The meaning of the name Linda: the origin, nature and fate of man

Kindness, sanity, prudence, diplomacy are the traits Linda possesses. The meaning of the name will be interesting to know its owners. This information will also be useful to mothers and fathers who are going to call their daughter.

What is the origin and meaning of the name Linda

For starters, it's worth figuring out where it came from and what it means. What is the origin and meaning of the name Linda? The most popular version says that it was formed from the German word lind. Translated into our language, it sounds like “soft”, “meek”.

little linda

There are scholars who ascribe Spanish roots to the name. According to this version, the meaning of the name Linda is “beautiful”. It is also impossible not to mention that it is a short form of many names. Florinda, Rosalind, Belinda, Melinda are just some of them.


  • Patron Planet - Uranus.
  • Signs of the Zodiac - Aquarius, Capricorn.
  • Auspicious color is purple.
  • Talisman Stone - Rhinestone.
  • Totem animal - electric stingray.
  • The plant is a saxifrage.
  • A tree is an aspen.
  • Auspicious days - Wednesday, Saturday.

In childhood

Parents who want to call their daughter that way cannot but be interested in the meaning of the name Linda for the girl. Mom and dad will have a hard time with the baby in her first years of life. Emotional girls can be mistaken for capriciousness, but this is not so. Linda is really capable of being upset "out of the blue." Fortunately, over the years this feature has been smoothed out.

Linda in childhood

As she grows up, the girl develops her positive traits, learns to control negative manifestations. Almost from the first years of life it is clear that she has a strong-willed and persistent character, which is hardly typical of emotional children. If Linda wanted something, then she would do her best to achieve what she wanted. Parents should teach the girl to see the boundaries of what is permitted, take into account the opinions of other people.

Linda quickly learns new knowledge, which makes her a good student at school. However, excellent grades are not her goal. The girl is drawn to creative activities. She can be interested in drawing, singing, dancing, writing and so on. Parents should support their daughter and not demand quick results from her.


What does Linda's character become over the years, does the meaning of the name affect him? Sanity, prudence, kindness - its hallmarks. This woman is intelligent, well-mannered, does not allow herself to be rude. Many admire her equanimity, her ability to remain calm in any situation.

linda character

Linda is kind to people around her, easily forgives them weaknesses and weaknesses. She will not refuse to help a person who is in trouble. However, you should not test her patience. She is able to firmly put in place the one who is trying to use it for her own purposes, easily wins the struggle for a "place in the sun." Linda is inventive, able to act quickly and decisively. Natural charm often helps her out in difficult situations.

Friendship, communication

Linda is an interesting conversationalist, the owner of a broad horizons. In an unfamiliar company, she may behave restrained, revealed gradually. Lida has a lot of acquaintances who are attracted to her numerous advantages - intelligence, diplomacy, and the ability to keep secrets.

The owner of the name easily communicates on secular topics, but few people talk about what she has in mind. Linda allows herself to approach herself only to selected people, she has very few close friends. This situation completely suits her.

Profession, business

What profession will the owner of the name Linda choose ? The meaning of the name and fate are connected, this is reflected in the career. With the greatest desire, this woman will work in the fields of art and entertainment. Linda has been attracted to creative activity since childhood. With talent, she can become a great singer, dancer, decorator, fashion designer, actress, writer, screenwriter and so on.

Linda's career

Linda is a woman who does not set herself the goal of rising to a career peak. She is not afraid of black stripes, is ready to endure a fiasco, knows how to fall and rise again. This is not to say that the owner of the name devotes her whole life to the race for material wealth. However, she manages to earn money quite easily.

Linda can succeed as an entrepreneur. But only if her case will really captivate her. This woman is practical, hardworking, not afraid of competition and risk, ready to overcome the obstacles that arise on the way to the goal. She also has leadership qualities. Linda is able to inspire other people to exploits, lead them along.

Love family

Does the meaning of the name Linda affect the relationship of its owner with the opposite sex. This woman is charming, easily dizzy for men. However, she is in no hurry to reveal her feelings to her partner, she suspects a possible failure or betrayal.

linda in love

Linda is not in a hurry to create a family. She dreams of an ideal partner, long tries to find such. As a rule, this woman manages to arrange her personal life already after she lowers the bar of requirements for the chosen one. Linda will certainly find happiness in marriage with a loving, sensitive, attentive man. She has to get rid of the habit of searching for flaws in the character of the chosen one, criticizing him. Linda's husband should not forget that nothing will make this woman forgive the betrayal. If she becomes aware of the betrayal of her partner, she will permanently delete him from her life.

Linda can find happiness in marriage with Stepan, George, Vadim, Anatoly. She can also create a family with Ruslan, Renat, Ilyas, Alexander, Vitaliy.

Linda makes a wonderful mistress. The atmosphere of comfort and warmth reigns in her house. This woman is very attached to her children, she often spoils them.

Hobbies, hobbies

Linda is a person naturally endowed with curiosity. Her hobbies often change, as she constantly wants to try something new. This woman loves to read, gives preference to detectives. She may also be interested in collecting.

Linda is a creative person, which cannot but affect the choice of a hobby. Her hobbies can be dancing, music, painting, writing. If this woman has any talent, she will certainly try to find a use for him.


The article talks about what the name Linda means. What secret does its owner hide, what is she not ready to tell even to the closest people? The main secret of this lady is the ability to become extremely harsh, harsh. Such a Linda in front of him will see someone who tries to do harm to her family.

secret of linda

The owner of the name can powder anyone who tries to threaten her loved ones. Those around are better off not bringing Linda to this state.


Unfortunately, this woman cannot be called the owner of good health. Linda often colds in the cold season. It is important for her to dress according to the season, not to forget about warming. Also, one cannot fail to mention that the owner of the name has a tendency to allergies. Often, because of this, Linda can not afford to have a pet, which can really upset her. Not the best time of the year for her is the flowering season of herbs.

Linda must take care of her health. In no case should she smoke, abuse alcohol. Regular exercise is highly desirable.

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