Winter brings with it not only a festive mood; along with the cold weather, a problem arises in the home due to the occurrence of condensation on plastic double-glazed windows. Why are plastic windows sweating? Let's try to figure it out together.
Recall the school physics program - the higher the temperature of the environment, the more moisture is contained in the air. As soon as the air cools, the condensation of the vapor takes place, and it settles on the surfaces in the form of drops. And, of course, settles primarily where the temperature is lower. Usually the coldest surface in the room is double-glazed windows, which means that the reason why the windows are sweating is the rather low temperature on their surface.
We figured out the natural phenomena, now we should find the cause of the troubles in the apartment, because, anyway, the condensation on the double-glazed windows is an abnormal phenomenon, an indicator that not everything is in order here.
So, why do plastic windows sweat:
1. Lack of proper ventilation in the room. This happens when the ventilation ducts are clogged, they are usually located in bathrooms, bathrooms and in the kitchen. In this case, nothing will help but to figure out the ventilation ducts and do it as quickly as possible.
2. Due to the purpose of the room, it has constantly increased humidity. This is constantly faced by the housewives in the kitchen. Cooking, washing dishes. And in some families where there is a small child, a washing machine and dryer are constantly turned on in the kitchen. These factors increase air humidity . If windows sweat only for this reason, the only way out is to often air the kitchen.
3. The owner is very economical, and decided to put a single-chamber double-glazed window in the room . This saving, including on oneself, is the reason why the plastic windows sweat: the glass will be very cold, because two glasses are not enough for good thermal insulation.
4. The next reason for the condensation on the windows is a recently renovated room or a recent settlement of the house. Building structures, finishing materials for a long time retain high humidity. Only the time can fix the indicated cause.
5. Incorrect installation of the window, that is, it was deepened deeply into the window opening. This is usually done at the request of the owner himself in order to increase the surface of the windowsill. Numerous flowers placed on it will also inevitably lead to condensation. Even such a beautiful decoration can cause plastic windows to sweat. The choice is the owner: either the lack of flowers on the windowsill, or condensation on the glass.
6. The rules were violated during the installation of windows. If gaps remain during the installation of windows, they are a source of penetration of cold air inside, which, mixed with warm air masses, cools them to the “dew point”, and condensation settles on the glass units. Such an oversight is best corrected immediately, without delay. Call representatives of the installation company. However, it should be remembered that the standards that are provided for window units do not affect the rate of condensation formation, because there are many reasons why this condensate can occur.
7. Incorrect installation of heating devices in the room. Windows sweat if installed far away from a battery, another source of heat. The situation can only be corrected by moving the instruments.
You can summarize all of the above in the form of the following recommendations:
· Check and repair ventilation defects.
· Pay more attention to thermal insulation, including walls on the outside. The reference point for maintaining a normal indoor climate should be + 20 ° C.
· Eliminate all sources affecting the humidity in the room. This can be a leakage of the roof, moisture accumulation in the basement, etc.
· Ventilate the room in which you live more often.