Sex after abortion: after what time can I do it?

Abortion is a serious step for every woman. It not only exerts psychological pressure, but also affects the health and hormonal background. Actively sexually active girls and men are interested in sex after abortion. At what point can I resume it? How to behave during the first sexual intercourse? And what happens if you violate the established rules and recommendations? All this and not only will be described below. Every woman should be attentive to the topic being studied. After all, her health is at risk.

What is abortion?

Types of Abortion

When to have sex after an abortion? This question does not have a clear answer. Especially in the modern world, where abortion is different.

So far, medicine knows these types of abortions:

  • surgical;
  • artificial birth;
  • medication.

Depending on the chosen method of solving abortion, the answer to the question about sex after abortion will change.

Body personality

In addition, a huge role is played by the individual characteristics of the girl's body. Especially if surgical abortion is planned.

The thing is that the body after abortion is restored differently for everyone. The sooner this happens, the sooner it will be possible to resume sexual activity.

Surgical interruption

How long after having an abortion to have sex? Consider a few common situations.

Medical abortion

The first option is surgical abortion. This step is quite risky for a woman. It leads to scarring and damage to the uterus.

You can have sex after a surgical type of abortion no earlier than 1.5 months later. Better to wait 8 weeks. This is necessary for the body to fully recover after the interruption of an interesting situation.

Medical abortion

Today, a fairly popular method of getting rid of an unwanted pregnancy is medication interruption. A similar approach is considered sparing. It does not include surgery.

Important: medical termination of pregnancy is carried out only in the early stages. Usually until the 4-6th week of fetal development. In some clinics, the service is provided until the 10-11th week of an interesting position.

Such a scenario will allow you to quickly resume sexual activity. Namely - no less than 14 days after the provision of the service. Itโ€™s better to wait a little longer and not to rush.

Artificial birth

How long after abortion can I have sex? Sometimes abortion is required in the later stages of a woman's position. In some cases, cause an artificial birth.

This process is only indirectly called abortion. The girl really gives birth to a child, but at a stage when the baby cannot yet live independently. Immediately after birth, he dies.

When can I resume sex life after such an event? It all depends on the situation.

Sex and abortion

Gynecologists recommend waiting for the end of the allocation of lochia. After this, you need to go to the doctor for an examination of the internal genital organs.

As a rule, it is necessary to stop sexual activity after artificial birth for 1-2 months. Sometimes you have to wait longer, but this is an extremely rare scenario.


Abortion is a complex process. And even after medical abortion, another surgical operation may be required. It's about curettage.

During preparation for the operation, it is necessary to exclude sexual activity. And after her too. Sex after abortion and curettage is resumed no less than 2 months after the event. Otherwise, the woman is at risk of developing complications.

Cesarean as an abortion

It's hard to believe, but a cesarean section is also sometimes used to terminate a pregnancy. For example, if during an artificial birth a girl cannot cope with the task assigned to her on her own.

Ideally, after cesarean, do not have intimacy for about 2-2.5 months. Doctors say that the sutures on the body should heal, and the uterus should return to normal.

Important: a similar rule for the resumption of sexual activity is also relevant for ordinary cesarean. You should not rush with sexual acts. This can negatively affect maternal health.

Sexual life after abortion - whether or not

When to go to bed

You cannot have sex after an abortion. This rule must be remembered by both men and women. Moreover, it is better to exclude both vaginal sex and anal. Female genitals will still be injured during intercourse.

The resumption of sexual activity after abortion as a whole begins in 2-4 weeks. But it is better to discuss this issue with the gynecologist.

Usually, doctors give the green light to resume sexual intercourse immediately after complete healing of the uterus and rehabilitation of the body. Blood tests and smears from the vagina will help determine how harmlessly the interruption of an interesting position has passed.

Important: if the gynecologist insists on a long abstinence, you need to heed the advice. Even quick and single sex after an abortion can lead to serious problems for the girl in the end.

Oral sex

And what about alternative forms of sex? For example, some couples practice oral sex or petting. What do doctors say about these forms of mutual pleasure?

Doctor's recommendations regarding sex after abortion

Oral sex is not prohibited if it is provided for men. A girl can give pleasure to her partner in this way, but not vice versa. Oral sex for women can only be resumed after the body as a whole has recovered from an abortion.

Petting and abortion

Sex after abortion as much as possible? Basically, sexual life begins anew after a month and a half from the moment of termination of pregnancy. But this period is relevant for vaginal and anal sex.

What to do with petting? Reciprocal form of such caresses is prohibited. No gynecologist will let a woman petting.

The only option under such circumstances is a manโ€™s affection. A girl can engage in petting with a young man if he does not show sexual interest in her.

What does it mean? To please her partner, a girl can masturbate his genitals. But letting it be done with their own is not.

Consequences of non-compliance with recommendations

Perhaps this is all. Now itโ€™s clear how much sex is possible after medical abortion or any other. In addition, we found out how you can please your partner.

Sex problems

What will result in neglect of medical recommendations? The most dangerous is the beginning of uterine bleeding. It can lead to the death of a girl.

In addition, the following consequences are not ruled out:

  • inflammatory processes in the pelvis;
  • the appearance of sexually transmitted infections;
  • the onset of a new pregnancy, which is likely to be interrupted.

In fact, all this is very serious. In some cases, neglect of medical recommendations can lead to infertility or to the removal of the uterus and its appendages. Therefore, it is better not to rush into sex after breaking an interesting position.

Does a woman always face these complications? No, but the likelihood of negativity from sex after an abortion remains quite high. At least due to the fact that the body is in a vulnerable state. And so a girl can easily become infected or get genital inflammation.

Summary and Conclusions

You cannot have sex after an abortion. This rule must be remembered constantly. Especially if doctors talk about the strong negative effects of abortion on the body.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the resumption of sexual activity is decided on an individual basis. Someone will be able to return to their usual way of life faster, while someone is forced to wait longer.

Condition after abortion

In some cases, abstinence for 2-4 months, or even more, is necessary. Typically, this alignment occurs if the female genitals were severely damaged during an abortion. For example, severe uterine bleeding was discovered. Fortunately, this does not happen too often.

Important: the first sex after an abortion should be treated carefully. Experts recommend not to rush and prepare the partner for sexual intercourse gradually. It is important that the woman relaxes and does not feel fear of the upcoming sex. Otherwise, it will be painful. And this can not affect the future sexual life of the girl.

What if a woman succumbed to temptation? It is better to immediately go to the gynecologist for an examination and report that the sexual act took place the other day. If bleeding has begun, urgent hospitalization will be required.

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