With frequent work with e-mail to promote the site, selling goods and services, advertising, etc. It is very important that letters not only have useful and interesting content for users, but also look attractive. Of course, you can create individual messages each time, but this takes time, effort and a staffed web designer who will have to pay a lot of money for this. It is much easier to use ready-made html template letters.
What it is?
In fact, these are draft letters with a ready-made design, where you just need to insert the necessary information. HTML letters-templates are available in large quantities on the net. A considerable part of them is paid, which is not surprising. People have been wasting their time, and now they want to get paid for it. However, there are also quite beautiful and functional free offers.
Template letters can be useful for any newsletter, whether it is a welcome message, congratulations, any special offers and promotions. Each type of writing has a certain typical structure, which means that a suitable template can be selected for it.
Two factors play an important role in templates:
1) Adaptability (the ability to change the html-template of a letter for mailing for oneself without special skills in web programming), simplifying and speeding up work.
2) Its attractiveness from a visual point of view, on which efficiency is very dependent.
Email does not support so-called block layout, and html template letters should be laid out in tabular form. Also, most e-mail programs are not compatible with css-styling, so you will also have to do without it.
A long time ago, when people used email only from home computers. Now the functionality of many mobile devices is not inferior to them at all. Accordingly, html email templates should work equally well on tablets, and on mobile phones, and on smartphones.
For small screens, minimalism is true. Only the most needed items should remain displayed. Clickable design fragments should be made of this size and positioned so that the right link can be accessed the first time.
Design by device
It will be pointless to create beautiful mailings if they eventually still appear incorrectly for a number of users. If the letter did not open well initially, then it is very unlikely that the user will open it later from another device. Most likely, the message will be deleted immediately, and a person may even unsubscribe from the newsletter and decide to refuse to use the services.
There are two possible solutions to this problem. The first option is html letter templates that will change their size depending on the size of the screen. This method is more easily implemented from the point of view of coding and is applicable for simple designs that will be distinguishable even on small devices. Another solution is a responsive design, not just decreasing in size, but fully adapting to different screens. This option is somewhat more difficult to implement, and browsers and email clients do not always support it correctly.