Today, higher education keeps up to date. Innovative technologies and developed techniques are being introduced into the classical training scheme used several years ago. Thanks to this, highly qualified specialists who are guided in their chosen field of activity come out of modern universities. One of such educational organizations striving to meet the requirements of the time is the Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University (modern abbreviation - PSU).
History of University
Higher educational institution (institute) appeared in Pyatigorsk in 1939. It was formed on the basis of a pedagogical school and with the aim of training teachers. During the Great Patriotic War, the institute was liquidated. This happened due to the fascist occupation of the city. After the liberation of Pyatigorsk in 1943, the restoration of the university began. It was a very difficult period. There was not enough equipment for training, there were no visual aids. Students had to write lectures on newspapers in between the lines.
After the war, the Pyatigorsk State Pedagogical Institute began its development. The destroyed building was restored. In subsequent years, built sports and assembly halls, a dormitory for students, opened new faculties. Subsequently, the university was renamed. It received the name of the Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, and later became a linguistic university. In 2016, the educational organization received the status of a classical university. So Pyatigorsk State University appeared.
Modern university development
Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University (currently existing PSU) is a university with rich traditions that have developed over decades. He is not going to refuse them. On the contrary, the university values its history, introduces students to it, and passes it on to new generations. At the same time, the university does not lag behind modern life. He seeks to introduce innovations, develops creative ideas, and opens up interesting areas of training and specialties. Thanks to all this, the university can be called one of the most unique in the region.
Periodically, the university improves its material and technical base in order to meet the requirements of modern life. Currently, the university has 10 buildings in which its structural units (higher schools and institutes) are located and classes are held for students. Classrooms and laboratories are equipped with computers, technical equipment, various devices. There is equipment for video, Internet broadcasts.
University Graduate Schools
Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University (PSU) has 3 higher schools:
- Design and architecture. This structural unit has its history since 1998. At that time it was a non-governmental educational organization. The school joined the universities several times. In 2016, it became a structural unit of the Pyatigorsk State University, as part of which it trains creative personalities.
- Innovation management and political management. This school combines a huge number of diverse areas of training. Having entered here at PSLU, you can get a variety of specialties. Here they become managers, HR specialists, historians, and civil servants.
- Eastern and European languages, literature. This structural unit has its history since 1980. It is worth going to those people who want to connect their lives with Russian and foreign languages, literature. Students studying in those specialties in which 2 foreign languages are provided study English, as well as Polish (or Chinese) languages.
Institutions conducting activities in the main educational programs
It includes PSLU faculties (institutes) that offer students higher education in the following areas:
- linguistics, information management and communication technologies;
- international service, foreign languages and tourism;
- international relations;
- multilingualism and translation studies;
- humanitarian and information technologies, Romano-Germanic languages;
- human science;
- jurisprudence.
People completing their studies at the institutes existing at the university become either high-class philologists and linguists, or specialists who are associated with other fields, but who also know foreign languages. The first of them are arranged as teachers, translators. Some graduates find work in companies that require specialists with philological education to communicate with clients in foreign languages. People belonging to the second type of graduates become specialists in the field of economics, management, journalism, management, etc.
Distance learning
Among the institutions conducting activities in the main educational programs include the Institute of distance learning and the development of information and communication technologies. This is a very important structural unit of Pyatigorsk State University. Having entered it, you can get a higher education through the use of modern information and communication technologies, while being anywhere in Russia or the world.
At PSU (PSLU), distance learning has several advantages:
- the applicant can choose a suitable specialty from the proposed areas of undergraduate and graduate training, of which there are about 30;
- you can study at any convenient place and at the most suitable time;
- distance learning has low cost without loss of quality;
- communication with teachers takes place through the information and communication environment thanks to webinars, voice communications.
Required specialties
High demand among people entering the university (the city of Pyatigorsk) is in Law. Firstly, this specialty is in demand in the modern world. Each organization requires lawyers who would deal with dispute resolution, drafting documents. Secondly, the legal profession has noble motives. Legal professionals provide legal protection and eliminate unrest.
The specialty "International Relations" is in high demand at Pyatigorsk State University. The main disciplines are foreign languages. In addition to them, students study history, economics, law, psychology, diplomacy. A wide range of disciplines makes the direction of training universal. Graduates work not only as diplomats. They find their place in various enterprises. The acquired knowledge allows some graduates to start their own business.
Examples of passing points
University (the city of Pyatigorsk) is considered one of the best universities in the country. That is why many applicants want to assess in advance their chances of entering on a budgetary basis. This can be done by passing points of past years. As an example, we cite 2015 and the popular specialties (budget):
- On "Jurisprudence" 6 people were accepted. Applicants passed social science, history and the Russian language. The minimum passing score was 260 points.
- 13 people were enrolled in the “International Relations” direction. Students on admission passed history, a foreign language, social studies, Russian. The maximum result was 361 points. The minimum (passing) score of PSLU (PSU) was 301.
- At "Journalism", applicants also passed 4 entrance tests (they handed over literature, social studies, the Russian language, wrote creative work). The maximum score is 325, and the minimum passing score is 297.
University address and contacts
PSLU (Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University), as the name implies, is located in the city of Pyatigorsk (in the Stavropol Territory). The exact address of the university is Kalinin Avenue, 9. In order to ask any important questions to university employees, you can call the phone number on the organization’s official website.
You can also ask questions through the official website of the university. One of the sections has a special form. The subject is indicated in it, the text of the message is written, the surname, first name and patronymic of the sender are noted, the e-mail and telephone for communication are indicated.
Branch of educational institution
PSLU (Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University) has only one branch. It is located in Novorossiysk. This is a fairly effective unit. It has been training specialists for over 20 years in such a field as Linguistics (profiles - Translation and Translation Studies and Theory and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultures).
Graduates of the branch are in demand in Russia and abroad. They work as teachers, translators. The profession, named last, has not lost its relevance in connection with the advent of automated translation systems, because the computer can not make a competent text. That is why quite a few applicants from Novorossiysk tend to enroll in a branch of Pyatigorsk State University.
PSU (former PSLU): university reviews
Pyatigorsk State University several decades ago received positive reviews. He was considered one of the strongest universities in the country. Modern university receives negative reviews. Students of the state educational institution complain about the high cost of training, they speak about the incompetence of some teachers who give lectures on paper or from the phone.
In conclusion, it is worth noting that the Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University (PSU) is interested in applicants for their merits. However, are they true? The answer to this question is worth looking for. Before entering a university, it is recommended to talk with students or graduates and ask them a few questions about training.