How to beat ingrown hair on the legs?

Smooth and beautiful skin is the dream of every woman. Today there are a huge number of ways to get rid of excess vegetation on the body. However, many of them have side effects. One of the most unpleasant among them is ingrown hair on the legs. How to deal with this problem?

Why does hair grow in?

Ingrown hair on legs
Ingrown hair can appear with regular shaving, and with any method of hair removal, involving the removal of the visible part of the hair along with the hair follicle. It doesn’t matter if the follicle is affected or not. With regrowth, you can choose the wrong hair direction in any situation. Visually, it resembles black dots. If the hair under the skin has already grown decently, you can see it in its entirety. Often, irritation occurs on the affected area or even pimples filled with pus appear. The most unpleasant phenomenon is ingrown hair on the legs with regular use of hair removal methods, involving the removal of excess vegetation along with hair follicles. When pulled out with tweezers, an epilator or wax strips, the hairs become thinner, and it is often very difficult to notice and remove them. In such a situation, it is recommended to choose a different method of vegetation removal, at least for the duration of treatment.

Ingrown hair: treatment and prevention

Ingrown hair treatment

You can prevent hair ingrowth by regularly peeling the skin in problem areas. But with this method it is worth being careful of those who have too thin and sensitive skin. After intensive exfoliation, it is necessary to apply a nourishing lotion or cream to the skin. It is also advisable to steam the skin before any hair removal procedure. It is enough to take a warm bath or stand for 10 minutes in the shower. Hair will be easier to remove, pain will decrease. It is imperative to perform depilation on clean skin, so you will significantly reduce the likelihood of dirt getting into the follicles or the resulting micro-wounds when pulling. But what if the problem still appears? How to remove ingrown hair that is visible? For this procedure, you will need a thin needle and an antiseptic. Disinfect the needle and the affected area, carefully pierce the skin and pull the hair to the surface, as if you were pulling a splinter. You can not use this technique to remove hairs that are deep under the skin.

How else can you defeat ingrown hair on your legs?

How to remove ingrown hair
In the pharmacy or cosmetic store there are special preparations against ingrown hair - these are gels and creams. Some folk remedies help no worse. For example, a nonsense mixed with regular skin cream. This is a tool that improves blood circulation and accelerates healing. But use it with caution, as there is always a risk of overdrying the skin. You can defeat ingrown hair on the legs using any acne remedies. After depilation, the skin needs a soothing and nourishing care. A good home remedy is olive oil, you can add a few drops of any essential oil to it. It is applied to damp skin and then blotted with a towel.

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