Kinesthetics are people of movement. Or is the concept broader?

For some people, the harmony of the world depends on colors, for the second - on sounds, but there is a third category, the most heterogeneous. It is customary to combine under the name "kinesthetics". This, of course, is a simplification. Within this group, there are also various types of perception. And we’ll talk about this in more detail, including in the discussion a new foreign classification.

Genius as a combination of modalities

kinesthetics are

Kinesthetics are people who perceive the world and interpret it in terms of touch, smell, taste, mood, motion algorithm. Among them, most of all are creative personalities, although artists and composers from the category under discussion did not belong to a pure kinesthetic type. Leonardo Da Vinci, for example, was a visual kinesthetic. These two channels of perception dominated in him, as a result of which he perfectly felt the space and saw the shape of objects. Without such a combination of modalities, there would be no Da Vinci genius.

A melody for sensations

The audio-kinesthetic Beethoven created music that is not only harmoniously beautiful, but also evokes pleasant sensory associations. Perhaps the mixture of modalities in his mind helped create the “Moonlight Sonata” and other bright, deep melodies that are loved by both audiences and kinesthetics. This is just one of Beethoven’s genius interpretations.

Modern foreign classification

audio kinesthetic

However, at present, in the West, kinesthetics is a narrower concept. It is believed that this category can only include people who learn and understand the world through movement. And Western psychologists call people who prefer a sense of smell, touch and mood, a tactile type. And indeed, the difference is quite large. The tactile type is usually quite contemplative people, but not in a visual sense. They are simply not as active as movement lovers - classic kinesthetics. This makes the distinction legitimate.

Need each other

Why do you need to know modality? People of different types often do not understand each other, a lot of misunderstandings arise from scratch. For example, the audio does not look into the eyes of the visual during a conversation, and the visual of the audio does not listen carefully enough! Although, in general, we are different we need, and we must help each other different . Kinesthetic is an ideal trainer and dance teacher, tactile is an ideal doctor, an audio will analyze phrases uttered with the worst diction in an electric train, and a visual will become an ideal art critic who “deliciously” describes new paintings.

visual kinesthetic

Explore in your mode

The dominant modality in learning is also of great importance. The visual needs to draw diagrams, the audio - read the material on the recorder and listen to any business, kinesthetics - think of some operations with the data being studied, but the tactile must listen to its feelings from the studied, in order to then reproduce everything accurately. In tactile and kinesthetic types, synesthesia is most common - the interaction of sensations, resulting in a phenomenal memory.

The mode of perception that dominates the interlocutor can be determined by the preferred words. One will say: “Look,” the other: “Listen,” the third: “Feel?”, And the fourth: “Let's do it.” Of course, there are much more marker words, these are just the main ones. But sometimes they are enough.

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