Antifreeze G12 - a means of extending the life of a car

G12 antifreeze is a new generation of antifreeze. Initially, only water was used as the engine cooling agent. In principle, in the summer, it was quite suitable for its operational qualities, but in winter such a cooling system brought continuous chores, because it tends to freeze at temperatures below 0 0 C. In order to maintain the engine, the liquid had to be drained when storing the car. More water corroded metal. Technologists have proposed an additive - ethylene glycol. He established himself well in older models of vehicles. But cars with light engines made of non-ferrous metal alloys entered the conveyor, and ethylene glycol became inappropriate here, as it entered into chemical interaction with aluminum alloys, destroying the radiator, motor and connecting tubes.

Antifreeze G12

Therefore, water with additives has been replaced by the new Tosol cooling agent, which resists corrosion. Later, German manufacturers offered motorists a new generation coolant - G11 - with excellent properties, but also with a very short service life, and it was replaced by a new G12 antifreeze.

G12 antifreeze
Today, all automobile stores have it on sale and attract the attention of buyers with the many advantages indicated on the label. As practice shows, G12 is an antifreeze having an anticorrosive and carboxylic acid composition of organic origin. For a motorist, this means that there are already very good detergents in this coolant, so when it is replaced after the expiration of its use, there will be no need to flush the system.

Corrosion inhibitors that contain G12 Plus Plus antifreeze do not clog the cooling system. They are attracted only to those places where corrosion is actively localized, and distributed over all intact areas by the thinnest protective film, not exceeding 0.1 mK in thickness.

Antifreeze G12 plus plus
The five - year service life is very convenient for Western motorists, because the G12 antifreeze gives them the opportunity to completely not worry about the engine cooling system during the entire operation of the vehicle. It is poured into the system directly on the production conveyor. A West European person rarely uses one car for more than five years, which means that he should not, in principle, have any worries with a cooling system.

Antifreeze G 12
Subsequent car owners already have to replace the G12 antifreeze . As a rule, these are residents of Eastern European countries, therefore it is our compatriots who should be able to choose real products, not Asian fakes. This is important because the car is designed specifically for this type of coolant. If another is poured into it, then as a result, what you see in the proposed photographs may form in the system.

When choosing G12 antifreeze, do not be overwhelmed by the product on the label of which says that it "meets the requirements" or "meets the conditions" of the developer. This means that the product for some quality meets the properties of antifreeze, but it does not have the fundamental properties of G12 and guarantees of compliance with the quality.

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