The Great Martyr Catherine helps women. Prayer for Marriage

Almost every woman dreams of family happiness. Without a cozy nest with childish pranks and a strong male shoulder, life seems incomplete. But not everyone can achieve what they want. Therefore, help from above is needed. And the great martyr Catherine will render her to a believing woman, whose prayer works wonders. What and how to do? Let's figure it out.

great martyr catherine prayer

Who is the great martyr Catherine?

Prayer will work if it is filled with faith and feelings, hope and confidence. It’s easier to do if you know who you are talking to. Catherine lived in the distant IV century in Alexandria. She was famous for her incredible beauty and deep mind. Many applicants sought her hand. Catherine, seeing the Virgin and Child in a dream, considered this a sign that she was the bride of Jesus. At this time, the pagan emperor Maximin desired to gain her favor. Failure did not suit him. By his order, the beauty was tortured and tortured. But she remained true to her word, for which she paid with her head. For fidelity to Jesus, this woman was canonized. It is now clear that the prayer to the great martyr Catherine is mandatory, if you keep her feat in mind. Those hardships that you yearn to get rid of are nothing compared to the sufferings that the great martyr experienced.

prayer to catherine the great martyr for marriage

How to pray?

This question arises in modern women. Do I have to go to the temple or can I pray at home? The answer thousands of years ago was given by Christ. He pointed out to the students that the temple is in our soul, and the building is only a place where a person can concentrate and tune in to a conversation with the Lord. Believe me, your conversion, sincere and passionate, will certainly be heard by the Great Martyr Catherine. Prayer must come from the heart, and not from the cunning of the mind. It is very important. In order to feel the holiness of the sacrament, go to the temple. Stand there in silence and think about your share, compare with her fate. Get an icon, in front of it and pray at home if you don’t have time to go to church every day. Also buy candles and incense. These religious attributes will help create an appropriate home environment. The Great Martyr Catherine, whose prayer will fly from your lips, sacrificed her life for the happiness of every woman. Remember her great deed. In those difficult, disenfranchised times she defended female dignity with her fate and will!

prayer to the great martyr catherine

Prayer to Catherine the Great Martyr for Marriage

The next question that arises for the girl: what exactly should I say? Is it obligatory to use texts entered in the prayer book? Jesus said that prayer in the heart is born. If the text from the prayer book resonates with the soul, then read it. But do not understand what is written, speak in your own words. The Great Martyr will not hear your phrases, but the call of the heart. Therefore, the form is not particularly important. Here is an example of a prayer for marriage. Here it is: β€œOh St. Catherine! Help us transcend the sinful desires of the pleasures of the flesh, turn away from temptations. With your goodness, direct on the road of love for our Lord Jesus. Ask him for a happy share in a holy marriage with a man worshiping Him! Amen!". Read such a text when there is a passionate desire for help from above. And everything will definitely get better! Good luck

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