The perfect treat. The calorie content of meringues is very low.

Let me introduce you to the perfect treat for the figure - Meringue cake. The calorie content of this product is minimal. And even with the strictest diet, you can afford to eat a little cake. And to the question of experienced dieticians: β€œhow many calories are there in meringue, and is it worth worrying about a figure?” We will answer with knowledge of the matter. Meringue is absolutely harmless to the figure. This delicious treat is made exclusively on a low-fat composition (egg white and sugar). The calorie content of meringues in the classic recipe does not exceed 54 kilocalories per hundred grams of product.

If you want or lack of time, you can replace a traditional three-course lunch with a cup of tea or coffee and a meringue cake. And already at dinner, you can make up for the missing calories and useful trace elements by cooking baked beef with vegetables or trout for a couple. It is best to feast on meringues in the morning. In this case, the body will have time to process all the carbohydrates, and they will not be deposited on your waist and hips.

Meringue can be safely called a culinary masterpiece. It is used both as a separate self-sufficient delicacy, and as a component of more complex confectionery. You can make meringues yourself, as the recipe is quite simple, and, as a rule, all the necessary ingredients are in any home.

To prepare one serving of meringue, you need to prepare four egg whites and one glass of sugar. It is best to bake cakes in the classic way - in the oven. Many chefs prefer this method, because in this case you get the minimum calorie meringue with the most intense taste.

There are several very important points that facilitate the process of whipping egg white, with which you can cook a really unusual treat:

  • Eggs need to be cooled, only cold protein quickly and efficiently breaks into a strong foam.
  • You need to carefully separate the proteins from the yolks.
  • Beat the whites at the lowest speed of the mixer or combine. In the process, you can and should add a pinch of salt - this will facilitate and accelerate the formation of strong foam. Real professionals recommend whipping meringues exclusively by hand.
  • And only at this stage can sugar be introduced into proteins, and in small portions. If you immediately combine all the sugar with foam, the resulting mixture will not get the desired consistency.

The experimentally established optimal time for whipping the mixture is half an hour. During this time, the mass gains the required density and is saturated with air. As soon as sugar is no longer felt in the resulting mass, place the cakes on a baking sheet covered with parchment or a silicone baking mat with a culinary syringe or an ordinary spoon .

It is necessary to warm the oven at low power. Meringue cake is baked on low heat for thirty minutes. The result is a delicate, crumbly, crispy delicacy that literally melts in your mouth.

This cake is an easily digestible product. The calorie content of meringues is due to the presence of animal proteins in its composition. The egg - the main element of meringue - contains many useful and necessary substances for the body, a significant part of which is preserved during heat treatment.

Meringue is undesirable for people who have diabetes. And those who are absolutely healthy should remember that any food, and even more so sweet, is good in moderation. Of course, the calorie content of meringues allows you, without worrying about the figure, to enjoy this dish much more often than other cakes. But you still should not get involved in it, especially for babies. Although those who know how to make meringues, know that if the cake is cooked correctly, it is difficult to resist the next portion of this treat.

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