bring grandiose results.

Libra girl Taurus guy compatibility in friendship

Compatibility of a pair he is Taurus, she is Libra in a love relationship and marriage

Although their signs relate to different zodiac elements, not too similar to each other, the compatibility of Taurus and Libra in a love relationship is enough to keep the couple strong. Libra will appreciate the reliability of his chosen one and his ability to protect his woman from all problems. Both strive to create a family, for them it’s their own small world in which they take refuge from the outside, and their values ​​are very similar. For the support from Taurus and its reliability, Libra will give him the missing lightness and joy.

When the partners get used to it and go through the grinding stage, they will have a wonderful family, the roles in which are clearly distributed: it is not the house and its structure that takes it, but it - financial issues. At times, disagreements may occur in the couple about raising children: Taurus for hard work and responsibility, and Libra for creativity, but they will be able to find a compromise by dividing the spheres of life of their children. The compatibility of the marriage between the girl of Libra and the guy of Taurus is enough to live together all his life.

Libra girl Taurus guy married compatibility

Sexy couple compatibility

The horoscope of compatibility of the girl of Libra and the Taurus guy in bed suggests that everything is fine in this area. They have a similar temperament, each partner understands the other without words and knows how to give pleasure. A couple can clarify the relationship several times a day, but at night everything will come back to normal and misunderstanding will be eliminated. In this union, passion persists even after several years have passed since the day of the wedding or meeting. The girl of Libra loves affection, and Taurus is gentle enough to give her pleasure, for him the self-satisfaction of her woman is more important.

Union advantages

Among the pluses of compatibility of the Libra girl and the Taurus guy, we highlight:

  • He is a strong and reliable man, next to him a woman will feel protected.
  • The industriousness of the Bull helps to easily overcome material difficulties, he completely takes care of issues related to finances.
  • The man is affectionate, gentle, kind and caring.
  • The woman creates a cozy and comfortable atmosphere at home, which Taurus really appreciates.
  • Girl Libra has tolerance and loyalty.
  • Purposefulness helps her to defend her own position, and a flexible mind allows her to do this unobtrusively in relation to a man.
  • Compatibility in the love of Taurus and Libra, their moral qualities and values ​​are ideal for marriage.
  • In a pair of strong understanding and the same idea of ​​intimate life.
  • Taurus man loves to give affection, care and tenderness, and Libra knows how to accept it.


  • The main drawback in the compatibility of the Libra girl and Taurus guy is that these signs are controlled by the planet Venus.
  • Partners set themselves different life tasks.
  • Different ideas about the important and secondary.
  • Each couple has a strong and stubborn character.
  • Taurus, like Libra, is emotional and quick-tempered, but departs faster.
  • The girl of the sign of Libra is very vindictive and is experiencing grievance.
  • Recognition, authority and presence in society are important for women born under the sign of Libra, and Taurus prefers to spend most of her time at home.
  • A man born under the sign of Taurus is uncommunicative, because of which his companion may feel a lack of attention.
  • Taurus man negatively refers to changes in life, whether it is a change of work or moving, a woman born under the sign of Libra is more flexible and mobile.
  • Girl Libra has an impatient character, unlike her partner.

How to overcome difficulties

Some tips on how to overcome the difficulties that arise in a couple:

  • It is important for Libra to remember that Taurus is a real workaholic, and to understand that he does not have enough time for relationships and romantic surprises, especially if he has set an important goal.
  • Also, Taurus does not know how to leave production issues at work and is very nervous if something goes wrong, then any little thing can make him crazy. Libra does not need to take everything at his own expense and be offended. As soon as the “climate” at work is favorable, Taurus will do everything to smooth out the conflict.
  • Taurus is important to understand that material issues, although important, should not occupy all their thoughts. If they are attentive to their woman, they will be able to cope with a lot of problems.
  • Libra woman skillfully manipulates her partner, but if Taurus feels it, problems can not be avoided.
  • For a union to be strong, partners must yield to each other.
    Libra girl Taurus guy work compatibility

Compatibility in the love of Taurus and Libra is more than enough to build a strong relationship and family. The most important thing for this alliance is not to be too rigid and stubborn.

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