Temple in Perovo of the Savior of the Miraculous Image: history, our days

The Church of the Savior of the Miraculous Image in Gireyevo is its historical name. It came from the name of the village in which it was built. Now the church belongs to the Moscow district of Perovo and it is also called the temple in Perovo of the Savior Not Made by Hand Image.

Temple history

This temple was built by the princes Golitsyn in his estate in Gireyevo. Start of construction dates back to 1714. It was then that Prince Golitsyn beat the great Emperor Peter I with a brow and asked him about permission to build a stone temple in his estate. The temple in Perovo of the Savior of the Miraculous Image was built in the Naryshkin Baroque style, but more ascetic. This asceticism is connected with the fact that in 1712 Petersburg was declared the capital of the Russian Empire, and active construction was started there, so the stone construction in Moscow was frozen.

However, the prince nevertheless built the temple, and he became the manor church of the princes Golitsyn. This is also indicated by the prince’s box, in which the princes themselves prayed separately from their serfs. The tombstone also testifies to this, because it was here that the children of the princes were buried. In 1718, the Church of the Savior of the Miraculous Image in Perov, the photo of which you see, was consecrated by Metropolitan Stefan Yavorsky, and priest Timofei Avakumov began to conduct regular services here. Father Timothy served here for 25 years, and out of respect for this clergyman, the princes Golitsyna were allowed to bury him in the church, as well as a memorial plaque.

Temple in Perovo Savior Not Made by Hands

New Temple Life

At the end of the 18th century, the estate was sold and after that it often changed owners. At this time, the church in Perovo of the Savior of the Miraculous Image came to desolation and turned into a simple chapel. The new life of the temple began in 1872, when the estate was acquired by the merchant of the first guild Torletsky. His son built the village of Novogireevo.

Despite the fact that the village was considered a summer residence, people lived here permanently, and soon the number of inhabitants of the village approached the mark of 15 thousand. Among them there were many believers, and they asked the metropolitan to build a new church. The metropolitan proposed to revive the existing temple. Residents of the village improved it and resumed worship.

Church of the Savior of the Miraculous Image in Gireyev Perov

The harsh years of hard times

In the early 20th century, harsh times began for the church. In 1922, the Church of the Savior of the Miraculous Image in Gireyev (Perov) was "robbed" according to the decree "On the seizure of church property," and on April 20, 1941 it was closed. On the territory of the temple was organized sniper school "Shot". Icons served as targets for snipers. The church was scolded and destroyed.

Years of hard times passed, and by the decree of His Holiness Patriarch Pimen in 1989 the church was returned to the church. The first liturgy was served on May 18, 1991, on the day of memory of the great martyr Irina. This day is still memorable for parishioners. Annually, on May 18, a solemn service and procession are held.


The temple in Perovo of the Savior of the Miraculous Image is located next to the city hospital. Such a neighborhood left its mark on parish activities, and even on the interior decoration of the church. Here is the first icon in Moscow of 12 Healers, where people come to pray for their health and the health of their loved ones.

Temple in Perovo of the Savior Not Made by Hands in Perovo photo

Recently, the ark with the relics of Russian saints has been located in the church. The north and south wings of the temple are themed. The southern wing is dedicated to Russian saints. It is here that the most valuable icons are located. For example, the icon of St. Nicholas of the Miracle Worker was preserved by one parishioner. This icon was kept in her house for 50 years from the time of the looting of the temple until its restoration. In the north wing of the temple is a wooden carved crucifix. In it is a small old pectoral cross with a particle of the tree of the cross of the Lord. This cross is very small, but very ancient. It is dated the century before last.

Church services are held daily. The Matins and Liturgy are served. The service starts at 8.30. On Sundays and holidays, the early Liturgies are celebrated at 6.30, the late ones at 9.00 on the eve of the All-Night Vigil.

Temple in Perovo of the Savior Not Made by Hands in Perov address

Church of the Savior of the Miraculous Image in Perov: address

Getting to the temple is very simple: Novogireevo metro station, exit from the last carriage in the direction of Federative Avenue. The temple is located on Federal Avenue, d. 4a. The temple is not visible from the street, therefore, to get to it, you need to focus on the hospital. Through the gates of this hospital you can reach your destination.

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