What does “engaged” or “engaged” mean: a stamp in a passport, social status or just a convention?

Often in social networks you can see the status of "engaged" or "engaged" in the profile of a user. You can hear about such a marital status in real life. However, not everyone knows what it means to be engaged, trying to interpret this with many misconceptions. By the way, often on the Internet and in real life, this concept differs in meaning and perception, which misleads users of the World Wide Web.

what does it mean engaged
And some even believe that the status of "engaged" simply means that the lady is not free, that she has a boyfriend. And yet, what does it mean to be engaged or engaged in social networks and in real life?

What is engagement

In general, the engagement is the day when the lovers firmly decide to get married, but in Russia, the engagement is the day the application is submitted to the registry office, after which the young are given a month to think and prepare for the wedding. From the day of the engagement, the couple can already be called the bride and groom. The groom usually gives the bride an engagement gold jewelry (most often a ring) as a sign of seriousness of their intentions. At the engagement, it is customary to inform relatives and friends of their decision (to spread a rumor, as they say), and after submitting an application to the registry office, arrange a festive reception. Usually, a reception on such an occasion is modest and not very solemn, which cannot be said about the same traditions in the West, and about the traditions of our ancestors.

engaged to mean
A bit of history

In Russia, it was customary to arrange an engagement before the wedding, and it was necessary to do this. The whole process of marriage included the matchmaking, then the engagement and only then the betrothal. So, after the father of the future bride agreed to a request for the daughter’s hand, the young have the right to think about marriage.

Having decided to get married, they should first inform their parents about this and arrange a meeting in order to discuss in a close family circle all the nuances of the upcoming wedding, as well as future family life (the place and time of the celebration, the number of guests, where and how the newlyweds will live etc.).

engaged status
Parents of the groom were invited to the bride's house on any pretext, except the true one, and received them there with honors and bows. The groom, on the other hand, was to come to visit not empty-handed, but to present the bride with a scarf, ring or other gold jewelry. The bride herself was absent at the same time, but at the end of the evening she went out, accepted gifts and herself gave something valuable to her future spouse. Such an interesting custom was called conspiracy. From the day of the conspiracy until the wedding, the groom was not supposed to see the bride. By the way, in our time often everything goes according to the same scenario. After conspiracy, the couple submits an application to the registry office. And then it is already possible to "make a rumor" about the upcoming wedding among friends and celebrate the engagement itself. That's what it means to be engaged or actually engaged.

Engaged on the Internet

Recently, it has become fashionable on social networks to indicate in your profile the status of "engaged" or "engaged." What this position means is understandable, but often such a status is simply put on by couples whose relations last long enough, and this does not at all mean that they are in the prenuptial period. Therefore, on the Internet, do not particularly trust the profiles and the data indicated in them, but just need to directly ask the couple about their marital status.


Now, knowing what “engaged” and “engaged” means, it’s worth considering: do not throw empty words into the wind, telling everyone around about a non-existent marital status, it’s better to just go over to active actions to back up your words with deeds!

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