How milk burns out: description, signs and sensations, recommendations and tips

The phrase "milk burnout" means a decrease in the production of breast milk until the complete cessation of the lactation process. This phenomenon may be caused by natural causes. The termination of lactation can also be facilitated by conditions specially created by a woman, i.e. artificial methods.

Every woman who prefers breastfeeding, it is important to carefully and scrupulously relate to the process of "burnout of milk" and to study in advance the features of this phenomenon. Inattention to the end of lactation and neglect of the necessary conditions can cause serious consequences, for example, concomitant diseases, such as mastitis and lactostasis. Therefore, a woman needs to know how much milk passes out.

A thorough study of the phenomenon of “breast milk burnout”, as well as compliance with all the necessary rules and conditions, can make the process of completing lactation as simple, painless and harmless to the health of the baby and mother.

Where did the expression about burnt milk come from?

breast milk burned out

If we take a closer look at the so-called term “milk burn-out”, it becomes clear that this process has nothing to do with minimizing lactation. In the explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov, several interpretations of the verb “burn out” are given, which have no points of contact with female breast milk. Burn out - deteriorate from prolonged burning or strong heating, dry out from heat or burn out.

It becomes clear that breast milk is not exposed to such manipulations. However, it is precisely these feelings that the fair sex experienced during the period of lactation in an unnatural way: by ligation of the mammary glands or by a sharp restriction on the number of attachments of the baby to the mother’s breast.

Thus, it turns out that the term "breast milk burnout" as such does not exist, and it has nothing to do with the physiological processes in the woman’s body and is incorrect. Typically, women use this phrase when completing breastfeeding and reducing milk production. The process of reducing milk is more correctly called the "extinction of lactation."

How does breast milk burn out? Process description

how milk burns out

The so-called phenomenon of “breast milk burnout” occurs when the frequency of application of a small child to the mother’s breast is minimized, and the amount of two hormones, prolactin and oxytocin, is significantly reduced. As a result, excess is absorbed into the blood. This cycle continues until the complete cessation of lactation.

As a result, part of the glandular tissue "falls asleep", and the other part is absorbed by the female body. This phenomenon is called involution. The breast of a young mother "returns" to its former parameters. It should be borne in mind that this process is quite slow and can take several months.

It is worth noting that there are several ways to stop the production of breast milk:

  • physiological;
  • medication;
  • recipes of traditional medicine.

The safest method is the physiological method, due to the extinction of the sucking reflex. This phenomenon is observed in children who have reached the age of two.

When breast milk burns out

This process is associated with a decrease in the number of feedings. When a young mother decides to transfer the baby to artificial feeding or to milk porridges and other products, the number of babies applying to the breast decreases, as a result of which the production of prolactin and oxytocin hormones gradually stops. The amount of breast milk produced by the mammary glands of a young mother gradually decreases, and after some time it stops altogether.

How long does the process take

To the question of how much breast milk burns out over time, there is no single answer. Everything individually and directly depends on the characteristics of the female body. In some women, milk production ceases a few days after the last breastfeeding, in others - from one to several weeks are given for this process. In some women, the process of completing lactation can take several months.

Symptoms and sensations

how breast milk passes out

The process of so-called "breast milk burnout" is accompanied by the manifestation of certain symptoms. A woman has pain and heaviness in her chest. In addition, a young mother may experience an increase in temperature. The mood of a woman often changes.

The beginning of the end of lactation is signaled by the general weakness of the female body, malaise. In addition, in the mammary glands of women, seals of various sizes may appear.

A nursing mother should pay maximum attention to her health. Very often, symptoms of cessation of lactation can be confused with signs of colds.

How to properly complete lactation. Recommendations

how much breast milk burns out

The completion of lactation will be successful if several important recommendations are followed.

  1. In the first few days after weaning the baby from the breast, it is strongly recommended that a pillow be placed under the chest and under the stomach. This will greatly alleviate pain, which in the first two days can be very strong, interfere with a woman's sleep and be in a prone position.
  2. A cool or slightly warm shower, as well as compresses from cabbage leaves, will help relieve pain.
  3. At the end of lactation, a woman needs to wear the most comfortable and comfortable underwear. Bras must be seedless. They should be made of natural fabrics and equipped with wide straps, which will provide the woman’s mammary glands with reliable support.
  4. It is worth paying attention to the condition of the chest, protecting it from any damage.
  5. At the beginning of the period of weaning the baby from breastfeeding, experts recommend reducing fluid intake. Since heavy drinking contributes to the active production of milk. For the same reason, it is better to temporarily abandon hot foods that have a liquid consistency.
breast milk burned out

To milk burned out, it is categorically not recommended to use the "grandmother's method", the so-called tug of chest with bandages and various sheets. This not only does not bring the desired effect, but can also provoke the appearance of serious diseases, such as mastitis and lactostasis.

Should I see a doctor

The best option for completing lactation is the physiological method, which is due to a significant decrease in the attachment of a small child to the mother’s chest. Many mothers are interested in whether there is a need to contact a health care institution. If a woman wants breast milk to burn out and lactation stops, it is imperative to contact a medical institution for advice from a qualified gynecologist.

The doctor will give practical advice, select the most optimal option for unnatural completion of breastfeeding, write a prescription for the purchase of necessary medicines. Turning to a specialist will allow a woman to complete breastfeeding as safely as possible, and also to avoid possible health problems.

Natural methods for completing breastfeeding

how many days does milk burn out

The safest way to complete lactation is through a physiological, or so-called, method of reducing feedings. First you need to reduce one feeding, then the second. As soon as the baby begins to get used to, it is necessary to remove one more. In between meals, you need to express milk from each breast, leaving a small amount in the mammary glands.

Then you need to exclude night feedings. Gradually, milk arrives in smaller quantities, and the process of arrival itself occurs less and less.

Breastfeeding mother should avoid strong swelling of the breast, which can cause severe pain.

Artificial ways to stop lactation

after how much milk burns out

Many women are interested in what to do to make breast milk burn out. You can complete lactation at home. Especially when you consider the amount of drugs that can be purchased at the pharmacy. But it is worthwhile to understand that this method justifies itself only if there is a need to stop breastfeeding for medical reasons. In addition, every woman should remember that after taking such drugs it will be impossible to restore lactation. Many lactating women prefer steroid hormones. For the unnatural completion of lactation, non-steroidal hormonal agents are used.

That is why a large percentage of young mothers turn to traditional medicine so that the milk in the breast burns out.

In any case, before giving preference to a particular method, it is necessary to consult with a specialist.

Possible complications

It should be understood that the process of milk burning does not always go smoothly and painlessly. If a newly-made mother suddenly stops feeding her baby in the hope that the milk will “burn out”, she runs the risk of encountering possible complications, such as mastitis and lactostasis.


This pathological condition is accompanied by swelling, a feeling of heaviness that appear in the woman’s mammary glands. Lactostasis appears as a result of stagnation of breast milk. This condition may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature, as well as fever, the appearance of redness in the area of ​​the mammary glands.

To ease her condition, a woman needs to take a warm shower and drink hot tea. This will improve the outflow of milk. Expressing will help to relieve pain. Then you need to attach the child to a sore chest.


Mastitis is an inflammatory process, which is most often a complication of lactostasis. For this pathological phenomenon, a number of symptoms are characteristic:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • worsening of general health, weakness, irritability;
  • pain in the affected part of the chest.

In the event of a suspicion of the presence of mastitis, you must immediately contact a medical institution to obtain qualified assistance from a gynecologist. If necessary, the doctor can prescribe an ultrasound of the mammary glands, according to the results of which the doctor will confirm the diagnosis and tell about further actions of the young mother.

Instead of a conclusion

Many young women who prefer breastfeeding are interested in how breast milk burns out and how painful this process is. There is no definite answer, since the body of each woman is individual.

However, there are a number of signs and symptoms that are observed in the vast majority of women during the period of weaning a small child from breastfeeding: fever, drowsiness, weakness and pain in the chest of different strength and intensity.

It is difficult to answer how many days the milk burns out. For each woman, the process of extinction of lactation proceeds differently and lasts a different period of time. In some mothers, the completion of lactation is quite easy and ends in 1-2 weeks. In other representatives of the fair sex, it can drag on and end only after 3-4 weeks, or even a month.

The safest method of completing lactation is the physiological method, in which the amount of milk decreases gradually along with a decrease in the number of applications of the baby to the mother’s breast. Subject to certain rules and recommendations, the process of completing breastfeeding will be as painless as possible.

Unnatural methods are also practiced that contribute to the extinction of lactation. Women take various medications, steroidal and non-steroidal hormonal drugs. However, it should be borne in mind that their use will not allow to restore lactation. It must be remembered that special medications can only be prescribed by a doctor and only for medical reasons. In cases where a woman needs to prematurely complete breastfeeding.

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