What documents are needed to sell a land plot and how to sell it together with a house?

Sale of land is possible in any region of our country.   In order to arrange everything correctly and quickly, it is important to have an idea of ​​what is needed for this. The buyer should know what documents are needed to sell the land, so as not to get into an unpleasant story. First of all, the seller must provide the buyer with his passport or, if he represents another person, a power of attorney certified by a notary. If the sale of the land is carried out by the entrepreneur, then, in addition to the passport of this person, you still need to present a certificate that confirms the state registration of this type of activity. This applies to the seller himself.

What documents are needed for the sale of land

About what documents are needed for the sale of land

  • Cadastral passport. You can only sell a site that has already passed this type of accounting. If this document is not available, then the land cannot be transferred to the ownership of the buyer, since such a transaction will not be fixed, i.e. it will be illegal. If the purchase and sale of land is carried out together with the house, then a cadastral passport for the building is also needed. It will be useful to check whether the building rules are observed, that is, a residential building should be no closer than 3 meters from the borders of neighbors, and other buildings (a bathhouse or an outbuilding) - at least 1 meter from them.
  • A certificate that confirms the right of ownership is the main document during the sale, which must be presented by the seller or his representative. This may be some kind of document drawn up earlier - a gift, sale or exchange agreement, as well as the decision of some authorized representative office on the provision of the land in personal ownership.
  • Information that there are no tax arrears for this land plot, and if the land is sold together with the house, then there are also no arrears in the payment of utilities and building taxes.
  • Certificate of form No. 9 (sale of land together with the house) - extract from the house book - all registered in this house. Including those who temporarily do not live here (army, places of punishment, etc.).
  • The statement of all registered in this house on the consent to the sale of the sale of land together with housing. This statement means that they all undertake to be written out at the specific time indicated in the transaction agreement.
  • Extract from the Unified State Register. She argues that the plot and the house are not in bail or under arrest and there are no encumbrances.
    Sale of land

There are situations when a house is sold for which there is a cadastral passport , but there is no such document on the land on which it is built. Then the land still becomes the property of the buyer. This provision is spelled out in the Land Code of the Russian Federation.

If the land is leased

Leased land can also be sold, but only if you are a landlord and the land is your property. But you must warn the buyer about the lease. What documents are needed to sell the land in this case? To the package of documents that is listed above, a lease is also added. The seller (lessor) provides his copy, the second is with the person who rents the land. Just keep in mind that in such a transaction and transfer of ownership of the property, the lease agreement concluded earlier does not terminate, but continues to be valid until the deadline. Therefore, the buyer receives ownership of the land with an encumbrance and cannot terminate the terms of the contract on his own. By law, the seller of such a site must inform the buyer of the availability of the contract, or, otherwise, the buyer may demand the termination of the transaction and request damages. But if you are a tenant, then, therefore, you do not have ownership rights to this land and you cannot sell it. What documents are needed to sell the land, now you know. Their authenticity should be checked very carefully.

Purchase and sale of land
Land category

An important detail when buying land is its category. Not at any site will it be possible to build a house. It is important to find out if the plot you are buying is located in the so-called exclusion zone, whether there are communication or power lines nearby and whether your plot is in the protection zone of water bodies, highways, etc. It’s better to buy and sell it in trusted agencies or make them in the presence of a lawyer.

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