In ancient times, people could not explain not only the causes of natural phenomena, but also what is happening in their own lives. For example, to understand why teeth hurt and holes form in them. Representatives of medicine from various ancient civilizations came to a single conclusion that parasites are the cause of the development of pathology. In their opinion, holes are formed due to the fact that small worms in the teeth gnaw through the passages in them. Is it really?
Toothworm Myths
So, let's turn to the story. Ancient Sumerian cuneiform tablets have been found on which an unknown author reproaches the gods for the appearance of tooth-eaters. Babylonian doctors and healers of ancient China mentioned the worm. The parasite was familiar to the scientists of the Arab East, physicians of the pharaohs and Indian shamans.
Greece became the first country where, thanks to Hippocrates, the doctrine of the worm in human teeth was transferred to the myth section. In other cultures, faith in this parasite persisted until the 18th century.
They tried to drive out the worms in different ways. It was believed that moonlight was deadly for them. Therefore, at night, many sufferers climbed onto the roofs of houses and sat there with their mouths open. Frog fat was also considered a venom for the dentist. Amphibians mercilessly captured and killed. And as a prophylaxis against infection with a worm, it was proposed to bite off the heads of live bats twice a month. The most appropriate way to combat the disease can be considered the use of enemas and laxatives.
In some cases, methods were used to kill the parasites that could cripple or kill the patient himself. For example, a rotten tooth with worms was poured with acid or hot wax. And also tried to burn with a hot iron. They applied bird droppings or poisons.
People suffered terrible tortures, but they were afraid to remove worm-infected teeth. It was believed that through the hole formed the brain will begin to flow. Even Hippocrates was sure that pain is born in the head, and then falls into the tooth. Therefore, removal will not help. In the absence of a tooth, the pain will return to the head.
How can worms get in your teeth?
One of the first microorganisms in the oral cavity and dentinal tubules was discovered by Antoine Levenguk. He refuted the theory of dentists. One day, several worms were sent to him, which were said to have been extracted from carious cavities. Using a microscope, Levenguk proved that the samples obtained are identical to the larvae of those insects that live in overripe cheese. The scientist suggested that the person whose tooth was removed ate this product before the procedure. The patient’s husband confirmed that she really enjoyed the worm cheese. Thus, the larvae got into the carious cavity.
Thanks to the theory of toothworms, many charlatans could get rich. Until the second half of the 19th century, healers in China carried out activities in Moscow. They used hollow wooden hooks, inside of which cabbage worms were placed in advance. When a man with a toothache turned to the healers, they picked their teeth with this tool for several minutes, then they removed the worm and showed it to an amazed patient.
It has long been proven that it is not the worms in the teeth that cause tooth decay. Nevertheless, parasites can enter the human oral cavity. It can be either tiny protozoa or real worms.
Oral amoeba
In patients who sought dental care due to caries, no worms were found in the teeth. But in 95% of patients, a protozoa called oral amoeba is present in the oral cavity . Its Latin name is Entamoeba gingivalis. Most often, it is found in tartar, gingival pockets and alveoli.
This creature is not pathogenic pathogens and does not harm the host. Although there are scientists who are of the opinion that the amoeba is able to mutate and provoke inflammation of the central nervous system.
Entamoeba gingivalis enters the oral cavity through unboiled water, unwashed fruits and vegetables, as well as through a kiss or someone else's toothbrush.
Amoeba feeds on bacteria that form plaque and stones. If the gums are bleeding, Entamoeba gingivalis can capture red blood cells.
You can get rid of the parasite if you follow the hygiene of the oral cavity, seek dental care on time. And also you should wash all fruits and vegetables before eating, use only clean drinking water.
Oral trichomonas is rare and is considered the least dangerous of all existing. Nevertheless, it is necessary to get rid of it in a timely manner in order to avoid possible negative consequences.
You can become infected with Trichomonas as follows:
- Using contaminated lip makeup or accessories for applying it.
- Through a toothbrush of a sick person.
- Through poorly washed infected spoons and forks.
The likelihood of infection increases if there is a violation of the integrity of the oral mucosa. For a long time, the disease can proceed secretly. Trichomonas does not meet the classical idea of worms in the teeth, but is a parasitic organism that lives in the oral cavity and can cause the development of such pathologies:
- Purulent gum disease.
- Formation of ulcers and erosion on the mucosa.
- Curd on the tongue.
- Swelling, itching, and burning of the inside of the cheeks.
- Bad breath.
Adequate treatment should be prescribed by a doctor after diagnosis. Most often, Trichopol is used.
You can become infected with sarcocystosis if you eat raw or insufficiently processed thermally infected meat. Most often, a person suffers from an intestinal form of the disease. But more dangerous muscle infection can occur.
Any muscle can be infected, including chewing muscles. If this happens, the patient will begin to appear characteristic ulceration on the gums, lips and mucous membrane of the soft palate. Lymph nodes will increase. The extracted parasites are fully consistent with the ideas of the ancients about worms in human teeth. A photo of the sarcocyst confirms this. The exception is that they live not in the teeth, but in the esophagus, gums or lips.
A nematode is able to live under the oral mucosa. It is possible that in the past, it was he who was blamed for the development of caries and was mistaken for a worm in a tooth that caused terrible pain. We will not apply a photo of this microorganism for aesthetic reasons, but the size of this monster is amazing, its length can reach 145 mm. The causative agent of the disease is the nematode Gongylonema pulchrum.
Infection can occur while accidentally swallowing a cockroach or dung beetle. As well as with food or larvae infected water.
At first, the disease masquerades as pharyngitis or stomatitis. Then, zigzag passages and abrasions begin to appear on the oral mucosa, the gums become red and swollen. Papules appear that impede the movement of the tongue. Gradually, the patient develops intoxication. The parasite can only be removed surgically.
Oral mias
In countries with a hot climate, real worms are able to settle in the gums. Deposits in the teeth, wounds, sores, irregular brushing contribute to rapid infection.
Some species of parasitic flies during a human bite have time to lay eggs on the skin. Thanks to heat, they begin to ripen. The hatched larva tries to get to the area where the skin is as thin or damaged as possible. When a suitable place is found, it bites inside, where it grows and eats. In the mouth they are able to live in the gums, lips, cheeks and even the sky.
The number of larvae can reach 300 pieces at a time. They can cause serious bleeding. The usual chewing of food gives the patient unbearable pain. A person feels twitching inside the gums. Bleeding ulcers gradually increase in size, emit an unpleasant odor. The patient becomes lethargic, body temperature rises. Even deaths were recorded, as the larvae are able to migrate to other organs and damage them.
Prevention of parasites and mandatory medical preventive control
All of these pathologies in domestic dental practice are not so common. At consultations, dentists always warn patients that regular and proper brushing of teeth, as well as timely examinations will help minimize the possibility of developing diseases. In order to never encounter worms in your teeth, you should follow these recommendations:
- Consult a doctor immediately if swelling or pain in the gums or lips is bothering you.
- Do not eat meat and fish of dubious quality.
- Rinse fruits, vegetables and greens thoroughly.
- Get rid of flies as soon as possible after they fly into the room. Do not eat those foods on which insects were sitting.
- Always carefully monitor oral hygiene.
- Do not use someone else's toothbrush, lipstick or lip brush.
- Always wash your hands, especially after visiting medical facilities and other public places.
If you follow all of these recommendations, acquaintance with oral parasites can be easily avoided. In the case when, after visiting any exotic country, a feeling appears that something is stirring in the gums, modern medicine will be able to quickly deal with this problem.