How to apply makeup: instructions with step by step photos

How to apply makeup? Each girl can “make up”, but not everyone can make a good make-up suitable for a particular situation. The secrets of this art are accessible to professional makeup artists, but everyone can learn how to do makeup step by step, you just have to make a little effort. So, how to apply makeup on your face in stages?

Basic Makeup Rules

How to apply makeup? First you need to familiarize yourself with the theoretical foundations, and only then begin to practice. Here are some basic rules:

  1. Clean skin. A huge amount of foundation and powder will not hide, but will only emphasize all skin imperfections if you apply cosmetics, ignoring the mandatory stage of cleansing. Before make-up, you need to wash your face with a suitable cosmetic product, cleanse your face with tonic or lotion. Also, never go to bed with makeup on your face.
  2. Quality cosmetics. If for any reason it is not possible to purchase high-quality cosmetics, you should pay attention to two or three in one, domestic products. It is definitely worthwhile to show reasonable ingenuity, for example, instead of buying separately an eyebrow pencil, use an eyeliner, and find shadows that can be applied both dry and wet.
  3. Color type and face shape. It is necessary to take into account the color of eyes and hair, the shape of the face. There are some techniques that can help make narrow eyes wider, visually shorten a long nose or hide skin problems. Do not ignore them, because these tricks will help you look really great.

Natural makeup

How to apply makeup in stages? The answer to this question will depend on the technique chosen. Perfect make-up on weekdays should be discreet, light, hiding imperfections and only slightly emphasizing virtues. It’s better to choose natural colors (the fashionable “nude” will be very useful), the natural shade of lipstick, and brown mascara.

For special occasions, a festive or evening make-up with brighter tones, sexy smoke eyes, Greek (many bright colors and arrows) or a make-up in oriental style are suitable. But still, the sample of style is natural or natural makeup, so you need to know how to apply it. It is with this technique that we will learn to apply makeup correctly (photo of the steps below).

Stages of applying cosmetics

How to apply makeup on the face? Step by step the whole process can be represented as follows:

  1. Facial cleansing. It is necessary to remove the remnants of cosmetics that were applied previously, clean and moisturize the skin, and then wash with cool water.
  2. Using corrector. This stage can be skipped to the happy owners of clean, well-groomed skin without any noticeable aesthetic defects.
  3. Alignment of complexion. You need to use a foundation (base), which is perfect in color. You can apply with your fingers, a special brush or a beauty blender.
  4. Dusting. Loose powder helps to fix the tone. This is only an aid. Apply powder in small quantities with a special brush.
  5. Correction. After applying the tonal foundation, the face turns into a “clean sheet”, so it is necessary to draw contours using correctors of several natural shades.
  6. Underline eyebrows. Eyebrows should be combed with a special brush, give them color if necessary and fix with a transparent gel.
  7. Eye makeup. This is the most important stage of make-up. For light daytime makeup, you need two shades of eyeshadow (dark brown and beige). Light shadows are applied to the inner corner of the eye, dark - to the outer. Additionally, you can draw a line with a pencil or eyeliner. At this stage, it remains only to make up eyelashes.
  8. Apply blush. Blush is applied to the "apples", which appear when we smile. Feather them in the direction of the temples.
  9. Final fixation. This is not a mandatory, but very desirable stage for evening makeup. You can sprinkle your face with thermal water or a special fixative.
how to apply makeup photo step by step

Skin preparation

How to apply makeup (step by step photos accompany the material)? We start with cleansing and preparing the skin for applying cosmetics. First, wash yourself well with cool water, you can use it with foam or gel for washing. You need to choose a product that is suitable for your skin, do not buy the so-called universal cosmetic products. You can find out the type of skin and decide on the means for care with the help of a cosmetologist.

how to apply makeup on the face

Flaw correction

Next up is hydration. You should use a special cream, selected according to the type of skin. Wait until the cream is completely absorbed, and only then begin to apply makeup. Usually five minutes is enough. After you can start applying the base under makeup. It is better to apply a tonal basis on massage lines.

If the skin has redness, age spots and other problems, before applying the foundation, you need to hide the imperfections with a corrector. Green corrector is used to study red acne, yellow is needed to hide blue veins and purple spots, pink or red will correct the earthy complexion, and purple will hide orange stains from tanning. The most common problem - bags under the eyes - can be hidden by a concealer, it should be a tone lighter than the tonal base. You need to draw a triangle under the eyes (the top looks down) and blend the tool.

how to apply makeup in stages

Perfect tone

If we talk about tonal foundations, BB, CC or DD creams are very popular now. BB-cream lays on the skin with a thin layer, has a really very light structure, does not dry and moisturizes well. CC-cream is a corrector with a tinting effect. The girls who used it note an even more weightless texture than BB products. DD-creams additionally protect the skin from the adverse effects of the external environment (smog, dust, solar radiation and exhaust gases). EE creams are just starting to appear in the domestic market. This tonal foundation is ideal even for very sensitive skin.

how to apply eyelid makeup step by step

Face contouring

How to apply makeup on the face (photo of the contouring scheme below)? After applying the tonal means, it is necessary to correct the relief, distract attention from problem areas and visually emphasize the advantages of appearance. Contouring can be done with powder, proofreaders, blush, cream, a special pencil or stick. If the selection of the ideal tone is difficult, you can consult a professional makeup artist or purchase a ready-made palette containing several shades that can be mixed to get the perfect one.

You will also need special brushes: soft and fluffy for working with the sub-cheekbone area, a sponge or kabuki brush for applying liquid cosmetic products, a wide fan brush for dry cosmetics, and a flat one that will ensure accurate application of cream for face sculpting.

How to apply makeup step by step? The photo below shows the most simple and suitable for most types of girls sculpting option.

how to apply makeup

How to choose the shape of eyebrows

How to apply eyelid makeup correctly will be described later, but what to do with eyebrows? The correct shape of the eyebrows and bending determines the shape of the face. Oval faces are suitable horizontal, with a slight rounding, and the elongated face needs to be made wider visually, which will help absolutely straight eyebrows. Eyebrows with a noticeable kink, a thin tip and a relatively wide beginning will fit a round face. It is better for owners of a square face to make arched, without a noticeable kink, and a diamond-shaped one - of a classic shape with a soft bend.

Eyebrows should be combed, and if necessary, tinted with a pencil of a suitable shade or shadows. Additionally, it is advisable to fix the hairs with a special gel.

How to do eye makeup

Eye makeup is the most responsible and difficult stage of the entire make-up. How to apply makeup on the eyes? For everyday make-up, this option is suitable:

  1. Apply beige shadows to the inner corner of the eye and blend well into the outer corner.
  2. Work out the moving eyelid and outer corner with a darker shade. If desired, you can draw a thin brush with shadows of the same shade along the line of growth of the lower eyelashes to about the middle of the eye and blend.
  3. With a black eyeliner or pencil, draw a neat line along the growth of the eyelashes, make a not too long arrow from the outer corner of the eye. The tip of the arrow should be pointing up. You can also draw a line along the growth line of the lower eyelashes.
  4. Apply mascara to your eyelashes. There is a trick: to make the cilia appear more magnificent, first apply a little powder on them, and only then work with mascara.
how to apply makeup on face photo

Natural beauty of lips

To give the lips a seductive volume, it is advisable to mask the area around them with concealer. Next, you need to work your lips with a pencil in a neutral shade and blend it towards the center. Next, apply lipstick, starting in the middle. After you can wet your lips with a thin paper towel, and powder over it. This technique is used by professional makeup artists to make-up of models for a long time.

how to apply makeup on your face step by step

Eye color makeup

There are shades of shadows that are perfect for brown-eyed girls, but do not look at blue-eyed blondes at all. The same can be said of green-eyed beauties who are ideally suited by delicate pink for eye makeup, and brunettes with brown eyes, on which the same shade is simply “lost”. What shades are suitable for owners of brown, blue and green eyes? The picture below will help you choose the color of the shadows, but how to properly apply makeup has been described above: the inner corner of the eye is highlighted in light colors, and the outer corner in dark colors.

how to apply makeup on the eyes

Basic makeup kit

How to apply makeup correctly is half the trouble. Often, girls face another problem: cosmetics seem to be more than in a “make-up case of beauty” from a familiar make-up artist, and it’s very difficult to choose the right tool for a harmonious make-up. This can easily be dealt with by collecting once a set of basic cosmetics, which is necessary to create natural makeup. So, you will need:

  1. Foundation, cream under makeup. The tone can be used even by girls with perfect skin, since most of these cosmetic products not only perform a masking function, but also take care (due to the presence of vitamins and components that nourish the skin).
  2. Corrector. A liquid or pencil corrector is necessary to mask minor skin imperfections, age spots, redness and circles under the eyes.
  3. Compact or loose powder. Powder must be in the makeup bag of every girl. She will not only smooth the tone of the face, but also permanently fix makeup. In addition, with the help of powder, you can easily update or correct makeup.
  4. Blush. It is advisable to have at least two shades, or better, one palette with several colors. Light colors will help in creating a natural make-up, and darker ones are suitable for contouring.
  5. The shadows. The choice of shade of shadows depends on the color type, shape and color of the girl’s eyes, as well as personal preferences. Universal are considered nude shadows. At a minimum, you need to have three tones: dark, light and neutral.
  6. Pencil or eyeliner. They are necessary to make the eyes more expressive, to draw attention to them, to draw arrows. With the eyeliner, the line is more elegant, but its use can cause some difficulties, but the pencil is suitable if you need a rigid, wide line.
  7. Ink. It is better to choose high-quality mascara, with the effect of false eyelashes or giving them length and volume. Blue-eyed blondes may be worth buying brown mascara, as black may look too vulgar.
  8. Lipstick and lip gloss. It is enough to choose the perfect lipstick once and follow your choice. It is desirable, of course, to have (depending on preferences) a natural shade for natural makeup and a darker tone for a bright make-up in the style of “vamp”.
apply makeup on your face in stages

Now that it is clear how to apply makeup on the face step by step, it remains only to begin to practice. Successful experiments and always perfect looks, because for a girl it is so important!

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