What does the name Pauline mean? Let's find out!

Her element is home and family. This for her will be the top priority in life. In marriage, she is faithful and faithful to her beloved husband. Friends, today we will find out what the name Pauline means!

Name origin

Polina is a colloquial form from the old Russian name Appolinaria, which was not particularly common among other Russian names. However, in recent years, interest in him has increased significantly. Let's find out his secret.

Name General Description

Owners of the name of Pauline are friendly and helpful personalities. They are disinterested and patient, restrained and purposeful, responsible and independent.

The beauty of Polina always attracts attention from men. Being married, this woman is quite tolerant of the liberties of her husband. It is worth noting that Pauline will never suffer because of lowered self-esteem. On the contrary, she is sure that she has much more virtues than other people.

what does the name polina mean

It is believed that the owners of this name are endowed with some special purpose. Pauline will never step on the same rake - this woman knows how to learn from her mistakes.

The Secret of Pauline

First of all, we should talk about its meaning. It, by the way, is directly determined by the origin of its ancient form - Appolinaria. So what does the name Pauline mean? Friends, it was formed from the ancient Greek name Apollo, denoting the god of the Sun, the patron of the arts. That is why Polina is the real "patroness of the arts."

What does the name Pauline mean in childhood?

Little Field has a pronounced character traits from early childhood. This is a soft, flexible and responsive girl. In little Pauline, sacrifice and selflessness, empathy and compassion are concentrated.

What does the name Pauline mean in adulthood?

A woman is literally overwhelmed with love, kindness. She loves all the people around her. This is a sociable and good-natured woman. Things are going on sweetly and smoothly with her, because she shows them a conscientious attitude. In addition, Paulie just has a wonderful taste. The sense of beauty is familiar to her firsthand.

what does the name polina mean

What does the name Pauline mean in family relationships?

Family for Polina is always in the first place! This is a faithful and faithful wife, taking constant care of her husband and children. Polina will not be distracted from the family hearth even by career prospects. Household chores are more important for her than even the most responsible meeting with the director.

Women like Pauline are not interested in noisy companies, intriguing novels and exciting adventures! Her element is a family hearth, husband and children. The last one, without any exaggeration, is ready to devote her whole life! Pauline loves them just to madness!

mystery named Pauline

A happy and successful marriage for this woman is not uncommon. However, there are times when a husband will experience the innocuous and patient nature of his wife. By the way, the best compatibility with Polina is observed with men who own the names Denis, Alexander, Konstantin, Vitaliy.

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