Natasha Laurel: biography, photos, reviews

Natasha Laurel is a popular blogger-stylist. She was born in the small town of Kirishi near St. Petersburg, in an intelligent family of an engineer (father) and an English teacher (mother). Since childhood, she was close to art - she studied at ballet and art schools.

Natasha Laurel. Biography

By education, Natasha is a political scientist. At the request of her parents, she graduated from a university in St. Petersburg, received a “serious” profession, but the desire for beauty remained. Immediately after graduation, Natasha moved to Los Angeles, married an American, with whom she had an affair while still a student (she took part in a student exchange program), was seriously carried away by passionate Latin American dances (tango, salsa, swing) and even moved to live for some time in the capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires.

Natasha Laurel

Life in the USA

Later, Natalia Laurel still returned to the United States and gave birth to two children there. Now she still lives in the United States, in the "Silicon Valley", near San Francisco. She not only maintains a blog on the Internet about fashion and the search for her individual style, clothing culture, but also advises everyone individually on Skype, helping them create a unique image and choose clothes that suit them. From time to time, she holds webinars on current fashion topics, regularly organizes interesting seminars and workshops on fashion topics offline.

Natasha Laurel Biography

Image Maker Career

Talking about the beginning of her image-maker career, Natalya mentions that it all started with a regular blog about dancing, vintage and other very different beautiful things that attracted her attention. Natalya understood what style, color of clothes and even the shape of eyebrows suits certain people and wrote about this in her blog. And later, she created the incredibly popular LiveJournal community “Colorotype”. Different people from all over the world began to send her their photos and ask for advice on clothes, shoes, hairstyles, etc.

Natalya has an inborn refined taste, so the number of people who want to get her online consultation has been constantly growing. And then one day Natalia decided to start advising people for money.

Natasha Laurel: customer reviews

Natalya studied image-maker courses in California and Milan. Her clients live all over the world. Many of them are in Europe and Moscow. Natasha likes to help people, and she loves to receive rave reviews from clients, to realize that she helped one of them to become more beautiful, believe in herself, find love and start a family.

natasha laurel reviews

Natalia’s blog is a real guide to fashion and style with many colorful photographs, various interesting examples and comments by the author. Natalya knows how to write about fashion in a living language, “with peppercorn,” and it really raises the mood for even exhausted young mothers. Regular posts about fashion on the Internet, articles in magazines, do not give an idea of ​​how to change your style, where to start. And after reading Natalya’s articles, I immediately want, armed with the knowledge gained, to get rid of old, boring clothes and create my own new stylish image.

Many girls write that reading Natasha Laurel’s blog is now for them a new, exciting hobby! They are also watching with interest that Natalia writes on Facebook. Readers admire Natalia, her sense of style, taste and education. They note that the topics of her articles are very important and relevant.

And the girls attributed webinars to Natalya as “secret knowledge” that cannot be independently found on the Internet. And of course, judging by numerous reviews, this knowledge is worth paying for.

It is noteworthy that Natasha Laurel not only talks about expensive brands of clothing. She will not advise you to urgently throw away all your things and buy new ones from eminent designers, but will work with the wardrobe already at your disposal, tell you what your things can be combined with, for what case they are suitable.

Style as a way of life

Natasha really writes unusually. She does not just describe clothes - what to wear and how to combine things. In her blog you will find stories about many everyday situations, one way or another inextricably linked with fashion and style. After all, style and fashion are not only what we see at the shows of famous designers. With the choice of clothes for a variety of situations, we are faced with every day. Often a lot of people (who don’t give a damn about how they look) solve the problem of “What to wear today” or “What boots should I choose for this down jacket?”.

Natasha Laurel photo

Natasha answers all relevant questions in her blog. And reading her answers is very interesting. You read and think, “Well, yes, it’s obvious.” “Here it is!” Etc. And something useful in the head will be deposited.

Often Natasha does analyzes of various images in the framework of the project “look makeover”. It is really great that Natasha analyzes in detail the image of the girls, right up to the hairstyle. Indicates errors and offers options - what this or that thing would suit.

Two types of girls

And Natalia is the author of an interesting theory. She divides the girls into a "festive" and "everyday" type, depending on what kind of clothes, hairstyle is more suitable for a girl - festive or everyday. So, some girls look like queens in casual clothes, in ballet shoes or barefoot (like Bridget Bardot). At the same time, it is very difficult for them to choose an evening look - evening dresses, styling, heels do not suit them at all, or deprive them of their charm.

Other girls, on the contrary - shining on the carpet, at social events, in everyday life look like gray mice. Often their casual clothes cost more than festive clothes - they need to work hard to find the right casual outfit for themselves. What type does Natasha Laurel herself consider herself to be? Photos of Natalia confirm her own words that she belongs to the "holiday" type. In a photo from everyday life, she looks quite ordinary. But it creates for itself truly luxurious, festive images.

Natalia Laurel

If you want to get closer to the world of fashion and style, feel free to sign up for a consultation with Natasha Laurel or become a regular reader of her blog. It will not be boring!

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