A dream is a man-lion. How to conquer it?

Often girls ask themselves how to conquer a man and bring him to the altar. Alas, in our time, when men are by no means in a hurry to be bound by marriage, we are talking about their conquest. How best to dress and what to talk about, to be modest or to jump on the neck yourself - all this can tell the horoscope.

Let's see how to behave if your chosen one is a male Leo. How to win it, how to attract and how not to lose?

Of course, everyone heard that the lion is the king of animals. If your task is a conquered male Leo, how to conquer it can be understood, first of all, precisely on the basis of this fact. Remember, your chosen one will certainly need a throne and retinue, as well as a queen nearby, and such a queen who will raise him to this very throne. And his retinue for the most part will consist of women. Are you ready for this? If not, then leave this idea and look for a representative of another zodiac sign.

Remember, a male lion will never choose a gray mouse for his wife. He is a king, and he needs a wife according to his status. In order for Leo to draw attention to you, you must in all respects become the best in his environment. Only when you are surrounded by general attention and admiration, when Leo repeatedly hears from others that it is you who are the most amazing, stylish and smart woman, he will look at you and it will occur to him that you could become good for him a couple. Leo needs everyone to admire him, and his wife will become a part of his image.

Oddly enough, despite his regality, the male Leo is not only tolerant of the fact that his companion flirts with others, but even encourages such behavior. This is due to the fact that Leo is flattered that next to him is a woman who is interesting to other men. If attention is paid to his companion, this confirms the right choice for him and makes him proud: after all, this woman, desirable for many, is with him, and not with someone else. But remember - a male Leo will never tolerate treason. Flirt must remain flirt, and in no case harm his reputation. Without absolute fidelity and devotion, you cannot conquer this zodiac sign.

Leo male: compatibility.

Let's face it, not every woman is suitable for a male lion. How to conquer it is an insoluble question for representatives of many zodiac signs.

For the Aries woman, conquering Leo will not be a problem. A bright and eccentric personality, she will easily enter his rhythm of life and will shine with him. Both are passionate, strong, inspired natures. However, it is these features that can prevent them from creating a strong marriage. Quarrels in it are inevitable, however, the Aries woman is able to give Leo leadership in the family, which will allow them to remain together.

A completely different warehouse is a Taurus woman. Tender and homely, she will create a reliable rear for Leo and at the same time completely obey him. The male lion in bed is passionate, and the female Taurus is a match for him. And besides carnal pleasures, this union promises both mutual understanding and stability.

As for the female Gemini, it is here that the male Leo should be wary. How to conquer it, a fast and independent twin lady does not even think. Of course, she will succumb to the truly regal grandeur of Leo, but she will not rush to establish a serious relationship with him. She is not someone else’s property and will not adapt to Leo. And as a result - a quick parting.

A completely different matter is the domestic and economic girl Cancer, with whom Leo can easily create a strong family. The only thing that can ruin their relationship is the excessive “homework” of Cancer, because Leo loves social events very much.

Of course, the Lioness will become an ideal pair of Leo. Bright and passionate, able to support him in everything, always shining. Of course, a family in which both husband and wife, pronounced leaders can not be called calm. They both want to be admired, but do not want to admire anyone other than their beloved. Alas, this is what will become a stumbling block ...

To conquer the Leo man can very well be obtained from the Virgin. They easily complement each other, but it is difficult for them to achieve mutual understanding in absolutely all matters, except for “who is the boss in the house”. The master will be Leo, and Virgo will be quite satisfied with this.

If we are talking only about the novel, then Leo will be a lovely couple of amorous woman-Libra. They have excellent sexual compatibility, they are interested in together, but both behave somewhat frivolously, which can greatly interfere with marriage.

It is unlikely that a Capricorn woman will reach an understanding with Leo. Too both are ambitious and love leadership, including in their own home. Another battlefield may arise if in the same house there are a male Lion and a female Scorpio. Two of these passionate and strong personalities get together almost impossible. Even if the fatal female Scorpio manages to win Leo (and she always succeeds), this alliance will not be long.

However, a strong character does not hinder the creation of an ideal relationship between Leo and the Sagittarius woman. They are extremely well suited to each other: ideal friends and lovers who are able to support each other and bring joy to their everyday lives. If Leo, who is striving for a classic marriage, succeeds in convincing the Sagittarius woman to give up her freedom, their union will be simply excellent.

No less problematic than with Scorpio and Capricorn, will be the union of Leo with Aquarius. Despite the brightness of feelings, marriage is unlikely to succeed, because Aquarius woman is not a lover of household: life will be unbearable for both.

But a dreamy and even somewhat infantile woman-Fish, oddly enough, can become a good companion to Leo. She will allow him to feel like a real king, patronizing her and giving her love and care. But, alas, she does not like to do household chores at all, which Leo will not like too much.

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