Dunlop Grandtrek SJ6: owner reviews and specifications

When choosing a new rubber, each driver is guided by their own rules, based on certain parameters. For some, wear resistance plays a major role, while the other does not enjoy driving if the tires are too noisy. However, there are some parameters that cannot be determined without extensive testing. And the results of official reviews may not always help. The opinion of other drivers regarding a particular rubber that has been skating on it for some time may come to the rescue. Today's review is dedicated to the Dunlop GrandTrek SJ6, reviews of which will serve as the main indicator of quality. However, we first consider the main characteristics presented by the manufacturer, and also analyze the results of some official tests.

Dunlop Historical Facts

The manufacturer has a very interesting story. It is worth noting that it was Dunlop tires that became the first in the world in which the method of pumping air was used. Strange as it may seem, they take their origin back in 1888 when the veterinarian (!) Decided to modernize his little son’s bike. To do this, he wrapped the molded rubber wheels with several layers of rubber, and then pumped air between them. As a result, it was possible to soften movement on rough terrain. Later, he continued to work on this technology, which gave rise to a new industry. This vet's name was John Boyd Dunlop.

For more than a century, the company has been manufacturing automobile and aviation tires, improving production technology every year. She also managed to excel in the production of rubber for the world-famous “Formula 1”, having significantly modernized in due time the technology for developing and filling tires designed for very high speeds.

At the moment, the company is one of the divisions of the Goodyear holding, due to which there is a continuous exchange of experience, and the development of new products goes to a higher level. Only time can show how good they are. And it will help to appreciate the Dunlop GrandTrek SJ6 99Q tires considered in this article, because there is already an opportunity to see the opinion of those who went through them for more than one season.

dunlop grandtrek sj6 review

Briefly about the model

Rubber is intended for movement in the winter season. The manufacturer positions it as universal, able to cope with any weather conditions. As seen from its predecessor, this may turn out to be quite a successful move, because the SJ5 received very positive reviews from the drivers. The novelty is designed to replace it, providing even higher quality.

Considered winter tires Dunlop GrandTrek SJ6, reviews of which we will analyze at the end of the article, have a symmetrical tread pattern with very large blocks. According to the manufacturer, this is exactly the option that is perfect both for traveling on snow porridge and soil, and for driving on slippery ice. It should be noted right away that this model is supplied only in a non-studded version, therefore it is the rubber compound and correctly located tread blocks that must ensure stability on the track.

winter tires dunlop grandtrek sj6 reviews

Features of the structure of the tread

Designers tried to make a memorable and practical drawing, which, on the one hand, would be familiar, but on the other - adapted to the special conditions of a harsh winter. As a result, we developed our own technology for placing tread blocks called Digityre-II. It implies the use of computer software that allows you to reproduce various life situations and in real time to simulate a tread that would have such properties that would allow you to cope with all of them without any problems.

As a result of the research, it was possible to make an optimal pattern with a V-shaped tread in a symmetrical version. The results were not long in coming. Already in the first tests it was possible to determine that, regardless of the mode of movement, the area of ​​the contact spot remains invariably large, and this leads to an improvement in adhesion even on a rather slippery track. Reviews of tires Dunlop GrandTrek SJ6 subsequently confirmed this observation.

However, this was not the last time. The fact that the contact spot itself was also thought out helped to increase stability. Regardless of the position, the profile in it remains ten-step, and the surface itself is smooth, but not sliding.

dunlop grandtrek sj6 owner reviews

The benefits of choosing such a design

According to company experts, this approach has made it possible to achieve several positive points. So, the quality of adhesion on a slippery surface has increased, because for the most part it depends on the area on which the wheel is in contact with the road surface.

However, another effect, which can definitely be called positive, is a decrease in rolling resistance. So, this allows us to solve two problems at once. Firstly, the vehicle rolls over, making it easier to drive and feel its speed. And the second aspect - due to the decrease in resistance, you have to less often press on the gas, which leads to relatively significant fuel economy. Drivers when they write about winter tires Dunlop GrandTrek SJ6 reviews, note this as one of the key positive points.

Tread centerline features

If you carefully consider the resulting tread pattern, you will notice that in the central part of the individual blocks a clearly visible ring is formed that surrounds the entire tire. The blocks are all made in a quadrangular shape, and also have a fairly large size. Their task is to ensure directional stability when driving in a straight line, as well as during smooth maneuvers. However, these are not all the missions that are assigned to them. So, thanks to their special structure, they help to evenly distribute the load over the entire contact patch of rubber with the track. This has a positive effect on the overall wear of the Dunlop GrandTrek SJ6 R18 tire, since it becomes the same over the entire width of the rubber, which means it can last longer. In addition, uneven wear could lead to an emergency even before the tread would wear to a critical point.

dunlop grandtrek sj6 r18

Features of using large blocks

Tracing the entire tread pattern on these tires is fairly straightforward. The tread blocks are large, however, if you look closely, you can see that at the edges they have notches that seem to divide them into smaller blocks.

This is done in order to form as many side edges as possible, which are responsible for high-quality grip and rowing characteristics. So, it is these edges that allow you to effectively start off and stop on loose snow or wet soil.

They also show themselves when braking, not allowing the wheel to slip, but as if trying to rake the surface in the opposite direction from the direction of movement. As a result, the braking distance is significantly reduced, and the car with emergency braking has significantly less chance of skidding. All this guarantees a reduction in the number of emergency situations on the road, which is repeatedly emphasized in the reviews. The Dunlop GrandTrek SJ6 225 * 65R17 101Q receives high ratings, because, having no spikes, it is practically not inferior to the studded competitors in the length of the braking distance.

Intelligent lamella system

A lot depends on the proper location of the lamellas. After all, it is they who are responsible for the high-quality removal of liquid or loose snow from the contact patch to the sides to ensure the highest level of adhesion to the track, as much as possible under current weather conditions.

In this case, the V-shaped arrangement of the tread elements was beneficial. Between them, wide lamellas were formed that can easily cope with large volumes of liquid or soil and move them to the side. Smaller lamellas are primarily intended to create additional edges, but it also serves as a kind of “capillaries”, diverting small portions of water towards larger slots on the surface of the wheel.

The result is a universal solution that, on the one hand, has good rowing characteristics and is able to cope with the problems of moving on a loose surface, and on the other hand, it allows you to effectively fix the vehicle when driving on an icy surface, preventing it from skidding. As the owner reviews say about the Dunlop GrandTrek SJ6, skidding is generally a very rare occurrence for cars equipped with these tires if the driver adheres to a safe driving strategy.

dunlop grandtrek sj6 195 80 r15 reviews

Noise reduction

As mentioned above, the special location of the tread elements has led to a decrease in rolling resistance, which made it possible to obtain a number of positive results. However, this is not all the advantages that have been achieved thanks to this, and you can also find out about this by reading the driver reviews about the Dunlop GrandTrek SJ6 101Q.

The fact is that the main source of noise on winter tires are either spikes or the edges of the tread elements. There are no studs on this rubber, and the edges are made in such a way that they are able to carry out their tasks, but at the same time allow the wheel to move as freely as possible. As a result, there is a decrease in friction, and with it the obsessive noise disappears, which can cause discomfort, especially on long journeys.

Wear resistance

When developing this parameter, special attention was also paid. A single tread centerline to increase wear resistance would not be enough. Therefore, a special formula for the rubber compound containing silicic acid was developed. On the one hand, it can allow the rubber to remain soft even at rather low temperatures overboard, but at the same time strengthens the bonds between the components themselves, making the rubber more durable. As a result, in addition to reducing the erasure of rubber from the surface, the puncture and cut strength increases, which is good news for drivers who, due to professional duties, travel a large number of kilometers every day and want the car to be the most reliable assistant. When you read about the Dunlop GrandTrek SJ6 195 * 80 R15 reviews, you often find that drivers celebrate the long life of these tires.

reviews about tires dunlop grandtrek sj6

Rubber purpose

This model is available in a large number of sizes, so almost every driver will be able to choose the one that suits his car. It is worth noting that it does not apply to the budget option and is often installed on premium cars. The range of sizes is striking in variety. So, you can buy rubber on wheels with a diameter of 15 and ending with as many as 21 inches.

It performs well both on sedans and on large SUVs. Perhaps, at first, the Dunlop GrandTrek SJ6, reviews of which we will consider very soon, will need to get used to, but it behaves quite predictably, so there should not be any special problems. In relatively warm weather, you should expect it to become too soft. This is especially true for those who installed tires with a high profile. At a plus temperature, it is better not to make sharp maneuvers at a very high speed, since the rubber tends to “float” a little and can simply fly off the disk, but this is not pleasant.

Opinion of drivers about the positive aspects of tires

After analyzing the Dunlop GrandTrek SJ6 reviews of owners who have already had the opportunity to skate on the rubber for some time, we can conclude whether it is worth buying it for yourself, especially considering the fact that this pleasure is not cheap.

Drivers with experience note the following main advantages of this rubber:

  1. Good grip. Apparently, the work of designers and chemists was not in vain, since many drivers say that rubber behaves well on different options for road surface and in all weather conditions. Yet, when driving, you should not rely only on rubber. It is necessary to soberly assess the situation so as not to create emergency situations.
  2. A little braking distance. Given the fairly good dynamic characteristics described by users, a short braking distance is a great addition for them. Drivers say that rubber is able to quickly stop the car even when ice is icy, and it behaves quite well on slippery ground due to blurring.
  3. Low noise level. Perhaps this is the moment that is found least often in other manufacturers' tires, because it is quite difficult to achieve a reduction in the noise level without cutting down any characteristics. In the same model, it was possible to combine dynamics, and braking, and grip, and the absence of noise effects that annoy when driving and cause excessive vibration. As practice shows, about winter tires Dunlop GrandTrek SJ6 reviews speak of noise only at high speeds, when "rattles", in principle, any rubber.
  4. Good durability. Since the model is no longer new, you can compare it with options from other manufacturers. One of the drivers mentions that he bought this rubber as soon as it appeared, and after 9 years he still sometimes sets it for driving in the summer season. Of course, the characteristics are already far from the initial ones, but it still shows itself quite well. Even those people who spend half their lives in a car — taxi drivers — note a high resistance to wear, and, as a result, the practicality of such a financial investment.
  5. Strong side. Resistance to punctures and cuts of the side is clearly a plus of this rubber. A well-designed rubber compound allows you to confidently move along icy tracks without fear that some particularly sharp piece of ice will be able to break through the reinforced sidewall of the rubber.
  6. Possibility to use tires all year round. Thanks to the use of silicic acid, rubber has become very stable. And, despite the fact that in hot weather it becomes very soft, it can still be exploited, however, with caution. However, this does not detract from the fact that, if necessary, you can always ride a month or two on winter tires even after the onset of summer. As noted about the Dunlop GrandTrek SJ6 reviews, already almost worn out winter tires, but still suitable for use, may well replace the summer with careful driving.

These are the main advantages of rubber, which generally coincide with the characteristics of the manufacturer and the results of official testing. However, she also has its drawbacks, which should also be remembered.

reviews dunlop grandtrek sj6 225 65r17 101q

Negative sides of rubber based on driver reviews

Among the minuses, not many aspects can be distinguished, but still it is worth paying attention to them. So, some drivers, when they write reviews about Dunlop GrandTrek SJ6 tires, do not very positively perceive the moment that this model does not have spikes, because, compared with studded options, it still has a slightly greater braking distance.

In addition, on new tires there is noise on clean asphalt at high speed. Most likely, this is due to the specific form of individual tread elements.

The rest can be said that this rubber has no serious flaws. Therefore, it is quite possible to purchase it for your car, if you value reliability and quality, and you are not confused by the high cost in comparison with the offers of competitors. Perhaps someday you can write a review about the Dunlop GrandTrek SJ6, which will have more positive points than negative ones.

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