North Node in the 8th house. Natal Astrology

The natal chart of man is a unique pattern of planets, signs and houses. In addition to the planets, astrologers consider the position of the lunar nodes in the natal chart. Vedic astrology attaches great importance to them. The northern lunar node and the southern lunar node are the points of intersection of the orbit of the moon and the ecliptic (visible movement) of the sun. Nodes do not have their own energy, like planets, but these are places in the sky that have the energy of interaction between the Sun and the Moon during periods of eclipses. Vedic astrology also calls the ascending (northern) lunar node Rahu, the head of the Dragon, and the descending (southern) node - Ketu, the tail of the Dragon. During periods of eclipses, the Dragon, as it were, eats one of the stars, depriving him of energy. The nodes in the natal chart were considered unfavorable objects, especially if a planet was standing next to them. Such a planet was deprived of its own power, the action of the nodes was identified with serving society according to the functions of this planet.

Dragon of the Moon Nodes and ecliptic points


Even in ancient times, the inhabitants of India drew a parallel between the lunar nodes and the karma of man, as well as his subsequent reincarnations. The southern node was identified with the experience gained in past lives, and the northern one - with new aspirations in this embodiment and the purpose of the individual. The position of the southern node indicates with what karma a person came into this world. The northern node in the natal chart indicates which karma needs to be gained and in what areas to develop, which is better to make efforts for the sake of successful implementation. It all depends on what kind of natal chart, and in what signs and houses lunar nodes fall.

As a guideline for moving forward, the Northern Lunar Node (SLU) is interpreted differently in each of the 12 houses, as well as in different signs. The sign where the SLU is located will show which planet’s energy (the planet of the sign’s ruler ) needs to be developed, and the house will show in which situations this potential is best acquired. If the energy of the sign of the Southern Lunar Node (YULU) is close and clear, it was given initially, then the energy of the SLU is given with difficulty. Likewise, the situations in the house where the JUL is standing are comfortable, and the situations in the house where the SLU is standing are annoying - they require development.


Conventionally, there are three categories of development for SLS:

  1. If the situation at home and the sign where the SLU stands is easily perceived by a person, then the person has understood his mission correctly and is moving in the direction of developing a new experience. As a rule, in the natal chart in that house there are several other helper planets and the sign is somehow highlighted. For example, with a filled 7 house in Aquarius, where the SLU is also located, a person works as an astrologer consultant. The element of air is strong, the 7th house is strong, a person easily consults others.
  2. If the situations at home and the sign where the SLU is standing are strained, but the person is making efforts to learn something new, trying to get out of the comfort zone of the position of the ULU, then he is on the right path of development, but it will not be easy to go through. For example, the SLU is in the 7th house in Aquarius, but the 5th house is filled with planets. A person chose the profession of an astrologer-consultant, but workload with children hinders development.
  3. The situations of the house and the sign where the SLU stands are generally alien and uninteresting. A person, even in the situation necessary for development, turns on the reverse gear and retreats towards his YULU, in his comfortable familiar state. For example, SLU in the 7th house in Aquarius, and 1 filled house in Leo and YULU. This means that the person is destined to be an astrological consultant and work with people, but personal creativity outweighs, and the person is not interested in others. After all, the situation in the 7th house involves situations in which you need to learn to interact with other people and deal with selfish inclinations, as this is a house of equal relations and marriage. Sometimes it is difficult to understand one’s purpose, being guided only by the position of the Lunar Nodes. Especially if any planet has a poor aspect and interferes with them. It is imperative to watch the entire natal chart as a whole to see the overall picture of a person’s life path.

Scorpio and Pluto

Scorpio constellation

This is the abode of Scorpio, and Pluto is the symbolic ruler of this house. He personifies passion, risk, mystery, the desire to own and manage the inaccessible. Manipulation and fraud associated with other people's money, crowd control, mass energy, internal transformations, as well as deep crises and radical changes are associated with it. Anyone who works out his Scorpio house can cope with stress and use it for his own good. The planets in the 8th house get the opportunity to manifest fully in appropriate situations (mostly stressful episodes). For example, the Moon in the 8th house implies constant digging, anxiety disorders, acute emotional perception in general. Owners of this position of the moon like to tickle their nerves and experience unusual unrest, they tend to get into various situations on the verge of survival. Scorpio is a female water fixed sign. Therefore, emotions here tend to accumulate. Such people may be interested in the otherworldly and mystical, connected with death or birth, to do something in the spirit of the mysterious Scorpio. Things are up with the Ascending Node.

North Node in the 8th house

The one who has nothing to lose is really strong.

Naturally, the lunar nodes lie opposite each other, that is, the Southern node in this case falls into the second house. If you are a supporter of the descending node in the house of Taurus, to engage in hoarding and saving, it is impossible to avoid problems with your carefully guarded property. The northern node in the 8th house involves a waste of savings, the active use of resources for spiritual growth, for the development of internal strength. Everything that was issued by the South Node should serve as the foundation for the development of new powerful energy. Extreme and transformation are becoming essential components of life. The holder of this position of the ascending node is destined to set high stakes and take risks, burn bridges and break ties, get rid of conservative thoughts and destroy the old in order to build a new one. Plutonian energy at home pushes a person to a severe revision of benefits. The unnecessary are eradicated, some generally accepted values ​​are rejected. As a result, the individual is freed from the burdens of the past, attachments and feels ready for something grand and unknown. Such characteristics are inherent in it:

  • Self-control and spiritual power.
  • Fearlessness and endurance.
  • Psychoanalytic abilities.
  • The ability to "reborn" after stress.
The appearance of a butterfly from a cocoon

Men and women

Since the 8th house is identified with Scorpio, the female fixed watermark, the North Node in the 8th house in the female natal chart looks better than the North Node in the 8th house in the female natal chart. The 8th house of the natal chart is also the second house from the seventh in the system of derivative houses, that is, this is the house of the partner’s finances. The northern node in the woman’s 8th house says that sooner or later a situation will arise when she will have to be an active participant in her husband’s financial affairs, help him, no matter how difficult it is for her. While the northern node in the 8th house of a man speaks of its direct inclusion in the financial affairs of his wife.

The position of the developed Northern Node in the 8th house can characterize some aspects of a person’s fate: social interactions, love affairs, hobbies, material benefits, physical health and so on.

Social interactions

Insight is inherent in such people. Their tenacious gaze can penetrate deep into the soul of other people, bring problems to the surface and provide psychological support in crisis situations. These are good psychologists, psychoanalysts and psychotherapists. They are able to heal mental wounds. They may also have the power of hypnosis or the power of influence on large crowds. They are especially well versed in intimate and afterlife subjects. They are rarely let down by the inner flair.

Mysterious cave

Personal values ​​can resonate with common ones, and its main goal is to learn to combine both those and those.


8th house is a house of a saturated emotional component of human life. Unlike the 5th house, the 8th house provides selectivity in sexual relations, almost elevates them to the rank of sacred. The merging of bodies and souls is the highest degree of pleasure for the owner of the northern node in the house of the passionate Scorpio. Thanks to deep and emotionally powerful contacts, experiencing an orgasm (symbolically dying), partners seem to comprehend the essence of life and death.


The owner of the Ascending Node in the 8th house is given a chance to explore the occult sciences, take an interest in esotericism and spiritual movements. Shows classes in martial arts, yoga, breathing practice to accumulate internal energy and balance the emotional state. For such people, outer life is not as significant as the fullness of the inner world. It is worth moving away from the acquired practicality and earthliness in order, for example, to meditate or reflect on life and death.


In terms of finances, the owner of the northern node in the 8th house is lucky. The achievements of past lives provide material wealth in any case: no need to persistently plow for a penny and worry about debt. Survival is effortless. Money is always there, you just need to learn how to use it and not give in to stinginess, to share and increase. Sooner or later, situations will arise where you have to dispose of other people's funds, or work will be associated with this, for example, work in a bank. This also includes relations with creditors. Since the 8th house is associated with the death of loved ones, it is highly likely to receive an inheritance, especially if the Ascendant node is in conjunction with Jupiter or Venus. This position of the Lunar Node supports undertakings in the field of business, management of shared resources.

Physical health

The position of the Northern Lunar Node in the 8th house is not very favorable for the owner of the horoscope. Since the 8th house is one of the houses of diseases, surgical interventions, situations on the verge of life and death, as well as the use of alternative medicine for a full recovery are possible during life. The physical health of a person is directly related to the level of spiritual development, as well as to emotional health and sexual satisfaction. A person who has comprehended the difficult energy of Scorpio can learn to sublimate energy, as well as transfer it from one species to another. For example, for the best results in sports, a wrestler concentrates, accumulates internal energy, without wasting it on love relationships and emotional contacts.

Energy and Esoterics

North Node and other planets

When considering the natal chart, you need to pay attention to the connection of the Moon Nodes with Mars, Saturn and Pluto. The close location of Mars - the red planet to the North Node strengthens it, saturates it with energy and increases the level of individual aggression. Stressful episodes associated with the death or material superiority of other people can actually do harm. Saturn slows down the development of the Northern Node in the early stages of life due to self-doubt. He develops patience and self-organization. And Pluto's excessive gluttony can turn a person into an obsessed vampire.

The sun or moon in the 8th house indicates that the father or mother will leave the child an inheritance. Mercury feeds streams of thoughts on highly spiritual topics.


Winston Churchill

George Washington, Joan Rowling, Klaus von Bulov, George Foreman, Winston Churchill, Lenny Bruce and Vladimir Lenin - all these owners of the Ascendant node in the 8th house were successful through loss and risk.

Difficulties and study

Helping others find their resources and values ​​is the key to the proper use of the North Node in the 8th house.

- Isabelle Hickey

The greatest difficulty of the owner of the Northern Node in the 8th house is the fear of loss. All that needs to be learned and accepted: one cannot be greedy and overestimate the material; sharing and risking will lead to wealth. It is worth finding a balance between the needs of society and personal. Moving from a stable world can be frightening, but attachment to things and people who are old, restrain and oppose growth, lead in the wrong direction.

Depths of space

The study of this position in the natal chart of Vedic astrology allows a person to understand both the world of material values ​​and interpersonal mergers on a spiritual level. The eighth house is only part of the grandiose path to new achievements, and if it is passed, you can go further, behind the treasures of the depths of consciousness.

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