"Daub" after menstruation: causes and effects

Every woman sooner or later in life has such a problem as "daub" after menstruation. What can cause such a phenomenon, what does it testify to and how to protect oneself from its appearance?

daub after menstruation

As a rule, such a situation is not caused by serious pathologies, therefore it should not bring unrest. Such a "daub" after menstruation is associated with the fact that intrauterine tissues begin to age. As a rule, the discharge in this case may have a reddish tint and a liquid consistency.

So, for girls it is considered normal that such problems appear after menstruation. However, there are some types of discharge that are a sign of a serious disease, therefore they must be distinguished from the norm. Nevertheless, attention should be paid to such a phenomenon as brown "daub" after menstruation. The reasons are established by the gynecologist after carrying out the necessary complex of tests and examinations. In principle, such discharge is acceptable if the menstruation lasted no more than a week. If they arise instead of menstruation, then you should think about the development of endometritis, endometriosis or endometrial hyperplasia.

It turns out that a "daub" after menstruation of this kind may be the result of implantation of an embryo into the uterine wall. It occurs about 10 days after ovulation. But in this case, one should not forget about visiting the gynecologist, because such a condition should not remain without the attention of specialists.

brown daub after menstruation

Why does "daub" appear often enough after menstruation? Consider what should be attributed to the category of pathological discharge:

  1. It turns out that constant mucous discharge, which does not stop, is not always the norm. This situation indicates that no changes occur in the hormonal background of the body, which is a consequence of cervical erosion, the development of infertility, and may also signal chronic inflammation or cervical dysfunction.
  2. If white curdled discharge appears, candidiasis may develop. Such a disease is accompanied by severe itching and sour smell.
  3. If there is a bloody "daub" after menstruation, this can be the cause of pathological diseases of the pelvic organs, such as endocervicitis, cervical erosion, intrauterine pregnancy, or abnormalities in the course of pregnancy. At the beginning of the first trimester of pregnancy, there may be a certain amount of spotting (this is considered normal until about 7-9 days after conception). But sometimes the cause of everything is a decrease in hormonal levels or a beginning miscarriage. Specialists in the antenatal clinic in this situation will conduct an examination and prescribe a series of preventive measures to preserve the pregnancy. Brown discharge may occur immediately while taking the prescribed hormonal preparations, but they quickly end. If this situation is long enough, do not forget to contact a gynecologist.
    why after menstruation daub

Most often, the cause of the discharge that appears after menstruation is an exacerbation of inflammatory processes. Therefore, a visit to a doctor is simply necessary.

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