What are the benefits of strawberries for the face, mask recipes

On the shelves of all cosmetic stores you can find a variety of masks that have been developed to meet absolutely any skin needs. The regular use of such funds requires considerable financial costs, so more and more people are beginning to look for an alternative. Strawberry for the face is a great solution. Masks based on this berry help eliminate any skin problems.

strawberry face mask

What is useful strawberry for the face

Facial masks based on this berry are ideal for maintaining healthy skin. Strawberry for the face is incredibly useful, as it contains components such as:

  • calcium, which makes the skin smoother, soft and silky;
  • Vitamin C, which prevents healthy cells from breaking down and prevents premature aging;
  • Vitamin A, which has a moisturizing and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Vitamin H, which triggers recovery processes;
  • Vitamin B 9 , which protects the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays;
  • potassium, filling the skin with moisture.

Few people believe that in strawberry masks there are indeed useful elements that are very important for the skin.

Only the result obtained, which will be noticeable after a couple of sessions, will help to verify the benefits of a strawberry mask for the face. Such a rich vitamin composition makes it possible to use masks for a variety of purposes, because they nourish, moisturize, saturate the skin, giving it the perfect look.

strawberry face effects

Quite often, people are interested in whether a strawberry mask for the face will benefit from the winter season. In fact, when fresh berries are nowhere to be found, you can safely use frozen strawberries. In any case, a positive result will be obtained.

Indications and contraindications

Having learned about the usefulness of strawberries for the face, a woman should not immediately rush to make a mask. First you need to figure out in which situations it will be advisable to use a fortified home remedy, and when using a berry is not recommended.

Strawberry for face can be effectively used for such purposes:

  • skin rejuvenation;
  • hydration;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • elimination of unattractive gloss;
  • peeling;
  • pigmentation elimination;
  • skin nutrition;
  • giving the face an even tone.

Such maxi have a well-defined anti-inflammatory property, so they cope with acne and acne. You can use masks for any type of skin, but you must definitely combine the main component with the rest of the components.

The benefits of strawberries for the face will not be obtained with the following nuances and characteristics of the body:

  • individual intolerance;
  • open wounds on the face;
  • vessels too close to the skin.


The time of use of the product directly depends on its type. Strawberry for the face, although very useful, no need to abuse masks. On average, the product must be kept for 15-20 minutes. If the mask has a liquid consistency, then apply it for a longer time - up to 30 minutes.

anti-aging strawberry masks

Means with a tightening effect must be left until the feeling of tightness of the skin. But scrubs or exfoliating masks are strictly forbidden to leave on the skin for more than 10 minutes.

To achieve the desired result, you should do masks every two to three days. It should be borne in mind that strawberries can easily cause allergies, so you should not get carried away with these mixtures.

The expected effects of strawberries for the face can be obtained only if the mask is done correctly. Below you will find some of the best recipes that have long gained popularity among young girls and mature women. These tools are characterized by an easy manufacturing method and minimal time, as well as finance. Each tool will surely surprise you with the result after the first application.

wrinkle strawberry face mask


Classic anti-aging strawberry face masks have always been popular. The most effective option was found to be based on honey and strawberries. A mask of this type is characterized by a whitening effect, the ability to fight inflammation and wrinkles.

A mask of strawberries for wrinkles is prepared from 200 g of the main component and a couple of teaspoons of honey. The components are thoroughly mixed in a separate container, after which the mixture is applied to the face and incubated for 15 minutes. Rinse off the mask with plain clean water.

Getting rid of acne

At first glance, it seems that eliminating acne with strawberries alone is impossible. But the results and reviews of people claim the opposite.

To prepare the product, you need to take several berries and cut them as small as possible. The resulting mass should be applied to the face with a thin layer and held until the strawberries begin to dry out. Then you need to apply the next portion of crushed berries on top. When the mixture is completely dry, it must be carefully washed off with running water or some anti-inflammatory lotion. If desired, you can use folic acid for acne.

why strawberries are good for the face


Strawberry-raspberry mask is able to whiten the skin well. To make it, you need to take 110 g of berries, carefully chop and mix. The finished mass must be applied to the face in this way: first, apply the juice, then add the pulp, and on top of it all cover a couple of layers of gauze pre-soaked in juice.

strawberry face

In order to eliminate pigmentation, you can prepare a tool similar to the previous one. To do this, add a teaspoon of lemon juice to the strawberry-raspberry mass.

Both masks should be kept for at least 10, but no more than 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

What is good chocolate

Fans of sweets will surely like this recipe. To prepare a unique mask, you need to melt 20 g of black porous chocolate and mix it with a teaspoon of sour cream of any fat content and 20 g of fresh strawberries. Infuse the mixture is not necessary. Apply a thin layer to her face, and rinse off literally after 20 minutes.

White clay

The product using white clay is quite effective in combating acne and is great for mixed skin types. It is prepared from a couple of teaspoons of ordinary white clay and a mixture of strawberry and lemon juice in the same quantities. Having thoroughly mixed the components, you should apply the mass on the face and hold for 15 minutes.

Strawberries with banana

A useful and tasty option is very popular with young girls. This mask qualitatively cleanses the skin from impurities, activates blood circulation and moisturizes the skin well, filling it with necessary nutrients.

Preparing the tool is very simple. It is necessary to mix half a banana and a couple of small strawberries in a blender until a thick mass is obtained. It takes exactly 15 minutes to hold the mask, after which it is recommended to remove it with a cloth, and then rinse off the residues with warm water.

strawberry facial benefits

Oatmeal Option

A scrub mask based on the beloved oatmeal and strawberries is able to open pores, nourish the skin and exfoliate. To make it, you need to mix two tablespoons of cereal with three tablespoons of olive oil and five berries. Initially, the mixture is applied to the face and held for 10 minutes, and then rubbed deeper and circularly and held for no more than two minutes. Rinse off this product very carefully so that no flakes remain on the skin.

After using the product, a feeling of tightness of the skin may appear. You should not be afraid of this, because you can get rid of it with the help of the most usual moisturizing lotion.

Olive oil

A wonderful mask designed for the skin around the eyes is prepared from half a banana, 4-5 berries of strawberries, a teaspoon of vitamin E and a couple of spoons of olive oil. All components need to be mixed well, mash strawberries and banana with a fork. After that, the mixture is applied to the skin around the eyes and kept for about 20 minutes. At this time, it is recommended to lie down and relax the whole body in order to enhance the therapeutic effect. Rinse off with warm water.

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