The structure of scientific revolutions

Important in the formation of sociology and philosophy played T. Kuhn. The “Structure of Scientific Revolutions”, written by him, showed that scientists often rely on implicit agreements - paradigms.

His work contributed to the development of various disciplines. For example, the work of T. Kuhn formed the basis of the course of modern science, allows us to comprehend the methodology of scientific knowledge.

scientific and technological revolution

Technological development stages

The development of the scientific revolution takes place in stages. Currently emit:

  • The primitive period that arose immediately after the appearance of elementary tools of labor in mankind. It lasted until the XVIII - early XIX century, spanned more than three million years.
  • The second stage lasted until the middle of the last century, based on machine labor. It was from the end of the 18th to the beginning of the 19th century that the scientific and technological revolution took place.
structure of scientific revolutions

Forms of scientific and technical progress (scientific and technological progress)

It has a revolutionary and evolutionary form of development. The scientific and technological revolution involves the emergence of new types of technology, that is, a change in the technological method of production. In the industrial revolution of the eighteenth century, the invention of the working machine, in which the components were gradually modernized, was the starting point.

How are science and scientific revolution related? NTP involves evolutionary (qualitative) and revolutionary (significant) changes in objects and means of labor, technology, that is, the current system of productive forces.

Despite the fact that the first machines arose on the basis of the accumulation of empirical ideas, from this period the technique turns into the result of a focused study of physical laws, materialization of theoretical facts. This is what leads to the transformation of science into a unique productive force.

Scientific and technological progress is turning into a powerful incentive for the development of science.

scientific revolution is

The essence of NTP

At the lower stage of capitalist development, factories became the main form in industry. As a technological method of production, it was not manual labor, but the activity of machines.

The transition to complex mechanization in production, the improvement of machines - all this became an incentive for the emergence of qualified adjusters, machine tool workers, workers, specialists who were engaged in the development of new equipment.

All this contributed to the growth of the educational level of factory employees, the content of labor.

The scientific revolution is an excellent way of personal development, an incentive for employees to increase knowledge and skills.

At the end of the nineteenth century, the first scientific laboratory was created inside the American corporation General Electric. Gradually, they became commonplace in large monopolistic enterprises.

kun structure of scientific revolutions

Term history

The term "scientific revolution" was coined by J. Bernal in the work "A World Without War", which was published in the USSR. After that, more than 150 different definitions of the essence of scientific and technological progress were created in the works of Russian scientists. Often it is considered a way of transferring human functions to mechanisms, the process of convergence of production and technology, changes in the main productive force.

The scientific revolution is a fundamental change in the interaction of nature and man, in the system of technical, economic and productive forces.

development of a scientific revolution

The deep essence of STR

Currently, there are serious contradictions between nature and humanity. The scientific revolution is a process that leads to the degradation, deformation of the human person.

The deep essence of scientific and technological revolution comes to light in its transformation into productive force. Science is the spiritual product of the development of society, the result of the accumulation of knowledge by several generations.

The scientific revolution is associated with mathematization, cybernetization, greening, space. Innovative technologies introduced into production allow us to expand the boundaries of labor productivity.

The scientific revolution contributes to economic growth, the formation of high-tech industries, the emergence of competition, the transformation of the results of scientific research into a specific product.

scientific revolutions briefly

Features of NTR

What are the distinguishing characteristics of scientific revolutions? Briefly, it can be noted that they contribute to overcoming the limitations of the psychophysical capabilities of a person.

Receiving a certain impetus from the results of scientific activity, for example, when identifying new properties of certain materials, innovative structural materials and alternative energy sources appear in technology.

It is technology that is the incentive for the development of science. The emergence of automatic machines has become a powerful intermediate link between objects of labor and man. Currently, the equipment includes the following options for work:

  • transport;
  • technological;
  • managerial;
  • control;
  • energy.

Modern stage

From the middle of the last century, the information revolution began. As the material base for it were optical fiber, space communications. This caused the informatization of labor in various industries and industries.

The starting point of this stage of scientific and technological research was the development of microprocesses for integrated circuits. Fifth-generation supercomputers that "understand" human language began to read a variety of characters, accelerated the process of formation of "artificial intelligence".

The microprocessor revolution has become the basis for new robots that are able to perceive information about events using a sensory system, process it. This became a material prerequisite for the full automation of production, the exclusion of the "human factor" in the manufacture of machines. Such transformations allow continuous work, significantly increase labor productivity, and control the quality of products.

On the basis of cellular engineering, new industrial sectors appear, material and energy consumption in the chemical and oil industries, and agriculture are significantly reduced. Innovations touched the food industry, medicine.

science and scientific revolution


The structure of scientific revolutions was described by Kuhn. He assigned a special place to the totality of methodological principles and general ideas that are recognized by the scientific community.

The paradigm is characterized by two parameters:

  • is the basis for follow-up;
  • has variable questions that open up opportunities for further research.

The Kuhn scientific revolution structure is a “disciplinary matrix” used for communication between researchers. The paradigm that he mentions in his work is a prerequisite for the normal development of science.

Kuhn distinguished three types in it:

  • a clan of facts that allow you to reveal the essence of things;
  • facts that are not of interest, but allow us to explain a paradigm theory;
  • empirical activity used in scientific work.

When “normal science” reveals a discrepancy between the predictions of the paradigm and real observations, anomalies appear. When they accumulate in large numbers, the normal course of science ceases, a crisis appears, which only the scientific revolution can solve. She breaks old stereotypes, creates a new scientific theory.

Biological revolution

It is associated with the creation of new organisms with certain properties, a change in the hereditary qualities of animals and agricultural plants. New technologies, inventions in genetic engineering, space industry act as catalysts for this stage of scientific and technological research.

At present, it is difficult to imagine life without navigation, accurate meteorology, satellite communications. In outer space, ideal crystals were obtained for the semiconductor industry, pure preparations, biologically active substances. It is during space research, which is a direct confirmation of the scientific and technological revolution, that analyzes the effectiveness of energy-saving substances, remote sensing from outer space of the Earth.

Without computer systems, such projects are impossible. Thanks to the rapid development of electronic technology, automation of production is observed, powerful industrial-information complexes are being created.


Science is the main driving force for innovation in industry. For example, thanks to a patent case, which has been developing quite actively recently, business is presented with the opportunity not only to create innovative programs and equipment, but also to obtain rights to its inventions.

The complex, currently functioning, involves the collection, processing, systematization of information, providing it to the consumer. Many computers are served through modern artificial Earth satellites.

Thanks to the information revolution, which has become one of the stages of scientific and technical progress, the role of man in creating spiritual and material resources has radically changed.

What are the consequences of scientific and technological progress for the structure of the world economy? The evolutionary path presupposes the sectoral and territorial specialization of individual countries, an increase in the equipment and machinery capacities, and an increase in the carrying capacity of various vehicle mechanisms.

The main areas of human activity in such conditions are:

  • electronization, which allows providing with the means of computer technology all varieties of human activity;
  • complex automation, involving the use of mechanical manipulators, microprocessors, robots.

In the absence of innovation in the scientific field, it is impossible to talk about positive transformations in the political, social, economic, social life of human society.

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