Do-it-yourself water supply in the country: scheme, materials, installation technology

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of water supply in the country. With your own hands it is quite possible to arrange the arrangement of this system. Without a constant water supply, ordinary washing the dishes can turn into a real test, not to mention the need to care for the site or garden, as well as the use of household appliances, which necessarily involves connecting to the sewage system and water supply.

Almost every owner of a summer cottage today wants to equip a full-fledged water supply system. Planning is better to carry out at the stage of designing a house. For the boiler water meter unit, a small room on the ground floor will be needed. The room may have a minimum area of ​​4 m 2 . Technical devices should be located in one room, this will allow the owner to control the process of water supply.

If you decide to equip the water supply system in the country with your own hands, you should know what it consists of, namely from:

  • pipeline;
  • set of fittings;
  • cranes;
  • a pump;
  • pressure gauge;
  • expansion tank;
  • pressure switch;
  • purification filters;
  • electrical support;
  • water heater.

As for the pipeline, for its installation, you can use products from:

  • metal;
  • metal plastic;
  • polypropylene.

Electrical support should be complemented by automatic protection. To retain suspended particles, it will be necessary to use purification filters. If necessary, you can install a water heater. The accumulative model will be more convenient.

Determination of the source of water supply

water supply in the country from polypropylene pipes

Before proceeding with the installation of a water supply system in the country with your own hands, you must choose a source of water supply. It may be a central water supply. This option is the most convenient and simple. The pressure in the system must be sufficient so that water can enter the building. Otherwise, you will additionally have to fork out for a pump or resort to other methods of water supply.

Water will be supplied through a system of pipes and fittings. For installation, there is no need to purchase additional devices, it will only be necessary to dig a trench, mount water supply elements and insert into the central highway. If this is not possible, then other options should be considered. For example, a mine well. This method is suitable for areas where the depth of groundwater is not less than 10 m. The mine can be equipped with 3 people, it will be difficult to cope with the work alone.

If the water supply in the country with your own hands will be equipped with such a technology, then you can take advantage of one main advantage - the simplicity of the system. It is easy to repair and maintain, and the maintenance of the well does not require tangible costs. The main disadvantage is the limited water supply.

Not every well can produce as much water as is needed to meet the needs of the family. Before choosing this option, you should calculate how much fluid you need, and also compare this with how much water a well can produce. The installation of a water supply system using this technology involves the use of a surface pump. It is relatively inexpensive and easy to operate.

Well use

The water supply scheme may suggest a well. If the underground layer of water lies deeper than 10 m, you will have to drill a well. And for this you will pay quite dearly. But spending the money once, you will provide your cottage with water in the right amounts.

If you want to save money, you can negotiate with your neighbors and make one well for several houses. Additionally, you will have to purchase pumping equipment. It costs more than surface analogs, but in terms of efficiency there are no equal to it.

Summer version of the water supply

water supply scheme

The water supply in a private house outside the city can be summer. It may well satisfy your requests. System features are in operation, which is possible only in the warm period. Modifications are presented by folding and stationary options. The first scheme is quite simple. It requires connecting a hose to the pump and laying communications on the soil surface so that they do not impede movement around the site.

Installation of an external water supply system is accompanied by a choice of a hose made of rubber or silicone. Connection is made using adapters. In specialized stores, products with snap joints are available. One side has a spring-loaded connector, while a ruff is present on the second. The latch connects the hose simply, securely and quickly.

Usually, the installation of an external water supply system is carried out for watering the garden. It is not worth organizing a full-fledged water supply on the basis of such a technology. Summer water supply can be stationary. It is located underground. Flexible hoses cannot be used; plastic pipes should be purchased. Seasonal stationary water supply is laid at a meter depth. After the end of the warm season, water is pumped out of the pipes, otherwise it will freeze and violate the integrity of the material. Pipes should be laid with a slope that goes towards the drain valve. It is mounted near a water source.

What option to lay summer water pipes

Pipes for summer water supply can be laid according to one of two technologies. The first involves the location of hoses on the surface of the soil, while the second involves the burial of communications in the ground. If the summer water supply in the country is arranged according to the first method, then it has one important advantage - ease of installation and dismantling. The disadvantage is the possibility of breakage.

If the pipes are buried shallow in the soil, then only cranes will be on the surface. One important plus is expressed in the fact that during operation such a system will not interfere, and if necessary it can be easily excavated and dismantled.

Winter water supply

plumbing in a private house

The water supply in a private house can be winter, it can be used all year round. Polypropylene and polyethylene pipes are excellent for this. The latter are sold at a lower cost and fit without the use of special tools. The first are more expensive and require the use of a soldering iron during installation. As a result, you will spend more money on additional parts.

Installation of communications is carried out with a slight slope, which should be directed towards the source of water supply. The pipe is 250 mm below the freezing line of the soil. The water supply scheme may assume the location of pipes at a depth of 300 mm. At the same time, thermal insulation is performed. Foamed polyethylene copes with these functions. On sale you can find cylindrical products. They are put on the pipe, which allows to achieve reliable protection from the cold and other adverse effects.

Additionally, it is also necessary to insulate the water source. If the well is insulated and thrown with snow for the winter, these measures will be enough to protect the structure from freezing. Pumping equipment, if available, is equipped with a caisson. It is a pit with additional insulation. The arrangement is carried out next to a water supply equipped with a pump. The device of the water supply in the country according to this technology is carried out in a room where the temperature does not fall below a negative mark.

Designing before arranging a water supply

water supply scheme

Before you make water supply in the country, you will need to draw up a project. At this stage, you need to decide on the equipment. It is necessary to clarify the places where the points of water intake will be located. It is necessary to calculate the number of fittings, choose the material and type of water pipes.

Plastic is the most common. They are reliable and durable, and also able to cope with the tasks assigned to them. Such pipes do not rust, which allows them to be sewn into the walls. Next, a water supply scheme is drawn up. In the drawing, all dimensions must be indicated. So you can determine the footage and the number of components. They are purchased with some margin of 15%.

Preparing tools for installation

To install the water supply, you must take care of the following tools:

  • cutter;
  • sand paper;
  • a knife;
  • roulettes;
  • adjustable wrench;
  • set of gas spanners;
  • a pencil.

A cutter will be needed for cutting pipes. In order to not tear off the skin of the palms when tightening the fittings, you should resort to the gas key under the second number. A good shovel is useful for earthworks.

At the first stage, you will have to breakdown the water supply route. When buying consumables, you need to calculate the required number of tees, taps, pipes and angles so that during the installation process you are not distracted by the need to re-visit the store.

Component Installation

The water supply device is carried out in several stages. At the first, you need to dig a trench from the source to the point of entry of the pipe into the building. Next is the installation of pumping equipment. If it is deep, then it must be located in the source of water supply. Surface models are installed near a well or well. They are located in a caisson or a heated room. A pipe should be connected to the pump.

The free end is fixed to the five-pin fitting. The storage tank is connected to the free outputs of the nozzle. At this stage, a pressure gauge and pressure switch are installed. The storage tank can hold about 500 liters or more. This will ensure optimal pressure in the system. In the tank you can store water in case of unforeseen situations. It is necessary to connect a pipe to the free fitting, and after that, route the line along the leveled trench into the house.

A protected cable is laid along the bottom of the pit for connecting pumping equipment and a hydraulic accumulator. The socket for connecting the above devices must be earthed. Winter water supply in the country is arranged using a stopcock. It is located in front of the pipe entry point into the building. This element will allow to shut off water supply when such a need arises.

If you are convinced that the pipeline is working correctly, the pit needs to be filled up, only then you can proceed with the installation of the wiring. The water supply system should be equipped with treatment facilities.

Pump installation

Water pipe laying is impossible without a water source. Typically, a well, borehole or spring capture chamber is used for this. Each source has its advantages and disadvantages. So, the water in the well is cleaner, but drilling is quite expensive. A cheaper solution is to dig a well. It can be equipped with a submersible pump, as well as the installation of a three-stage filter system.

The water supply in the country with a submersible pump will be able to supply water from 20 m. The equipment operates silently. The device is complemented by a filtration unit, a hydraulic accumulator, as well as an automatic unit with a distributing unit. When choosing, pay attention to the impeller. For pumping contaminated water, it is better to use what is made of stainless steel.

The water supply in the country from the well can be equipped with a surface pump. It is used if the water level is less than 8 m. The device is installed indoors and connected to the well by a supply pipe. You can use an automatic pump station. The hydraulic part will be separated from the electric motor by a partition. A gas or diesel generator is often used to pump underground water or water the garden. The station will include:

  • accumulator;
  • a pump;
  • automation unit.

The accumulating tank will act as a reserve tank and will be able to exclude frequent switching on of the pump. Inexpensive water pumping devices operate at high noise levels. This suggests that it is better to use new generation equipment.

Recommendations for installing a water supply system in a house

installation of external water supply

Pipes for the water supply in the country should be strong and reliable. Polypropylene welded products that have a green color have good characteristics and ease of installation. Their diameter is 25 mm. They cost 30% more than white, but they are resistant to temperature changes and maintain tightness, which is true even during frost.

pipes for water supply in the country

To lay the water supply in the country from polypropylene pipes, a soldering iron-iron is used, which can be purchased for 3,000 rubles. Some components are assembled on weight, and then mounted indoors. For welding, you need about 8 cm of pipe, so each segment must be calculated in advance.

Laying places are selected taking into account the layout of rooms and ease of installation. If there are suspended structures in the room, it is recommended to replace the low installation above the floor with the top gasket, which will include the location of pipes under the suspended ceiling. This scheme is optimal for the kitchen or bathroom.

An expansion tank is needed to adjust the pressure in the pipes. Its capacity should be about 100 liters, which will be enough for a two-story house system. This does not mean that the tank will be able to gain 100 liters. It is filled by a third at a pressure of 3 atmospheres. If necessary, it is recommended to purchase a larger tank. Here it is important to take into account one feature, which is that the tanks for heating are red, while for water supply they are blue.


water supply in the country from the well

If you are an avid summer resident, but have not lost the habit of comfort, then you will definitely need plumbing in a country house. It is almost impossible to look after a personal plot without it. Yes, and you can not use household appliances, as well as wash the dishes, as well as take a shower. Self-installation can help you gain valuable experience and save. The acquired skills will be needed to repair and maintain the water supply system.

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