Evgenia Vladimirovna Pasternak - intellectual and artist

Boris Pasternak met Zhenechka Lurie when they were not too young. However, both were not ready for family life. Eugenia was 24 years old, and Boris was 32. She signed in 1922, and nothing of their marriage really worked out. A son was born who later grew up, occasionally talking with his father and not understanding why mom and dad, the most dear people, do not live together.

Eugenia Vladimir Parsnip

The childhood and youth of Zhenya Lurie

She was born in Mogilev in 1898. The father, the owner of an office supply, had a large family. In addition to Zhenya, two more daughters and a son grew up. They all studied at a private gymnasium in Mogilev, and, having graduated from it in 1917, Zhenya left for Moscow. They didn’t let her go alone. The time was dangerous. Together with her went cousin Sophia. There, Zhenya, who graduated from high school with a gold medal, continued her studies at the Higher Women's Courses. This all suggests that the girl kept pace with the eyelid: she was unchained and emancipated. But in a hungry and cold Moscow she fell ill with tuberculosis and in 1918 she went home. Caring parents sent her to the Crimea: a mixture of mountain and sea air was supposed to put their daughter on her feet. After a year, they leave the whole family from Mogilev to Petrograd.

In the ancient capital

The girl was looking for herself. She went to Moscow and began to study painting. There, in 1921, she met the poet and hastily a few months later, in 1922, married the charming Boris Pasternak. Evgenia Vladimirovna Pasternak imagined family life as complete freedom. She did not seek to delve into the most necessary economic activities. They all took over the husband. And Yevgenia Vladimirovna Pasternak, being pregnant and expecting a baby, dreamed how she would become an artist. Domestic affairs such as cooking, cleaning the room (they lived on Volkhonka, in a compacted apartment) fell on the poet's shoulders. He needed freedom for creativity, and Evgenia Vladimirovna Pasternak about it I didn’t even think about it, putting myself in the forefront. There was no money, and Boris undertook any work, realizing that it was tearing him away from poetry, from the purpose and meaning of his life.

Family life did not develop in any way, not only because of the disease, but also because of the exorbitant ambitions of the young wife. She did not think at all about the grandeur of the creative person who was nearby. Borya had to serve her, and that’s it. And he wrote "My Sister is Life", "Themes and Variations." She was an artist, significant as she perceived herself. And husband? He just has to help her in everything. So, rearranging everything upside down, gradually broke family life, which, perhaps, could have turned out differently, a young wife.

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In the photo, Evgenia Vladimirovna Pasternak happily looks (the photo with her husband and little son is given above).


The disease did not let the young woman go. Evgenia Vladimirovna Pasternak spent a lot of time in sanatoriums. Her husband’s letters at this time are full of longing and tenderness. But at meetings, it is increasingly about divorce, although she is exquisitely beautiful.

Evgenia Vladimir Parsnip Biography
It found similarities with Venus Botticelli. But in family life, one beauty is not enough. One must be able to understand a loved one, this is a special requirement for a woman, take off his burden of worries and let him fly, where, free, he can create. Eugene Vladimirovna Pasternak did nothing of this. Therefore, her biography will turn out in the most deplorable way.


In 1926, she went to Germany for treatment, taking her young son with her. A German banker began to look after a young and beautiful woman and offered a hand and a heart. But Evgenia Vladimirovna refused and returned reborn. For little Zhenya it was happiness. He only remembered the return when they were met by their beloved daddy. Boris did not wait for them in Moscow, but boarded a train in Mozhaisk to them. They stood and looked out the windows. Passed by the golden domes of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. They sparkled in the sun. My wife has changed after the trip. She became caring and economic, but something was already inevitably gone.

Germany again in 1930

It was, according to the recollections of his son, a sad journey. Mom got sick, went to a sanatorium. And when they returned, then dad met them at the Belorussky station. During this time, the temple was blown up. Glass burst in their room from the explosion, and the husband, who firmly decided to leave the family, transported them to his wife’s brother, Semyon Vladimirovich Lurie. And then Boris Pasternak (what efforts it cost him, he knows only) got an apartment on Tversky Boulevard for his son and ex-wife. The family broke up. It was a painful process. Eugene begged her husband to return, but he was already carried away by Zinaida Nikolaevna Neigauz. There was no question of any return. The little son went to the 2nd grade the next year.

What happened afterwards

Together, Boris and Eugene Pasternak lived for seven years. During this time, the child has grown. Mom did not teach him to draw, although she herself studied with R. R. Falk. But she drew irregularly. A true ascetic artist did not work out of her. During the war, he and his son lived in Tashkent. Then they returned to Moscow. The son grew up and became a literary critic.

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Pasternak Evgenia Vladimirovna herself, without leaving a mark in art, died at 66 years old.

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