We answer the question of how to learn to sing

Almost all people love music. If you look at all the objects of human sympathy, then music is one of the oldest. For many millennia, it has served not only as entertainment, but also as a vital component. She always raised morale, helped to endure even the most terrible life trials, and was also an integral component of religious cults. Therefore, we can state with full confidence that without music, humanity would hardly have existed for so long.

Each person, one way or another, wants to have something to do with music. Someone begins to play a musical instrument, while someone only dreams about it, introducing himself on a large stage, for example, with a guitar. But almost everyone has the opportunity to sing. A song can serve as a simple maintenance of a good mood, an opportunity to brighten up loneliness, escape from sadness or show your true feelings for another person. But the question is how to learn to sing? Of course, for everyday singing, a great voice and vocal data from God are not needed, but, unfortunately, many voiceless people consider themselves true singers, trying to share their skills with others. A person who has not yet learned how to learn to sing will deliver a lot of discomfort to others, because even those who have no hearing can easily distinguish a good singer from mediocrity. Therefore, for everyone: we learn to sing cleanly.

The most important point in vocal lessons is breathing. The vocalist should have a kind of β€œair cushion” in the lower abdomen, which will cause the ligaments in the larynx to move correctly. There are several exercises for this.

Stand with your back slightly bent, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, lower your hands down and imagine that you are pumping. While tilting, take a sharp breath with your nose, but not right away, but just a little bent. When straightening, one should exhale with the mouth, not concentrating very much on this action; it does not play a special role.

People who are interested in how to learn to sing should pay special attention to the development of the diaphragm, which plays a key role in pure singing. The first exercise serves just before that. There is also another exercise in which you need to stand upright, raise your hands in front of the chest and abruptly reduce them, making a loud and jerky breath with your nose. You can repeat the exercise several times.

It is also useful for breathing to make sharp downward slopes, while straining the press and singing various syllables according to the triad. Who does not know what a triad is, it is urgent to tackle the basics of musical literacy and learn that triad is the first, third and fifth step of any scale. In C major it is Do-Mi-Sol. In addition, triads are the most important exercise in intoning notes.

Another step towards a beautiful voice will be a sober assessment of your hearing. You can check it yourself or with the help of a professional teacher. It is enough to turn on some song on the computer, sing under it, record your voice, and then listen. Lack of hearing will be immediately heard, but this is not a fatal diagnosis. The fact is that work on voice and breathing gives positive results not only in the strength of vocals, but also in the beauty of intonation. In fact, the stars of our stage in most cases have no voice at all. They achieve success by hours of study and a sober assessment of their capabilities. From all this, we can conclude that it will not be possible to limit oneself exclusively to vocal lessons, the help of a professional is definitely necessary.

Another question is if you need to speak somewhere once in order to attract attention. Many are interested in the question of what to sing at the competition. Answering this question, it is necessary to take into account the personal characteristics of the vocalist. It’s better to sing what works well, and not what you like more, because very often desires do not coincide with real possibilities. Therefore, you do not need to search the Internet for the answer to the question of how to learn to sing, but go to the nearest home of creativity to the vocal teacher, who in the shortest possible time will teach you to sing more or less beautifully and cleanly.

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