What does the name Hercules mean, its features and characteristics

Choosing a name is a very important and responsible decision that parents have to make. After all, the child will wear it throughout his life, and those around him will form their opinion about him, starting with the name. In addition, its importance leaves its mark not only on the character of a person, but also on his health, success, career, destiny. Every parent wants his baby to grow up to be a healthy, successful and happy person. Therefore, many pay attention to the names that were outstanding personalities who left a significant mark in the history of mankind.

Heroes of ancient Greek myths, whose names have remained popular for many centuries, are vivid confirmation of this. The man named Hercules does not get lost in the crowd. The characterization and exploits of the ancient hero not only delight, but also make you think about how difficult it was for him. Therefore, before deciding on this name, it may be worth recalling the ancient Greek myths about the immortal Hercules.

What does the name Hercules mean?

The birth of a hero

Hercules was born from the supreme god Zeus and the mortal woman Alkmena, who was the wife of the outstanding warrior and heir to the Thirynsk throne Amphitrion. One night, when Amphitrion was away, Zeus came to Alkmena in the image of her husband. In order to fully enjoy the beauty, he stopped the sun, and the night of love lasted three days. Subsequently, Alkmena gave birth to two twins - Alkida, son of Zeus (he began to call him Hercules), and Iphicles, son of Amphitrion.

What does the name Hercules mean briefly

Hera and Hercules

The goddess Hera became furious when she found out that her husband Zeus seduced a mortal woman who gave birth to a son from him. Hera fiercely hated the lovers and children of her divine spouse, therefore, pursued them mercilessly. A jealous goddess tried to destroy Hercules when he was still a baby, throwing two poisonous snakes into the cradle of him one night. However, the son of Zeus already had unprecedented power, he grabbed and easily strangled the reptiles. Although Hera failed to kill Hercules, he could not escape her persecution. The result of the goddess's revenge was many of the suffering that fell to the hero. One of which was a clouding of reason and a fit of rage sent by the goddess to Hercules. Being under the spell, the hero did not recognize and killed his wife Megara and children. He then atoned for this for many years, but could not forgive himself.

The divine goddess Pythia, knowing what the name Hercules (known, glorified by the goddess Hero) means, called them the son of Zeus, but Hera did not relent. Reconciliation became possible only after 12 deeds performed by Hercules, as a result of which he gained immortality, ascended to Olympus and was accepted by the gods as an equal.

What does the name Hercules mean in Greek mythology

Hercules and Virtue

It should be remembered that the myths say how not only the divine power inherited from his father helped Hercules withstand all tests with honor and emerge victorious from them. Decisive in the formation of the character of the hero was a meeting with two nymphs personifying Depravity and Virtue. Each offered the hero to go with her, and despite the seductive vicious path, Hercules chose the difficult virtuous one, wanting to help people and protect them from evil. What ultimately earned the respect and recognition of Hera, who no longer held him evil.

The goddess knew who he was named after, and what the name Hercules meant, therefore she took the heroic deeds as the glorification of her name, and even gave her daughter Hebe to marry him. Some myths claim that Zeus's wife was so amazed at the pure thoughts and the sincere desire of Hercules to help people that she adopted him and subsequently loved no less than her other children.

What does the name Hercules mean in Greek mythology

Translated from ancient Greek Hercules (in the mythology of Ancient Rome, Hercules, in the Orthodox form of Heraclius) is translated as "glorifying Hera." And since she was a goddess who patronizes the family and motherhood, we can say what the name Heracles means - the glorification of family ties and the female motherhood. From myths it is known that Hera was distinguished by a firm and decisive disposition, the manifestations of which were transmitted to the character of the name glorifying her. As the supreme goddess, she also patronized art, so a person named Hercules, as a rule, is well versed in it.

Name Hercules Characteristic

What does the name Hercules mean?

Hercules (Hercules, Heraclius) has a strong, decisive and firm character. From an early age, he shows leadership qualities. It may be a little arrogant, but since it has a kind heart and a wide soul, this small flaw is not taken seriously by others. With a sharp mind and leadership qualities, Hercules, as a rule, makes a good career. In his personal life, he can be no less happy, because he believes in true love and the strength of family ties. This is not surprising, because it is known what the name Hercules means. This is briefly written above. The name carries a strong and positive energy, because he is patronized by the Supreme Goddess of Olympus.

In relations, Hercules is straightforward, therefore his honesty is sometimes perceived by the partner as rudeness, but this is rarely the case, since when choosing his second half Hercules pays attention not only to appearance, but also to intelligence.

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